How did you pick your goal weight?



  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I decided to aim for a weight that seems doable at the high end of a healthy bmi and I have felt good at that weight in the past. About 140. I need to lose 20 pounds to get there. When I get there I will reassess. It’s about 20 pounds heavier than I was in high school.
  • ketsuban25
    ketsuban25 Posts: 17 Member
    What I weighed when I was 21 which is coincidentally right in the middle of normal and overweight.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I haven't set an ultimate goal weight, I've just been trying to focus on each mini goal. I should probably eventually aim to be in the 140's, but it feels so far away. For now, just getting from 185 to below 180 is what I'm working towards.
  • umbramirror
    umbramirror Posts: 256 Member
    edited June 2019
    I think that when an individual has a lot of weight to lose, starting with a goal of being within a healthy BMI range is a good foundation. It helps calculate a semi-objective frame of reference. After a target BMI is reached, then it can be beneficial to reassess a new goal weight from there if necessary since BMI is a very limited reference, and in my opinion, should only be one factor to consider in an overall assessment of health.

    In my case, I started by keeping a healthy BMI in mind to reach, though in the back of mind I knew that this would simply be a preliminary point. After I reached that weight, I set a new goal based on my knowledge of how I had felt and looked at previous weights. My goals kept shifting once I reached them because I would gather how I felt with my new body, and analyze if I wanted to make any adjustments. I have finally reached a weight in which I feel healthy and fit and am enjoying experimentation with maintenance.
  • Lenala13
    Lenala13 Posts: 155 Member
    prior to having two kiddos (when I was working out 5+ days a week), I was sitting around 140-145 and was happy with the way I felt and looked. That's my goal and we'll see how my post-baby body looks at that weight once I get there, and then adjust up or down as needed.
  • chelny
    chelny Posts: 179 Member
    You all make me feel old... I honestly don't remember what I weighed in high school! I remember I always felt like I was too fat. Maybe I was and maybe I wasn't. But I certainly wasn't as heavy as I became later as an adult. I guess my goal is based on my previous weight loss, when I got down to 150 around age 30. When I get there, I'll see how that feels & looks. I'm thinking 140 may be better, as it would put me solidly in the healthy BMI range. I'd like to get my BMI actually tested with calipers or whatever, to see if that is accurate for me.
  • QoLmatters
    QoLmatters Posts: 708 Member
    BMI :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Was it just a number you wanted to always be? A BMI calculation? Or do you have several milestones you want to hit and a big goal overall?

    I want to see if other people have a better way than picking a number just because it sounds good .

    I started at 250 in June last year right before I gave birth. Now I’m weighing in about 194. I’m not sure what my big goal weight should be because all I’ve ever said is I just want to be healthy.

    I wanted to be a weight I weighed in the past. Back when I was thin and thought I was fat.
    I was dumb about things in my 20s.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Ask me when I get there and I pick it. I am not sure when that will be other than my trusty spreadsheet tells me on my present course I will not be in goal range in the next 234 days (end of second year) which is as far as care to calculate right now.
  • avalonblues
    avalonblues Posts: 558 Member
    When I started MFP, I set my goal weight 10 pounds lower than my current weight. When I hit it and maintained for 6 weeks, I reset another 10 weeks loser. I have 12 pounds to go.
  • Live4Pasta
    Live4Pasta Posts: 5 Member
    My initial mini goal push was to just get under 200lbs. To stay there for a few weeks before I said to myself I was under 200lbs. It sounds so silly and arbitrary typing it out, but it helped me finally be serious about getting control of my weight again.

    Then my next mini goal was to get from 'obese' to the 'overweight' category of BMI. I did that, and knowing I can hit these goals makes me feel so much more positive.

    Next mini goal? top of the 'normal' category of BMI. So I have a fair bit of work to do.

    Overall I'd like to hit the middle of normal (around 140lbs) and then decide from there how I feel about things.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I didn't pick a goal weight, I picked a weight range. Once I'm in that range I'm planning to let my goal weight pick me. If I feel good at a certain weight I will stop, if not, I will keep going to the bottom of the range then start experimental maintenance and gain back some weight if needed until I arrive at a point that is relatively easy for me to maintain.
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    For me it was a voyage of discovery really.

    I had the initial goal of getting into the normal range on BMI (161lbs), basically just to prove it is nonsense.

    Which I did, but was far to underweight, so ended up putting a stone back on (175lbs).

    I was working in the gym at that point so it was part recomp as well, and found that higher number was just right for me. Stayed at that weight for 3 years (give or take a few pounds) until recently putting a lot on again.

    Now Im working back to that 175 thanks to my original experience.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    The middle of the BMI scale for my height - that's where I'll start unless I'm comfortable before.
  • Samantharavenclaw84
    Samantharavenclaw84 Posts: 161 Member
    I've chosen the lower 130's as my goal weight. My BMI says 104 to 131. When I was lower than 130 I looked sick. I didn't feel that great in the 140s. I figured I would shoot for lower 30's and then see how I feel. I was 133 the day I got married and I felt and looked my best, I think.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I've gone up and down in weight in the last 20 years more than I care to admit, but my lowest number is very realistic for my height and age, and is actually near the top of "normal BMI". It's also what I weighed in High School and while that may seem unrealistic at 44 years old, I don't care, I'm going for it!
  • slbbw
    slbbw Posts: 329 Member
    Moving target. It started as something below the top of my healthy BMI range. I have nudged it down by a few lbs based on the BF% I think I want to get to. Once I am there I may be interested in gaining muscle so the range might go up a bit. Having my BF measured towards the end of my weight loss has helped me hone in where I think my goal weight should be.