1.5 Years After Baby and Still Stuck!

It has been 1.5 years since I had my little one and I've gotten in an exercise routine and been eating healthy and still cannot ge back to the weight I was at before pregnancy. Has anyone else struggled with this? Any tips or thoughts? I'm so frustrated! Thank you in advance!


  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    My son turns 2 next month and I am still carrying 20lbs of pregnancy weight. For me, it is just a matter of time and staying in a calorie deficit which I don't always have the motivation to do. I have lost ~25lbs in the last 10 months so I'm working at it.

    Are you trying to get back to pre-pregnancy weight or size? If size, keep in mind that your body might be shaped slightly differently now and not fit clothes the same regardless of your weight. How far are you from the weight you want to be? Are you counting calories and using a food scale to weigh all of your food?
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    I’ve no experience with baby weight, but have you tried calorie counting? That worked for me.

    And by calorie counting I mean the whole shebang- calculate a modest calories deficit, plan a menu, start a food diary, use a food scale to crunch numbers. Healthy eating won’t result in weight loss if your portions are too big. Calorie counting has a learning curve. Give it a try. It works.
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    You can eat healthy and workout and still eat more than your body needs in a day which is going to kill any chance you have of weight loss. Key to weight loss is to eat less calories that your body uses.
  • Alia_R
    Alia_R Posts: 410 Member
    It’s going on 4 years for me since I had my second kid but managing to make progress with my weight loss. I started at around 185 lbs just over a year ago and now I’m at 155 lbs. I won’t lie, it’s been f**king hard. There were times where I wanted to throw in the towel and say to hell with it. I’m still going at it thoug. My goal is to get back at 145 lbs.

    You just got to keep at it. What’s your fitness goals? Maybe shake up your exercise routine, whatever that may be? What’s your daily caloric intake goal set at and are you weighing out your food?
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    My son turns 2 next month and I am still carrying 20lbs of pregnancy weight. For me, it is just a matter of time and staying in a calorie deficit which I don't always have the motivation to do. I have lost ~25lbs in the last 10 months so I'm working at it.

    Are you trying to get back to pre-pregnancy weight or size? If size, keep in mind that your body might be shaped slightly differently now and not fit clothes the same regardless of your weight. How far are you from the weight you want to be? Are you counting calories and using a food scale to weigh all of your food?

    I am just trying to get back to the pre-pregnancy weight. I know that things have changed and I'm (learning to be) okay with that. That is awesome that you have lost ~25 in the last 10 months! Congrats!

    I'm trying hard to have a deficit, I just end up getting so exhausted to the point I cannot move when I do (which is annoying) or my blood sugars start to get a bit weird. I am about 10 lbs away from the weight I was before pregnancy. I know it is not that much, but I just do not feel like myself and I'm just not comfortable. I have counted calories, but I have not used a food scale. I typically base my meals around vegetables and really monitor my grain intake.

    I've also been doing a modified intermittent fasting (16 hours fasting and 8 hour eating window). I incorporate yoga, running and strength throughout the week. Agh, this is so frustrating!
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    I’ve no experience with baby weight, but have you tried calorie counting? That worked for me.

    And by calorie counting I mean the whole shebang- calculate a modest calories deficit, plan a menu, start a food diary, use a food scale to crunch numbers. Healthy eating won’t result in weight loss if your portions are too big. Calorie counting has a learning curve. Give it a try. It works.

    Thank you for your response and the help! I definitely have a routine/menu each day and write down the calories and what I'm eating. I can't get in too much of a deficit or I start to get really weak and then I'm useless lol. I have been incorporating more of a heavy vegetable intake (leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, an array of colors) are what make the base of my meals and the most I do for a grain is quinoa and have roughly 1/2 a cup if I do. Otherwise, a lot of dinner salads. I'm not sure if this is my new normal? It's definitely frustrating!
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    You can eat healthy and workout and still eat more than your body needs in a day which is going to kill any chance you have of weight loss. Key to weight loss is to eat less calories that your body uses.

    You are definitely right on that! I might just need to cut down further - I end up getting nauseous or exhausted and so I have been trying to not have too much of a deficit, so maybe that is where I'm going wrong.
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »

    Thank you so much for your reply! I appreciate it a ton! :) I'll check those out for sure!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    Do you use a food scale to crunch numbers?
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    Alia_R wrote: »
    It’s going on 4 years for me since I had my second kid but managing to make progress with my weight loss. I started at around 185 lbs just over a year ago and now I’m at 155 lbs. I won’t lie, it’s been f**king hard. There were times where I wanted to throw in the towel and say to hell with it. I’m still going at it thoug. My goal is to get back at 145 lbs.

    You just got to keep at it. What’s your fitness goals? Maybe shake up your exercise routine, whatever that may be? What’s your daily caloric intake goal set at and are you weighing out your food?

    First off, congrats on the 30# loss, that is awesome! I am sorry that it has been rough, and it is truly inspiring and awesome that you are still doing it! You will get there!!

    Right now I'm trying to incorporate aerobic activity with running, strength training and then yoga for flexibility, strength and balance. My daily caloric intake is set at 1280.
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    Do you use a food scale to crunch numbers?

    That is the one thing that I have not used yet. I have one, I just need to get it out again.
  • Alia_R
    Alia_R Posts: 410 Member
    It sounds like you’re on the right track! I’d say keep at it, but I know that’s easier said than done. The key is not to give up. You got this girl! ☺️
    Alia_R wrote: »
    It’s going on 4 years for me since I had my second kid but managing to make progress with my weight loss. I started at around 185 lbs just over a year ago and now I’m at 155 lbs. I won’t lie, it’s been f**king hard. There were times where I wanted to throw in the towel and say to hell with it. I’m still going at it thoug. My goal is to get back at 145 lbs.

    You just got to keep at it. What’s your fitness goals? Maybe shake up your exercise routine, whatever that may be? What’s your daily caloric intake goal set at and are you weighing out your food?

    First off, congrats on the 30# loss, that is awesome! I am sorry that it has been rough, and it is truly inspiring and awesome that you are still doing it! You will get there!!

    Right now I'm trying to incorporate aerobic activity with running, strength training and then yoga for flexibility, strength and balance. My daily caloric intake is set at 1280.
    Alia_R wrote: »
    It’s going on 4 years for me since I had my second kid but managing to make progress with my weight loss. I started at around 185 lbs just over a year ago and now I’m at 155 lbs. I won’t lie, it’s been f**king hard. There were times where I wanted to throw in the towel and say to hell with it. I’m still going at it thoug. My goal is to get back at 145 lbs.

    You just got to keep at it. What’s your fitness goals? Maybe shake up your exercise routine, whatever that may be? What’s your daily caloric intake goal set at and are you weighing out your food?

    First off, congrats on the 30# loss, that is awesome! I am sorry that it has been rough, and it is truly inspiring and awesome that you are still doing it! You will get there!!

    Right now I'm trying to incorporate aerobic activity with running, strength training and then yoga for flexibility, strength and balance. My daily caloric intake is set at 1280.

  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    Alia_R wrote: »
    It sounds like you’re on the right track! I’d say keep at it, but I know that’s easier said than done. The key is not to give up. You got this girl! ☺️
    Alia_R wrote: »
    It’s going on 4 years for me since I had my second kid but managing to make progress with my weight loss. I started at around 185 lbs just over a year ago and now I’m at 155 lbs. I won’t lie, it’s been f**king hard. There were times where I wanted to throw in the towel and say to hell with it. I’m still going at it thoug. My goal is to get back at 145 lbs.

    You just got to keep at it. What’s your fitness goals? Maybe shake up your exercise routine, whatever that may be? What’s your daily caloric intake goal set at and are you weighing out your food?

    First off, congrats on the 30# loss, that is awesome! I am sorry that it has been rough, and it is truly inspiring and awesome that you are still doing it! You will get there!!

    Right now I'm trying to incorporate aerobic activity with running, strength training and then yoga for flexibility, strength and balance. My daily caloric intake is set at 1280.
    Alia_R wrote: »
    It’s going on 4 years for me since I had my second kid but managing to make progress with my weight loss. I started at around 185 lbs just over a year ago and now I’m at 155 lbs. I won’t lie, it’s been f**king hard. There were times where I wanted to throw in the towel and say to hell with it. I’m still going at it thoug. My goal is to get back at 145 lbs.

    You just got to keep at it. What’s your fitness goals? Maybe shake up your exercise routine, whatever that may be? What’s your daily caloric intake goal set at and are you weighing out your food?

    First off, congrats on the 30# loss, that is awesome! I am sorry that it has been rough, and it is truly inspiring and awesome that you are still doing it! You will get there!!

    Right now I'm trying to incorporate aerobic activity with running, strength training and then yoga for flexibility, strength and balance. My daily caloric intake is set at 1280.

    Aww thank you so much! And so do you!! :) You're doing awesome!
  • delgadodelgado1120
    delgadodelgado1120 Posts: 102 Member
    Omg yes! This is exactly where I’m at! Before having the baby I ran half marathons, lifted weights, and did spinning. Now, walking to my room is enough to get me tired. What times are you finding to work out? For me, I go to the gym on my lunch break at work. Other than that, this weight loss process has been miserable
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    Omg yes! This is exactly where I’m at! Before having the baby I ran half marathons, lifted weights, and did spinning. Now, walking to my room is enough to get me tired. What times are you finding to work out? For me, I go to the gym on my lunch break at work. Other than that, this weight loss process has been miserable

    It's nice to know I'm not alone but I'm sorry that you are going through this too! It's definitely frustrating! Yes, my stamina and energy has not bounced back either and I used to have pretty good endurance, I feel you! I work out when I get home from work as I am not a morning person and I can't leave work during the day :/. I'm so sorry! What types of exercises are you doing?
  • delgadodelgado1120
    delgadodelgado1120 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! I’m mostly doing cardio. Even incorporating the weights didn’t help budge.

    Have you thought that maybe your body hasn’t recovered the pregnancy? Have you spoken to a doctor?
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    A food scale story. More recently, for some reason, instead of just scooping the dry oatmeal for breakfast into the microwave bowl with a measuring cup, I put it on the food scale. I have literally eaten this same breakfast 100s of times.

    The food scale revealed that what I had always counted as 225 calories was really about 290 calories, a 30% undercount. Use a food scale whenever possible to really know where you are. It might reveal why you are stuck.
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    I had my first baby 7 months ago and at 3 months postpartum, I was 184lbs (Feb this year). Since February, I’ve managed to lose around 37lbs, taking me to 147lbs. I log everything in my diary and use a food scale. Buying the food scale is one of the best things I have done because it made me realise how inaccurate I had been with my portion sizes and I was definitely overeating. I’d recommend buying a food scale as it’s a real eye opener!
  • Makingchanges17
    Makingchanges17 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi! I’m mostly doing cardio. Even incorporating the weights didn’t help budge.

    Have you thought that maybe your body hasn’t recovered the pregnancy? Have you spoken to a doctor?

    I'm sorry! I know that it is so frustrating! I've been trying to mix up my workouts to see if it will help and I've noticed a little more tone but the scale isn't budging too much for me either. I haven't spoken to a doctor yet, what about you?

    I figured everything would be good - I didn't realize stuff could still be there! Ah!