This might be a silly question but...



  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I drink plenty of fluids. I'm a frequent urinator if I'm just sitting at a desk, I think it's boredom and being super sensitive to the urge then. Like when you MUST go in a movie...

    Anyway, if I'm moving about and doing things I can hold it just fine. No rush to go. I think I do have a pretty large bladder capacity.

    Caffeine (not sure about coffee specifically) is only a diuretic > 500mg of caffeine, which is a ton. And that is only in people who don't normally consume caffeine.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Thanks for the clarification.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,914 Member
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    I've always been a big water drinker. I don't drink anything else except the rare cup of tea. I pee normally.

    Coffee is a diuretic. That on top of high water consumption will keep you running for the toilet.

    I drink zero glasses of water a day. Zero.

    I do drink coffee. And eat yogurt. And pudding. And veggies. And fruit. And meat. And fish. And vanilla cones. And soups. And stews. And the occasional diet pop, or beer.

    And my pee is pale enough to indicate close to more, as opposed to less than enough, hydration.

    Because all the above are net hydrators.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    I've always been a big water drinker. I don't drink anything else except the rare cup of tea. I pee normally.

    Coffee is a diuretic. That on top of high water consumption will keep you running for the toilet.

    I drink zero glasses of water a day. Zero.

    I do drink coffee. And eat yogurt. And pudding. And veggies. And fruit. And meat. And fish. And vanilla cones. And soups. And stews. And the occasional diet pop, or beer.

    And my pee is pale enough to indicate close to more, as opposed to less than enough, hydration.

    Because all the above are net hydrators.

    I have def hydrated on strawberries before. Good breakfast, pound of strawberries.

    I also have to pee a lot, but I drink water as like, a thing to keep my hands busy while I'm staring at something at work. I probably drink more than I need to, but it tastes good.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,914 Member
    edited June 2019
    NovusDies wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    I've always been a big water drinker. I don't drink anything else except the rare cup of tea. I pee normally.

    Coffee is a diuretic. That on top of high water consumption will keep you running for the toilet.

    I drink zero glasses of water a day. Zero.

    I do drink coffee. And eat yogurt. And pudding. And veggies. And fruit. And meat. And fish. And vanilla cones. And soups. And stews. And the occasional diet pop, or beer.

    And my pee is pale enough to indicate close to more, as opposed to less than enough, hydration.

    Because all the above are net hydrators.

    Do you drink any cups of water? Mugs? Goblets? Flutes? Snifters? Steins?

    Nein! My Stein is for beer :lol:

    I suppose I have occasionally broken down and downed a bottle of water! Or seltzer! Or... even... <hushed voice> a dixie cup of water!

    Drat! I have been found out! My zero glasses of water are not quite absolutely zero! But they do average less than one a day, I think!!! :blush:
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    I've always been a big water drinker. I don't drink anything else except the rare cup of tea. I pee normally.

    Coffee is a diuretic. That on top of high water consumption will keep you running for the toilet.

    I drink zero glasses of water a day. Zero.

    I do drink coffee. And eat yogurt. And pudding. And veggies. And fruit. And meat. And fish. And vanilla cones. And soups. And stews. And the occasional diet pop, or beer.

    And my pee is pale enough to indicate close to more, as opposed to less than enough, hydration.

    Because all the above are net hydrators.

    Do you drink any cups of water? Mugs? Goblets? Flutes? Snifters? Steins?

    Nein! My Stein is for beer :lol:

    I suppose I have occasionally broken down and downed a bottle of water! Or seltzer! Or... even... <hushed voice> a dixie cup of water!

    It is funny that I didn't think of bottle for my silly question in the silly question thread.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,995 Member
    I can go about an hour, maybe 2 if I'm lucky without a bathroom break when I'm actively drinking water. I also get up 2-3+/times a night. I like having water to sip on all day (helps with the "boredom munchies") so just have accepted this is my life now LOL. Road trips always involve regular stops as well hahaha!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Perhaps there is very little concern about it creating a medical crisis unless you are just going nutso drinking it BUT being tied to a toilet does have disadvantages. If you ever pass up on an activity because you are uncomfortable being too far from a place to urinate it is having a negative impact on your life.

    Agreed, but there is a pretty big gap between negative impact and mortal peril. You can absolutely get plenty of hydration from sources other than straight water, and moderating water intake if it's causing inconvenience is completely reasonable, but jumping to "it can kill you" seemed like overkill. The urine color test mentioned above really is the best rule of thumb for keeping up with your hydration.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    I just pee a lot, one of my co workers said when she started to drink the 8 cups a day she also peed a ton but it tapered off after a few weeks. Hoping that happens soon!

    As for peeing when I am trying to sleep, if I make dinner my last 8 oz, i only get up once as opposed to 3 or 4 times.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    edited June 2019
    TrishSeren wrote: »
    You do know that drinking too much water is bad for you? It can dilute your sodium, causing low blood pressure which can then cause a heart attack. It can literally kill you.

    What are you trying to achieve by drinking so much water?

    I'm lucky if I drink one glass of water in a day, I get hydration from tea, diet sodas and food.

    I am drinking the amount my Doctor told me, so I'm going to go with her medical advise. As for doing stuff without a bathroom, if there's a bush then I'l good. Gross, but if you gotta pee you gotta pee.
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    I have always been a big peer. I pee A LOT. In the morning in particular I will pee at least once every hour. Before I leave home to go to work I will pee maybe 2 -3 times. I can pee on demand.

    Me peeing settles down once I eat my first lunch - then it seems to calm down and usually in the afternoon i'll only pee a couple of times.

    I try not to drink water in the evening at all. I usually pee at least once a night, and if I drink water then it will be 2-3 times a night.

    So sorry I don't have an answer for you!

    If I need to NOT pee for any reason, such as I need to drive to my parent's place for example which is 4 hours away, I won't drink any water. Then I usually will only need to stop to pee once or twice.

    OMG we could be the same person lol! I have to pee all the time, its comical at this point and all my friends and I joke about it. It does not need to matter how much or how little I drink, I still have to pee A LOT!! I find that if I fast in the morning and skip breakfast its even more then usual, if I eat something it's more my normal, which is still way more then the average person I think. Oh well, that's just my body I suppose and I have gotten used it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Those of you who drink lots of water how do you deal with peeing all the time? Idk if it's just me but whenever I drink the recommended amount of water I am CONSTANTLY peeing. I'm a mom to a toddler and a student and don't have the time or the ability to be peeing every 10-20 minutes lol. How do you deal with this/what can I do?

    Wanted to add my friend drinks way more water than I do and doesn't have to pee nearly as often as I do for some reason

    I'd say if you're peeing every 10-20 minutes that you are over-hydrating. There are some general recommendations for water, but there are no hard and fast rules. Individual hydration needs are just that. Over-hydrating can be just as bad as being dehydrated as you quickly deplete electrolytes if you're constantly peeing.

    I think you're just drinking too much water and should cut back.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    I shake it twice... and flush... lol
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    Those of you who drink lots of water how do you deal with peeing all the time? Idk if it's just me but whenever I drink the recommended amount of water I am CONSTANTLY peeing. I'm a mom to a toddler and a student and don't have the time or the ability to be peeing every 10-20 minutes lol. How do you deal with this/what can I do?

    Wanted to add my friend drinks way more water than I do and doesn't have to pee nearly as often as I do for some reason


    What do you think the recommended amount of water is?
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,017 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    I've always been a big water drinker. I don't drink anything else except the rare cup of tea. I pee normally.

    Coffee is a diuretic. That on top of high water consumption will keep you running for the toilet.

    I drink zero glasses of water a day. Zero.

    I do drink coffee. And eat yogurt. And pudding. And veggies. And fruit. And meat. And fish. And vanilla cones. And soups. And stews. And the occasional diet pop, or beer.

    And my pee is pale enough to indicate close to more, as opposed to less than enough, hydration.

    Because all the above are net hydrators.

    Do you drink any cups of water? Mugs? Goblets? Flutes? Snifters? Steins?

    Do you drink water by the thimble? Sip the dew from flower petals? Receive it from hands of fairies?

    Do you drink it in a box? Do you drink it with a fox?
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,727 Member
    Question for the females here regarding having straw-colored pee. Are you peeing in cups to check it out? I know I know, stupid question but I've always wondered when the topic of pee colors and drinking water comes up. Are you peeking between the seat and rim to see it? Obviously when it's in the water it's too late. Just curious! I think I'll keep drinking a lot of water!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,914 Member
    edited June 2019
    NovusDies wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    I've always been a big water drinker. I don't drink anything else except the rare cup of tea. I pee normally.

    Coffee is a diuretic. That on top of high water consumption will keep you running for the toilet.

    I drink zero glasses of water a day. Zero.

    I do drink coffee. And eat yogurt. And pudding. And veggies. And fruit. And meat. And fish. And vanilla cones. And soups. And stews. And the occasional diet pop, or beer.

    And my pee is pale enough to indicate close to more, as opposed to less than enough, hydration.

    Because all the above are net hydrators.

    Do you drink any cups of water? Mugs? Goblets? Flutes? Snifters? Steins?

    Do you drink water by the thimble? Sip the dew from flower petals? Receive it from hands of fairies?

    Do you drink it in a box? Do you drink it with a fox?

    Your poetry brought tears to my eyes, and yet I didn't drink them!

    But I would definitely drink with a fox :wink:
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Question for the females here regarding having straw-colored pee. Are you peeing in cups to check it out? I know I know, stupid question but I've always wondered when the topic of pee colors and drinking water comes up. Are you peeking between the seat and rim to see it? Obviously when it's in the water it's too late. Just curious! I think I'll keep drinking a lot of water!

    That is actually a very good question. For me (and probably most women) I know what colour my pee normally is once it is in the water. it will still look darker if I am underhydrating. Kidney stones are a great reminder to check your urine. My consultant advised to try and get in 3 litres of liquid (not alcohol) a day for optimum kidney health. No need to go mad with water as it is not the only thing that hydrates you.