Just give me one month - June 2019



  • Making_Impossible_Possible
    SW: 212.6
    UGW: 150
    MGW: 205


    May 31: No weight.

    June 01: 212.6 - Got back from Disneyland. Was 208 before I left. Walked 65k steps in a 40hr period.

    June 02: 212.6 - Holding steady. Am drinking more water. Feet finally feel like they aren't swollen.

    June 03: 211.2 ( -1.4)
    June 04: 209.6 (-1.8)
    June 05: 208.6 (-1.0)
    June 06: 209.0 (+0.4)

    June 07: 209.8 (+0.8) - I'm going the wrong way! Haven't felt good in the last couple of days and have been snacking more. Going to put a stop to that! Have to use the treadmill more too!

    June 08: 210.0. (+0.2) We ate out last night (had chipotle)

    June 09: 207.6!!! (-2.4) Yesterday was a very light day food wise. My stomach was really bothering me yesterday so nothing really sounded good. I had a chicken taco salad for dinner (which I didn't finish) then basically picked at nuts for the rest of the night. I also drank aboit half of my normal daily intake of water. Woke up to a surprise this morning. I was expecting a loss cause obviously I didn't eat much, but I wasn't expecting 207. I'll be excited for today and use this as motivation to her back at it!

    June 10: 207.8 (+0.2) - Made 60 minutes on the treadmill yesterday. Did it in 2 sessions though. Was pretty good about eating too and didn't snack too much. Will try for 30-45 min tonight. Want to keep going down! The numbers dropping really motivate me to keep going!

    June 11: 207.6 (-0.2) - TOM is coming and Im not looking forward to it. I tend to bloat and swell a bit. Hopefully the water I drink daily will help combat that, but I guess l'll see. I also managed to drink a gallon of water yesterday between 7am and like 10pm. I walked for another 30 min on the treadmill last night. Did it at 9:45 at night though. I REALLY didnt want ti do it, but I did. I was able to read and walk at the same time so that made the time pass by slowly. I very slowly increasing my speed as I go. I started at a reall low 1.3 cause that was winding me and have worked up to 1.5. Working towards 2 and up. I have short legs so its a lot of work for me! Heres to hoping the number tomorrow in lower than today!

    June 12: 208.6 (+1.0) - I hate when it's that TOM 1lb over night! I can feel it in my calfs and ankles, so I know I'm retaining water. But still! Ugh! It'll pass, but not fast enough!

    June 13: 208.2 (-0.4) - Well, I went down a little! I feel like I've been losing this same lb over and over again! I want to get back on track to losing. Can't wait till TOM is over! I skipped the treadmill last night, but will be back at it again today! I'd go walk outside during my slow time at work, but I'm sure it's close to pushing 100 outside already!

    June 14: 209.6 (+1.2) - Hate my period. Had meeting at work where lunch was bought. I didn't eat that much. Maybe had more chips than necessary, but overall not too bad.

    June 15: 211.6 (+2.0) - Really hate my period! I've gained 4lbs in as many days and I can feel it in my hands, legs and feet. It's like ALL the water I drink is held on to. (I drink 97oz + a day). Here's to hoping it all falls off once TOM is over.

    June 16: 211 (-0.6) - TOM is on its way out, and I'm not feeling as bloated. Gonna drink tons of water to help everything along. Have my meals prepped and for the most part logged for the week, so I'm ready! Hoping I'll be back to 207/208s by Wed or Thurs and even lower by the end of the week. Gotta get back on the treadmill too.

    June 17: 210.4 (-0.6) - Back on track at work today! Have got the majority of my steps in at work too... That usually doesnt happen. I have already drank a gallon of water today too, which is about 32oz more than what i ususay do. I feel like the water I was retaining is finally coming off too, so hopefully i will see another drop on the scale in the morning.Im off to go walk on the treadmill!!

    June 18: 208.4 (-2.0) - I think ive dropped, most, if not all water I was holding onto. I did use the treadmill, but it was only for 15 minutes. I was just not feeling it, but I will give it another go tonight, and i will go for at least 30 min. Im within a pound of my lowest recorde weight this month, so Im confident that I will get to my 205 goal by the end of the month. 12 more days!

    June 19: 207.2 (-1.4) new low for me! I'm so excited, just hope it keeps going down. I'm still having a hard time saying no to the pantry at night though, but I've been good about weighing/logging what I'm eating so I stops me from over eating. It's something I can work on at least. Did 25 min on the treadmill last night. Will aim for 30 tonight.

    June 20: 207.6 (+0.4) - Well, I didn't get the 30 min on the treadmill. We got new phones yesterday so I was busy being lazy and playing on my new gadget. Good thing is i didn't snack at night though! And i only "gained" four tenths of a pound, but that's probably from the spaghetti we had for dinner last night. Tonight is steak and veggies, and for sure 30 min on the treadmill. I've got 10 days left to make it into the 205s! Heck even if I don't get there, 5lbs in a month is good!

    June 21: 207.6 (no gain, no loss) - Stayed the same today. Better than going up, I guess. Made 30 min on the treadmill last night too. Will aim for that again tonight! Stayed within my food goal too. Here's to hoping to a lower weight in the morning!

    June 22: 208.0 (+0.4) - Welp, so much for going down in the morning. Ugh, don't know what's going on! I know I'll for sure be up in the morning. I was bad today, and we ended up with McDonalds for dinner. I logged it all, as much as it hurt, but being honest with myself is the only way this is going to work. We have breakfast planned with friends tomorrow and I'm stressing over what I'm going to eat. Gonna go check out their menu and see if I can fit anything together.

    June 23: 210.8 (+2.8) - Seemingly gained almost 3lbs overnight. I know it's mostly water, but I think my other issue is that I've not had a BM in a few days. I fight with constipation due to meds I need to take so this is an ongoing battle. I just need to get my eating back in check and I know I'll be back down to the 207s in a few days. Hate this rollercoaster!

    June 24: 210.2 (-0.6) - Going back down. Hopefully after today I'll be down even more. I have my whole day planned out. We're going to dinner tonight but I know where we are going, so I've been able to plan out and log my meals accordingly to keep me within my calorie goal. I'm on vacation from work ( just staying home, not doing anything special) so my number 1 objective today, and every day this week is to not pick and snack out of the pantry. Can only eat what I've got logged. Here goes nothing!

    June 25: 208.6 (-1.6) - Still going back down....finally. I'm literally re-gaining and losing the same 5lbs this month. It's getting frustrating. Need to refocus/regroup and get my butt in gear!

    June 26: 208.8 (+0.2) Not complaining. Hoping for a drop tomorrow as I'm ignoring the pantry today and am only eating what I've got logged already. I managed to do almost 45 min on the treadmill last night. I'm aiming for the same today.

    June 27: 207.0 (-1.8) - New low! I managed 60 minutes on the treadmill yesterday (in two different sessions) and was able to stay within my daily goal calorie wise. My ultimate goal this month was 205, but with only a few days left, I'm not sure I'm going to reach that, so my goal for the rest of the month is just to keep going down and basically see where I land on the last day of the month. I got my first Betty rocker workout and am trying to decide if I'm going to do it today of if I'm gonna wait till Monday. I was able to find the first one and watch it yesterday and I think it'll be something I can do, and it's only 15min (that's what I have to keep telling myself. hahaha)

    June 28: 207.6 (+0.6) - I decided to start my 30 challenge thing yesterday. I'm a little sore in my legs which is I'm assuming, part of the "gain" I saw this morning. No biggie. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and I know it'll eventually have to go back down. Still don't think I'm gonna hit the 205s this month, but that's what July is for!

    July 29: 209.2 (+1.8) - WTF. Someone please tell me this is water weight from my muscles being so dang sore! I did day 2 of my 30 day challenge yesterday and my legs are killing me. Just finished day 3 and my arms are gonna hurt tomorrow. I just can't win with my weight fluctuations though! It's like I go everywhere, but lower! Hopefully I'll see a whoosh here soon, or I think I'll go crazy. Starting Monday though, I've got to be better about what I eat. Yes, I'm tracking everything and staying within my goals, but I need to make better choices and learn how to freaking say no to snacking and the pantry. It's my biggest problem and it really angers me that I cannot stay out of the pantry!

    July 30: 210.0 (+0.8) - Okay, admittedly I did not eat well yesterday. But I feel like this month has been almost a complete waste. The scale is a butthead but I realize it's my own fault. Today I'm keeping myself under control! I have my whole day set for tomorrow and am under goal even with all the stuff I'll be able to eat. I'm still thinking a part of my gain is from my muscles being very sore, but I dont know how much weight I can attribute to that. I also know that I didn't eat enough calories to gain 3lbs either. On a positive note, I am ending the moth 2.6lbs lighter and I'm noticing that some of my tshirts are just a tad bit looser than they were before. I also completed my day 3 of my 30day challenge yesterday and yes, I'm sore again. I'll be doing day 4 here soon, plus get in 30min or so on the treadmill. Here's to starting July on a positive note! I hope I won't sound like a cry baby at the end of next month. Awesome job to everyone!
  • clairetomkinson
    clairetomkinson Posts: 73 Member
    May 31 : 119.9kg (263.78lb)
    June 01 : 119.5kg
    June 02 : 119.4kg
    June 03 : 118.6kg
    June 04 : 118.3kg
    June 05 : 118.7kg (late tea, over in calories and had a drink during the night).
    June 06 : 117.9 kg
    June 07 : 117.6kg
    June 08 : 117.1kg - Goal for the month is to get under 115kg. Looking to hit the target if things keep going this way. Thank you to whoever created this challenge. It has really kept me motivated.
    June 09 : 116.9kg. Sorry about the double post. Forgot to write today's weight.
    June 10 : 117.0kg. It happens. Had a reasonably good day yesterday.
    June 11 : 116.6kg
    June 12 : 117.0kg
    June 13 : 116.5kg
    June 14 : 116.3kg (255.86lb)
    June 15 : 116.1kg (255.42lb)
    June 16 : 116.0kg (255.2lb)
    June 17 : 115.2kg (253.44lb)
    June 18 : 115.1kg (253.22lb)
    June 19 : 115.4kg (253.88lb)
    June 20 : 114.6kg (252.12lb) Hit my goal!!!
    June 21 : 114.7kg (252.34lb)
    June 22 : 115.0kg (253.0lb)
    June 23 : 114.3kg (251.46lb)
    June 24 : 114.5kg (251.9lb)
    June 25 : 114.3kg (251.46lb) five more days to lose 300gms. That is very doable.
    June 26 : 115.1kg (253.22lb)
    June 27 : 114.8kg (252.55lb)
    June 28 : 114.5kg (251.9lb)
    June 29 : 115.1kg (253.22)
    June 30 : 114.4kg
  • clairetomkinson
    clairetomkinson Posts: 73 Member
    5.5kg down this month. Will this be going on again in July? I found it really motivating.
  • AbbieOffman
    AbbieOffman Posts: 165 Member
    edited June 2019
    SW: 220 ( Started Jan 11/19)
    CW: 191
    UGW: 160
    MGW: 185


    May 31: 190.6 (rum night)
    June 01: 189.4 (0 Carb day)
    June 02: 188.4
    June 03: 188.9 (over carb limit. ate at night)
    June 04: 189.4
    June 05: 188
    June 06: 189
    June 07: 190 (pigged out on diet candy lastnight, and it shows :( )
    June 08: 189 (No late night snacking, had a 0 carb berry vodka seltzer with dinner. Today is no carb day.)
    June 09: 190 (So that didn't work...taking a diet vacation/leaving ketosis)
    June 10: 191 (Cereal and nutmilk for breakfast is not nearly as filling as BP coffee!)
    June 11: 192
    June 12: 195
    June 13: 197 (Ok, experiment over, time to get back into ketosis)
    June 14: 196.4
    June 15: 192.6 (weighed myself MUCH later in the day than I normally do...)
    June 16: 190.4 (late morning weigh in)
    June 17: 190.6 (late morning weigh in)
    June 18: 191.6 (late morning....whats going on here??)
    June 19: 191.4 (No snacking the past few nights, seems to be paying off. Early morning weigh in. Back on track)
    June 20: 190.8 Its finally sinking in, that when i eat is almost as important as what I eat. I totally pigged out at dinner...didn't even really measure my food. Just ate and ate till I was full (of good choices) and then stopped at 7.)
    June 21: 189.4 So I'm back to where I was, 20 days ago. I ate with gusto during my eating period, stopped at 7. Was pretty hungry around 11 but didnt give in!
    -- (Period...hormone wonkiness)
    June 25: 190 Having a heck of a time, especially on the weekends/days off, sticking to no snacking in the evening. I think because I sleep in late and don't eat at the proper times. Anyone have any advice for curbing evening snacking?
    June 26: 191.6 Well, this sucks. Determined to stop eating at 7pm., I ate a very light dinner, lost track of time and was starving all evening...only to add insult to injury this AM to have the scale go up....Proud of myself for not giving in though...
    June 27: 190.8: No snacking lastnight, numbers on the way back down.
    June 28: 190.4: Another no snacking night, numbers on the way back down.
    June 29: 189.4: Huzzah!
    June 30: 188.6: Even better!

    So I didn't reach my goal, but it was a learning experience and the process was very motivating. Lets do it again next month :)
  • tawtyping
    tawtyping Posts: 391 Member
    SW 196.4 lbs
    UGW 155 lbs
    MGW 190 lbs

    May 31 196.4 lbs I put on one pound overall in May. Determined June will be better!
    June 01 196.8 lbs
    June 02 196.6 lbs ๐Ÿ˜€
    June 03 196.8 lbs
    June 04 198 lbs ๐Ÿ˜ž
    June 05 197.8 lbs
    June 06 196.4 lbs ๐Ÿ˜€
    June 07 196.4 lbs ๐Ÿ˜€
    June 08 194.6 lbs yay!!! ๐Ÿ˜€
    June 09 196.2 lbs my own fault, I totally pigged our yesterday and had Chinese! Hope to redeem myself today! Weโ€™ll see what happens!
    June 10 194.8 lbs ๐Ÿ˜€
    June 11 196.2 lbs โ˜น๏ธ ugh!! I was sooo excited yesterday!
    June 12 194.8 lbs ๐Ÿ™‚ yay!
    June 13 193.8 lbs ๐Ÿ˜
    June 14 196 lbs ๐Ÿ˜ฆ no idea whatโ€™s going on!!!
    June 15 194.8 lbs
    June 16 194 lbs ๐Ÿ˜€
    June 17 194.6 lbs
    June 18 195.4 lbs
    June 19 195.6 lbs
    June 20 196.2 lbs
    June 21 197.6 lbs
    June 22 197 lbs
    June 23 197 lbs
    June 24 196.8 lbs
    June 25 195.8 lbs
    June 26 195.2 lbs
    June 27 195.6 lbs
    June 28 196.2 lbs
    June 29 196.8 lbs

    I havenโ€™t logged here for a while but kept track of my weight. I seem to have lost my way over the past couple of weeks having not been well. โ˜น๏ธ not sure I will achieve a loss at all this month- Start again in July!
    June 30 196.6 lbs ๐Ÿ™ 0.2 lbs gain! Not the loss I had planned but at least itโ€™s less than the 1 lb gain of last month! I also got as low as 193 lbs at one point. Determined to do better in July! Bring it on!
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    SW 194.6
    UGW 135
    MGW 187

    May 31: 194.6
    June 01: 193.9
    June 02: 193.8
    June 03: 192.2
    June 04: 191.5
    June 05: 192.2
    June 06: 191.7
    June 07
    June 08
    June 09: 194.6 many poor choices
    June 10: 193.6
    June 11: 192.4
    June 12: 193.5
    June 13: 193.8
    June 14: 194.3
    June 15: 193.7
    June 16
    June 17
    June 18
    June 19: 193.9
    June 20: 193.7
    June 21
    June 22
    June 23
    June 24: 191.4
    June 25: 191.4
    June 26
    June 27
    June 28
    June 29
    June 30: 190.8

    Wt loss for June: 3.8lbs
  • maxinefurness
    maxinefurness Posts: 318 Member
    Anyone setting up a July challenge?
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 621 Member
    i have set up new post
  • wisdomsead1974
    wisdomsead1974 Posts: 55 Member
    SW-206 lbs
    UG- 145 lbs
    MGW- 175 lbs


    May 13- 206 This was my first day I weighed myself and I couldn't believe I was over 200 pounds when just 2 years ago I was 145 lbs it's time to get back to my healthy me

    May 27- 199 I was like yesssss!!!! I am under the 200 mark again.
    June 02
    June 03- 202.4 terrible weekend and I ate or drank a little to much lol
    June 04- 200.6 I'm down 6 pounds since the start on 5/13/19
    June 05- 199.2 going back down again feels really good. I started back at the gym last night after work. I haven't been to the gym in 9 months. It was tough but I need to work this in now. I did 45 minute work out and my motivation is something else right now loving it!!
    June 06- Forgot to weigh in this morning I was rushing out the door to work I will record my weight tomorrow.
    June 07- 198.6 I woke up this morning feeling AMAZING!!! I started working out this week and it is already paying off I am down a total of 8 pounds!!!
    June 08- 198 No workout today it's Saturday I woke up feeling great but I had a sweet tooth all weekend long and I ate sweets all weekend long:( ......My weight reflects my snacking. I am not discouraged I just get right back on it this morning. Feeling Good!
    June 09- 201.6 up a few pounds
    June 10- 201 Starting to go back down again. Going to the gym today afterwork to balance this.
    June 11- Today is my birthday I did not count any calories or pay attention to anything I ate today. I didn't weigh myself either.
    June 12- Still coming down off of yesterday's high I came right into work and I feel bloated like I over ate or over drank yesterday celebrating my birthday. I will not be down or discouraged by these days because honestly I haven't jumped back on since the weekend. Tomorrow is a new day, I am watching what I'm eating today and will attempt to go to the gym when I get off. :)
    June 13- 204 :| it's ok though I know where this is coming from every month I have this extra 3 to 5 pounds for the next 5 days and then it's gone and I'm back to normal. I am just riding this out calmly. I got this!!!
    June 14- 204 Haven't moved at all on this scale but I ate like a crazy person last night....ugh I hate how my appetite is during "TOM" I feel full of energy today for some reason. No gym tonight, I start my 2nd JOB and as of tomorrow morning, switching my gym to 6am schedule. I do look forward to seeing under 200 on that scale again....soon next week it will be different.
    June 15---
    June 16---
    June 17- 198.6 :) and I'm back in the right direction. Didn't weigh myself all weekend but I also was very careful with what I ate and drank....
    June 18- 197.4 :) Started a second job working at the local coroners office at night last Friday. This forced me to create food prep for the entire day this week, and I'm noticing this is a great thing. All the meals or smoothies are planned out and I am done eating by 5 or 6pm. I get home at 10pm only have energy to shower and off to bed!!!!
    June 19- 197 and I have officially reached the 10 pound down mark!!!!! :)
    June 20- 196.2 :)
    June 21- 193
    June 22--
    June 23--
    June 24--
    June 25- 198.8 Missed a few days weighing in and I ate a little bit more than I should have this weeked!!! ugh back up we go but it's alright I am going to get rid of this in a few days. Every little thing you do matters.
    June 26- 198.6, Not worried staying focused I have 3 more days in this month
    June 27- 198.4
    June 28- 197.4 Enjoy your Friday and make smart choices this weekend!!!
    June 29-198.4
    June 30- 197.4

    Total weight loss for June 8lbs down. July I would like to see more like 10 to 12 more pounds down...Let's GO!!!!!
  • conniev2018
    conniev2018 Posts: 8 Member
    I need a one month for July that people will participate in - if anyone knows of one!!!!
  • wisdomsead1974
    wisdomsead1974 Posts: 55 Member
    SW-197.4 lbs
    UG- 145 lbs
    MGW- 175 lbs


    July 01- 197.4 Happy Monday :)
    July 02-
    July 03-
    July 04-
    July 05-
    July 06-
    July 07-
    July 08-
    July 09-
    July 10-
    July 11-
    July 12-
    July 13-
    July 14-
    July 15-
    July 16-
    July 17-
    July 18-
    July 19-
    July 20-
    July 21-
    July 22-
    July 23-
    July 24-
    July 25-
    July 26-
    July 27-
    July 28-
    July 29-
    July 30-
    July 31-
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    SW- 208 lbs
    MSW - 154.8 lbs
    UG- 135 lbs
    MGW- 147 lbs


    July 01- 154.8 lbs
    July 02-
    July 03-
    July 04-
    July 05-
    July 06-
    July 07-
    July 08-
    July 09-
    July 10-
    July 11-
    July 12-
    July 13-
    July 14-
    July 15-
    July 16-
    July 17-
    July 18-
    July 19-
    July 20-
    July 21-
    July 22-
    July 23-
    July 24-
    July 25-
    July 26-
    July 27-
    July 28-
    July 29-
    July 30-
    July 31-
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 621 Member
    I need a one month for July that people will participate in - if anyone knows of one!!!!

    I have started one this morning
  • zog_a_log
    zog_a_log Posts: 33 Member
    SW - 9st 7lbs
    UGW - 8st 7lbs
    MGW - 9st 3lbs
    Motivation - less weight on problem knees, hiking in Canada, fitting into my favourite clothes again!
    Haven't done this before, but hoping some group support will get me back on track. :smiley: Lost some weight in January, but plateaued since then, despite still feeling like I was dieting.

    June 01 - 9st 6lbs Hike, breakfast out, brownie+truffle, crosstrainer, on calorie+steps budget
    June 02 - 9st 7lbs
    June 03 - 9st 6lbs
    June 04 - 9st 6lbs
    June 05 - 9st 6lbs
    June 06 - 9st 6lbs
    June 07 - 9st 6lbs
    June 08 - 9st 6lbs - I'm making no progress!
    June 09 - 9st 5lbs - finally the scales budge!
    June 10 - 9st 4lbs
    June 11- 9st 5lbs
    June 12- 9st 6lbs
    June 13- 9st 6lbs
    June 14- 9st 6lbs - realising I eat too many snacks in the office!
    June 15- 9st 5lbs
    June 16- 9st 3lbs - whoop!
    June 17- 9st 4lbs - still whoop!
    June 18- 9st 5lbs
    June 19- 9st 5lbs
    June 20- 9st 5lbs
    June 21- 9st 4lbs
    June 22- 9st 4lbs
    June 23- 9st 5lbs
    June 24- 9st 5lbs
    June 25- 9st 3lbs - whoop!
    June 26- 9st 3lbs - whoop!
    June 27- 9st 2lbs - whoop!
    June 28- 9st 3lbs - whoop!
    June 29- 9st 4lbs - nooooooooo!
    June 30- 9st 4lbs

    Really pleased with the month - hovering around my month end goal.