Food Allergies and diet



  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Libby283 wrote: »
    Well and now my fiancé has given up cooking anything because it’s so hard to find things I can eat.

    I never thought I would be stuck with eating grits for dinner. But when the choices are that or salad...

    I ordered a cheesesteak for lunch, because I just could not do the lettuce, shredded carrots, mushrooms and spoon of black beans... of course I got a reaction. By theory it should have been fine.

    Well then it sounds like you're out of luck until you get a modicum of creativity. Every single thing I've cooked this week fits within your limitations and most of what I've cooked would not be difficult for someone learning how to cook. It's too bad that you have no desire to cook though and it sounds like hour fiancé is on equal footing.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    edited June 2019
    aokoye wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Libby283 wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I raised two children on my own. My priorities were my health, my children, and everything else. Clean but not tidy. Organized but with scheduled “down time”. Your described lifestyle is very stressful and if you have liver, kidney, and allergy problems, your body has said “enough”. Ignore its signals at your peril.

    Changing how you live and eat is not all deprivation. Frankly I don’t know how you get enough protein if all you tolerate as far as I can tell, is bacon, chicken, and hamburger. And you are sick of chicken. Eating a more balanced diet has got to help you start feeling better.
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I raised two children on my own. My priorities were my health, my children, and everything else. Clean but not tidy. Organized but with scheduled “down time”. Your described lifestyle is very stressful and if you have liver, kidney, and allergy problems, your body has said “enough”. Ignore its signals at your peril.

    Changing how you live and eat is not all deprivation. Frankly I don’t know how you get enough protein if all you tolerate as far as I can tell, is bacon, chicken, and hamburger. And you are sick of chicken. Eating a more balanced diet has got to help you start feeling better.

    Well when you are allergic to everything it is hard to eat a balanced diet. I am so over salads. I stopped eating dressing years ago because of reactions, which wasn’t terrible with added flavor like egg, chicken salad, tuna salad...chick fil a salads.

    Again, you will have so many more options for foods if you are willing to cook for yourself. You'd easily be able to make dressings that don't give you reactions and there are thousands of ways to prepare chicken so you don't get bored with it.

    Is this your complete list of "can'ts"?

    "egg, white potatoes, coconut, palm oil, turkey, lamb, pork, strawberries, fish or nuts"

    After strawberry season, I may challenge myself to go without them for a week to prove how easy it is when one is doing the cooking.

    Honestly I can go without all of those for a week - it's not especially difficult. Save for the nuts, I have gone without all of those for the past week (not purposefully), and that's despite it being strawberry season. I know, how dare I not eat strawberries all the time when they're in season, I should really get on that ;)

    Mind you, I don't eat pork, I almost exclusively eat eggs in baked goods which I haven't had much of lately, I rarely cook with lamb (I'd rather spend my dollars on other things - though I do quite like it), and not eating out constantly or buying a lot of packaged foods means avoiding palm oil is very. easy.

    Yup. I think I *have* gone without most of those for weeks.

    Strawberries: Well, I only eat the ones I grow. And it's a small patch. So I only get them for about two weeks out of the 52 in the year.

    Nuts: Super calorie dense. Not worth my time. I eat them, but only sometimes. I might have some walnuts at home right now? Maybe?

    Turkey: I hate deli meat, and only roast it at home once or twice a year. If even that.

    Coconut: Ew. Nope. Don't like it.

    Palm oil: I use vegetable, olive, and sesame the bulk of the time. Eating out might be a little harder if I had to ensure that places weren't using palm, but I only eat out twice a week or so, so...

    Eggs and white potatoes would be hard, but that's largely because I'm a lower-carb celiac, so eggs and potatoes are my staples. But if I couldn't do white potatoes, sweet would certainly be fine.

    Pork and lamb are sometimes proteins -- not for any nutritional reason, but more for the fact that I don't think of pork as a main protein, and lamb is expensive. But bacon = life. But I could do turkey bacon I suppose if I had to.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    SCoil123 wrote: »
    Last night I had carne asada with black beans and Spanish rice - super easy and allergy friendly. Plus it was delicious. You are making this so much harder than it needs to be by only focusing on what you can’t have instead of looking at what you safely can.

    If you don’t like steak find different ways to prepare it that you might. If you’re bored with chicken get creative with that too. Cooking doesn’t have to be hard, complicated, or time consuming to create results you enjoy.

    Premade carne asada sauce is available in some stores, but here's my favorite from scratch marinade recipe:

    I half the sauce, use 2 # of chuck stew beef, add a can of beans, cook it in the crock pot on Low for 6 or so hours, and serve over rice.

    I have marinated ahead of time like the recipe says, and also not marinated, and it doesn't seem to make a difference, probably due to cooking it the crock pot. If I were grilling, then I would use a different cut of beef and indeed marinate.

    I work from home now so start it at lunch, but if I didn't, I would either:
    1. Marinate it the night before and the day of have my OH grill it while I cook the rice and open a can of beans
    2. Cook a huge batch on the weekend in the crock pot and freeze some of it
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Dietitians are the best person to ask about these things. I have food allergies and when I got diagnosed, a dietitian is the one who told me what to eat and not to eat. The doctor didn't know a thing beyond telling me what I was allergic to.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    How can you be fussy and bored at the same time? Eating a limited menu is boring.

    Enough with the salad already. Salad does not equal healthy. I am pretty sure your solid favourites can be put together at home allergen free. It will be boring but at least it will safe.