Bad News - High Cholesterol

AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
So, I just got my lab results back that my thyroid is great but my cholesterol is high. I've been eating fairly healthy and very very low junk/processed food (once every 8 to 10 days) But for some reason I can't seem to lower my cholesterol. I work out 3 days a week for an hour + I do and extensive amount of cardio outside of the gym (I rack up about 700 active minutes a week alone, according to my fitness app)

My allergies are the following: all nuts, avocado, seafood except fish and oysters, some fruits and vegetables, chick peas, green beans, etc. but I've been eating them anyways and taking a zyrtec for the allergic reaction that may happen.

What should I eat on a low cholesterol diet? I guess no more eggs for me. :(


  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Eat Cheerios and whole grains, they are supposed to help.

    No but seriously, if it's genetics then it's genetics and you don't have to feel at fault. Definitely limiting fats/red meat in your diet and eating fiber will help, but there may not be a ton you can do. Your doctor should be better able to advise you.

    Eat eggs. They're good for you, delicious and do not influence your cholesterol whatsoever.

    I hardly eat meat now. Mostly just fish and I'm kinda sick of it
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    Phirrgus wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    AquaMeow wrote: »
    So, I just got my lab results back that my thyroid is great but my cholesterol is high. I've been eating fairly healthy and very very low junk/processed food (once every 8 to 10 days) But for some reason I can't seem to lower my cholesterol. I work out 3 days a week for an hour + I do and extensive amount of cardio outside of the gym (I rack up about 700 active minutes a week alone, according to my fitness app)

    My allergies are the following: all nuts, avocado, seafood except fish and oysters, some fruits and vegetables, chick peas, green beans, etc. but I've been eating them anyways and taking a zyrtec for the allergic reaction that may happen.

    What should I eat on a low cholesterol diet? I guess no more eggs for me. :(

    I think the bigger question here is why are you eating foods you're allergic to and depending on an OTC allergy medicine to avert what could turn into anaphylaxis?

    Going out on a limb I have to guess you haven't told your doctor about the Zyrtec and why you're taking it. Some reactions can be severe...

    They know but they never advised me on what to eat so I'm just living on a whim here. Or in this case eating out of fear
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    What exactly was high? What do your labs look like?