What has helped you the most?

For those of you that have lost 10+ pounds, what helpful advice would you give? I’ve been struggling to lose weight. What’s the one (or few) thing that has helped you the most on your weight loss journey?


  • sparklyball
    sparklyball Posts: 93 Member
    So far, calorie counting, I'm quite new to this again, I lost a few stone some years ago. For me, paying close attention and learning how caloric items are has been a revelation- I'm just trying to get the balance right each day. I have cut out sugar and all grains, primarily for health reasons, I never did eat much processed but I ate a lot of nuts, obliviously, so I have cut down on those and started walking, and having a half-hearted attempt at IF -although so far I haven't been too successful at it- I seem to blow it with a piece of fruit in the evenings. I definitely have days where I'm more hungry
  • jedoubleday
    jedoubleday Posts: 479 Member
    What has helped me most is going to make people on here crazy. SO here it goes. I weight myself every single day. I don't log my food or my exercise. I mainly come here to be social with people trying to do the same thing as me. It is a reminder to come here. That social media addiction we all have to come in and see a message from a person we will never met. That reminds me because I come in and check for the message, sometimes there is one sometimes there isn't one. Either way I am here and I remember why I am.

    Yes I get on the scale everyday. Why? Not to see if I am heavier or lighter, but to see the other numbers. I have a smart scale and it tells me the percentages. And as long as my water is good and everything else is the same or better then I know I am doing the right thing and keep marching. I have not lost a lot of weight but I feel better and I am healthier. That is most important to me. Just like age is a just a number so is the one on the scale. I want health not the perfect weight. So those two things are what has helped me the most.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    For me...keeping some sort of diary or mental tally of what I ate, daily weighing and using a trend weight app, eating at least 20-40g protein at every meal or snack, cycling my calories throughout the week, regular exercise especially lifting weights.
  • MichelleMinn
    MichelleMinn Posts: 90 Member
    Getting my brain in the right groove was my most important thing, and keeping my brain from going to a dark place keeps me going. And supplements, which I know is controversial, but I believe they helped me get out of my depression and anxiety.

    Now, what helps are simple goals, like 250 steps minimum an hour, and 10,000 steps a day, and drinking water. And not being angry at myself when I occasionally through choose or fate, don't reach all the goals. I trust myself to know -- and act on -- what's best for me. And I trust myself to remember where I don't want to be again.
  • JasonRVA
    JasonRVA Posts: 31 Member
    First, make sure you are doing this for you... Track every bite.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Accepting this was a forever thing. It's just the way it has to be for me to be successful. I can't be trusted not to log... my track record has proved that!

    Death, taxes, and logging.
  • LiveLoveAspire
    LiveLoveAspire Posts: 1 Member
    Fasting...lost 10 pounds with about a 2-4% reduction in body fat.
  • Five0Six
    Five0Six Posts: 112 Member
    edited July 2019
    This. The Myth Of Motivation And What You Need Instead https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/818701/the-myth-of-motivation-and-what-you-need-instead/p1

    All the food tips in the world won't do me *kitten*-all if I rely on soley motivation, because motivation is not consistent.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Recognizing that what works for others won't necessarily work for me. Figure out how to consistently create a calorie deficit in way that fits your lifestyle fitness goals.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    For me it has been exercise. Not because I burn the calories. It’s because I do something I love. Right now it’s swimming. Not swimming to burn calories, but for the joy of swimming. It keeps me from getting bored and snacking out of boredom. It allows me just enough time to plan and shop for healthy food, not enough time in the grocery store to linger in the cookie aisle. I have to hurry home so I can get to the pool.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    grimendale wrote: »
    Logging everything before I eat it, and weighing it on a food scale. Consistency in those two habits has helped me to be accurate and mindful in what I eat.




  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,290 Member
    What has helped me most is going to make people on here crazy. SO here it goes. I weight myself every single day. I don't log my food or my exercise. I mainly come here to be social with people trying to do the same thing as me. It is a reminder to come here. That social media addiction we all have to come in and see a message from a person we will never met. That reminds me because I come in and check for the message, sometimes there is one sometimes there isn't one. Either way I am here and I remember why I am.

    Yes I get on the scale everyday. Why? Not to see if I am heavier or lighter, but to see the other numbers. I have a smart scale and it tells me the percentages. And as long as my water is good and everything else is the same or better then I know I am doing the right thing and keep marching. I have not lost a lot of weight but I feel better and I am healthier. That is most important to me. Just like age is a just a number so is the one on the scale. I want health not the perfect weight. So those two things are what has helped me the most.

    haha.. I love this ^^. I don't log calories either and I exercise because it makes sense. I eat six times a day and eat whole foods.. boom! all my weight came off after years of cico and struggling,,...so wonderful.

    My husband weighs himself daily.. I wish I was that brave.. I can see why it is so helpful if it doesn't get in your head. I use my tight clothes to keep me on track. Thanks for sharing your tips. :)