Clean Keto vs Dirty Keto



  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited June 2019
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Just started this Keto journey along side IF. Eating cheese and heavy dairy is starting to get to me 🤢 any suggestions on cleaner Keto?
    Looking into better fats (Ghee, Avocado, Nuts) suggestions Please!?

    @ShayKnicks31 I am into coconut oil for the MCT's but straight MCT oil gags me. While I am ok with eating coconut oil out of a spoon typically it add it to my coffee, grounded cinnamon and with half and half cream.

    After 6 months I had figured out what I like and did not like to eat. As noted Job #1 is keeping carbs under 50 grams daily for many of us. I am never lower than 50 grams because I eat a lot of fiber in nuts, etc.

    Thanks! I’ve been using coconut milk (canned not the one in dairy section) and that’s helped a lot. I def am looking to eat cleaner though. The cheese and bacon just the excessive fatty fats 😂 are getting to me a bit. Really appreciate your input. 👋🏾

    Eating "cleaner" is a vague and arbitrary classification that most people generally find unhelpful. I wonder if "Clean Keto" and "Dirty Keto" are just buzzwords so that keto followers can find ways to feel superior about their dietary choices.

    What are your actual nutritional goals? What are your weight management goals? Why did you choose a ketogenic diet in the first place? Do you have a medical reason to restrict carbs?

    I don’t necessarily consider them buzzwords when I created the feed. I truly am asking for suggestions on better/cleaner fats to consume vs eating all these heavy foods (cheese, bacon, etc)
    Nutritionally I want something that can be adaptable to my whole family where it’s more Whole Foods vs eating processed “quick meals”. Nope no medical reason just a choice that I made for my weight loss journey. Hope that answers your question.

    If you have any suggestions that would be awesome!

    Clean vs dirty doesn't really tell us what fats you want to limit, however. Many people limit sat fat, but that doesn't make it dirty, and different people find different foods heavy.

    If you want fats commonly considered healthy, you've gotten good advice already: nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty fish like salmon, olives and olive oil, avocado oil. I'd add in eggs too, personally, since I have no issues with dietary cholesterol.

    When I was doing keto (although I struggled to keep in my carbs goal), I'd do something like:

    2 egg omelet with vegetables and a little feta and then have half an avocado on the side. (However, a lot of people want a fast option in the morning, so experiment with egg bites). For mornings, can the rest of the family fend for themselves?

    For lunch I'd often have a big salad with some kind of meat on it, plus some nuts or seeds and maybe olives depending on the kind of salad I was in the mood for. I'd make a dressing out of olive oil and vinegar.

    For dinner I'd have meat (not super fatty cuts, just normal mix of higher and lower fat content depending on the day - chicken roasted with bones and skin, steak or other cut of beef, pork chops, lamb, salmon, trout, you can also do things like pulled pork or pot roast) plus a bunch of veg (cooked in olive oil). For a little something after the meal you can have nuts or nut butter or full fat yogurt, perhaps. Some would add a sauce or something to add cals and fat to the dinner itself, but I often didn't bother. You can also use meat and veg to make a curry or stew or chili or pasta-type sauce or something and would use some fat in making that (of your choice based on the dish) and if it is something you'd normally put on pasta or rice you could use an alternative like cauliflower rice or spaghetti squash.

    You can get loads of keto-themed recipes too, but I mostly don't cook from recipes.

    The easy thing about the dinners is you can do a starch with it too (potatoes, sweet potatoes, pasta, corn, rice, peas, etc.) and just not have that bit, that's for the rest of the family.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm doing keto and have maybe 1 oz of cheese per day (in a salad, or on top of meat or veggies, or a slice as a snack with a slice of deli meat), and I use bacon sparingly in my cooking.

    Here are some lighter things that I make:

    * Tuna salad
    * Egg salad
    * Salad with all sorts of veggies, diced deli meat, and a sliced hard-boiled egg
    * Celery with almond butter (or whatever nut butter I have)
    * Fish or shrimp cooked in coconut oil (if you like coconut, the flavor of cooking fish in it is amazing). Sometimes I'll bread it in a little almond flour and parmesan. It's absolutely delicious. I had a 4 oz piece of white fish with some mashed cauliflower (I mashed it with a little yogurt, parmesan, and garlic) a few days ago and it was not only yummy but surprisingly very filling.
    * Grilled chicken kabobs (marinate it in yogurt and Indian spices, cube it, skewer it, and grill- it's incredible). You can do veggie skewers at the same time for an easy, almost-no-cleanup meal.
    * Chicken drumsticks- I'll put 6-10 on a cookie sheet or in a casserole dish, and put different spices mixes on each pair. One quick prep/cooking session, and voila, now you have 3+ different flavors.
    * Chia pudding make with full-fat coconut milk

    I love trying out new recipes and I've found tons of super-yummy keto ideas on Pinterest. We've been doing it for 3 weeks and haven't gotten bored yet!
  • KetoKatee
    KetoKatee Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2019
    I don't label what I eat as 'good', 'bad', 'clean' 'dirty' etc. Instead I look at the foods I'm choosing and see how it fits in with my goals. Since I'm HFLC/keto, my main focus is on making sure I get in enough fats. I use butter, HWC, ghee and avocado oil to do this, as well as fattier cuts of meats. After that I incorporate foods that I like and gives me variety, which makes this whole thing enjoyable and sustainable. Under this category are things like cheese, eggs, beef jerky, pork rinds, Greek yogurt and veggies. And then coffee-because it's Life <3

    I also still drink alcohol a couple times a month (flavored vodka with diet sprite/0 carbs), still enjoy eating out a few times a month, (I've discovered that it's pretty easy to do keto while eating out), and once in a while I eat berries or an avocado, just to keep things interesting. And I also eat nuts, low carb ice cream and dark chocolate once in a while too. I truly love this way of eating and how I feel now, so for me personally-this is the optimal diet for me. Others may do well with less dairy, leaner cuts of meats etc. You just need to experiment with different foods and see how you do with them. But, don't box yourself in with meaningless labels-they literally don't mean anything :)
  • KetoKatee
    KetoKatee Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2019
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Just started this Keto journey along side IF. Eating cheese and heavy dairy is starting to get to me 🤢 any suggestions on cleaner Keto?
    Looking into better fats (Ghee, Avocado, Nuts) suggestions Please!?

    @ShayKnicks31 I am into coconut oil for the MCT's but straight MCT oil gags me. While I am ok with eating coconut oil out of a spoon typically it add it to my coffee, grounded cinnamon and with half and half cream.

    After 6 months I had figured out what I like and did not like to eat. As noted Job #1 is keeping carbs under 50 grams daily for many of us. I am never lower than 50 grams because I eat a lot of fiber in nuts, etc.

    Thanks! I’ve been using coconut milk (canned not the one in dairy section) and that’s helped a lot. I def am looking to eat cleaner though. The cheese and bacon just the excessive fatty fats 😂 are getting to me a bit. Really appreciate your input. 👋🏾

    Eating "cleaner" is a vague and arbitrary classification that most people generally find unhelpful. I wonder if "Clean Keto" and "Dirty Keto" are just buzzwords so that keto followers can find ways to feel superior about their dietary choices.

    What are your actual nutritional goals? What are your weight management goals? Why did you choose a ketogenic diet in the first place? Do you have a medical reason to restrict carbs?

    I don’t necessarily consider them buzzwords when I created the feed. I truly am asking for suggestions on better/cleaner fats to consume vs eating all these heavy foods (cheese, bacon, etc)
    Nutritionally I want something that can be adaptable to my whole family where it’s more Whole Foods vs eating processed “quick meals”. Nope no medical reason just a choice that I made for my weight loss journey. Hope that answers your question.

    If you have any suggestions that would be awesome!

    Why do you think cheese and bacon are 'heavy' foods? Could you clarify what you mean by that?