Any video gamers?



  • BasedGawd412
    BasedGawd412 Posts: 346 Member
    Can't wait to get back home and game.
  • BasedGawd412
    BasedGawd412 Posts: 346 Member
    edited June 2019

  • BasedGawd412
    BasedGawd412 Posts: 346 Member
    I find Roblox one of the most interesting games ever created.
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    I still have an old NES system. But I really got into gaming with my old PS2. Loved the games on that thing.
  • arsoria24
    arsoria24 Posts: 110 Member
    Sonic, Contra, Devil May Cry, COD, and the latest God of War!!!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »


    I thought I was in the wrong place. I even went back and re-read the title. Slooowwwllly.

    Then I saw something familiar. Thank you!

    I play toon blast
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    yeah i think it's in NG+ but you can visit the guy who sells armor in Majula and he sells a "butterfly set" that offers absolutely no protection whatsoever, but it constantly poisons anybody near you and also changes your jump and roll animation to a little floating animation instead. it's hilariously awesome.


    Oh wow, that looks great! 😂

    No one (on the first page) mentioned Halo.
  • deadliftsandnoodles
    deadliftsandnoodles Posts: 312 Member
    I play GTA 5 when i have time.....which is never
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    A few weeks ago I just started playing WoW for the first time ever, which actually surprises my friends because they all assumed I'd already been playing for years (it is exactly the sort of game I would play). I hadn't because in the past I generally avoided subscription-based games, but I thought the free trial was interesting enough that I got a one month subscription. I'll see how that goes and decide if I want to spring for BfA.

    I might also try out FF XIV, because a friend recommends it.
  • I've been pretty big on DC Universe Online and Spider-man lately. lp2e0iqhbp51.jpg
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    As lame as this is going to sound. I've been getting back into Minecraft recently. Joined a server of fellow introverts, and trying to build my first steam-punk esque house. But man, its annoying having to ask others to sleep, just to pass the night
  • BasedGawd412
    BasedGawd412 Posts: 346 Member
    Picked up a PlayStation classic over the weekend. Was never a fan of PlayStation but kinda hurts knowing I missed out on thousands of phenomenal games, this is my segway into it.
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    Picked up a PlayStation classic over the weekend. Was never a fan of PlayStation but kinda hurts knowing I missed out on thousands of phenomenal games, this is my segway into it.

    what games did you pickup for it?
  • murci327
    murci327 Posts: 9 Member
    Currently playing Monster Hunter world on PS4 really fun game
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    Anyone remember the old classic games? I've been wanting to get into star wolves. By 1C, remember them?
  • BasedGawd412
    BasedGawd412 Posts: 346 Member
    mattig89ch wrote: »
    Picked up a PlayStation classic over the weekend. Was never a fan of PlayStation but kinda hurts knowing I missed out on thousands of phenomenal games, this is my segway into it.

    what games did you pickup for it?

    It comes pre installed with 20 games with such classics as Final Fantasy IIV, Metal Gear Solid, and Twisted Metal.

    It's only $20 at Best Buy, cheap nostalgic novelty to have.
  • Alia_R
    Alia_R Posts: 410 Member
    OMG, I finally found my kind of people! 😁 I’m a die-hard fan of the classic games. There’s a new horror game I want to try out but probably not best to play it around the little ones. It’s called Visage.
  • kevinflemming1982
    kevinflemming1982 Posts: 158 Member
    edited July 2019
    Ex-gamer here, but I still have an interest in the industry and it's current direction. Although, that is more of a cynical view, given what has happened to most games over the past few years lol.

    Had been playing games since single-digits, and the last couple of years I became progressively bored with each passing year. Primarily as it was my main source of entertainment, so it's a combination of being burned-out and unhappy with how things are going. Both my saviour and curse, sadly. Giving it up has meant that I have more time to focus on work, health, lifestyle, friends, and for the past 9 months a new and exciting relationship. So there is something to be said about gaming and the stranglehold it can have on a person's life (if they let it, of course).

    I have many, many fond memories of games and for that, I am grateful. Especially during my younger years.

    From Alex Kidd in Miracle World to Operation Wolf on the old Master System. Sonic 2 with Knuckles expansion cartridge, Earthworm Jim and Streets of Rage on the Mega Drive. Road Avenger and Sonic CD on the Mega CD. Noticing a pattern for consoles there, perhaps. :D Then moving onto the Amiga 500 and later a 1200, playing amazing titles such as The Settlers, R-Type, Another World, Lemmings, Elite, Desert Strike. The list goes on with Amiga games. Getting a 1200 was the best thing I ever did when I was a kid, it opened a whole new world of exciting games (and later, music production with OctaMED SoundStudio).

    That was the turning point, where I started to branch-out into online PC gaming. Venturing into Team Fortress (back before it was called "Classic"). And sucking badly at it, because of sharing a 56k connection with a mate lol. Still, it was fun and my first proper taste of online gaming.

    Still had a love for the consoles as well, though. Grabbed a chipped PSX (that's the old grey box) with a badass sticker kit. With a new friend, we proceeded to smash in amazing titles, such as Gran Turismo 2, Resident Evils, Fear Effect, Final Fantasy games, Oddworld, Tomb Raider. Again, the list is far too big.

    While he played the PSX, I was on my old 486mhz PC (a decent system at the time), and vice-versa.

    Most of the time I was playing Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun (still my favourite, to this day), but dabbled in a little GTA, more Tomb Raider, Baldur's Gate, Carmageddon, Kingpin: Life of Crime, Duke Nukem, more Resident Evil, bit of Quake, Deus Ex, Diablo and Half Life. The usual popular games, to be honest.

    Then I discovered emulators. The snes9x, in particular. Bringing forth an almost-fanatical obsession with playing lots of Nintendo games I had missed-out on when I was a kid. Too many to list, but one that really stands out, is Chrono Trigger. Easily one of the best RPGs I have ever played in the nearly 30 years of gaming, that will forever be burned into memory.

    Everything about Chrono Trigger was (and still is) perfect. The story, music, combat, characters, style. Everything worked so well together. Something I feel lacks in a lot of modern games. If you have never played it and enjoy RPGs, it's definitely worth checking out.

    And let's stop there, huh? Jesus, didn't realise I typed that much lol. Maybe continue another time, if 1) I can be bothered and 2) if anyone finds my "brief" history of gaming interesting.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    edited July 2019
    Gears of War 1-3. Not massively keen on the newer ones.
    Army of Two.
    Resident Evil 5.
    GTA Vice City and San Andreas.
    War in the North.
    Pokemon - I still have my gameboy.
    The earlier Sims games, especially the gameboy advance and Nintendo DS ones.
    I used to love Runescape - is it still going?!

    I don't play much any more as I have to adult :disappointed:
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    Mostly prefer older games. I still play Pokémon, Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Tomb Raider, Mario etc.
    I also have every Sims game/expansion that's came out since the OG Sims game but I'm actually starting to go off it now, think I'm getting a bit old for that.
    I think the only newish games I play are the recent Tomb Raider ones. I played Apex for a while but I was pretty terrible.
    I still have all my old Playstations (1-4) and my old Gameboys (OG through to Nintendo DS then Switch) I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of any of them.
  • Roza42
    Roza42 Posts: 246 Member
    Ark Survival Evolved, Rust, Borderlands 2, Pub g mobile. I started playing with my son.
  • BasedGawd412
    BasedGawd412 Posts: 346 Member
    Ex-gamer here, but I still have an interest in the industry and it's current direction. Although, that is more of a cynical view, given what has happened to most games over the past few years lol.

    Had been playing games since single-digits, and the last couple of years I became progressively bored with each passing year. Primarily as it was my main source of entertainment, so it's a combination of being burned-out and unhappy with how things are going. Both my saviour and curse, sadly. Giving it up has meant that I have more time to focus on work, health, lifestyle, friends, and for the past 9 months a new and exciting relationship. So there is something to be said about gaming and the stranglehold it can have on a person's life (if they let it, of course).

    I have many, many fond memories of games and for that, I am grateful. Especially during my younger years.

    From Alex Kidd in Miracle World to Operation Wolf on the old Master System. Sonic 2 with Knuckles expansion cartridge, Earthworm Jim and Streets of Rage on the Mega Drive. Road Avenger and Sonic CD on the Mega CD. Noticing a pattern for consoles there, perhaps. :D Then moving onto the Amiga 500 and later a 1200, playing amazing titles such as The Settlers, R-Type, Another World, Lemmings, Elite, Desert Strike. The list goes on with Amiga games. Getting a 1200 was the best thing I ever did when I was a kid, it opened a whole new world of exciting games (and later, music production with OctaMED SoundStudio).

    That was the turning point, where I started to branch-out into online PC gaming. Venturing into Team Fortress (back before it was called "Classic"). And sucking badly at it, because of sharing a 56k connection with a mate lol. Still, it was fun and my first proper taste of online gaming.

    Still had a love for the consoles as well, though. Grabbed a chipped PSX (that's the old grey box) with a badass sticker kit. With a new friend, we proceeded to smash in amazing titles, such as Gran Turismo 2, Resident Evils, Fear Effect, Final Fantasy games, Oddworld, Tomb Raider. Again, the list is far too big.

    While he played the PSX, I was on my old 486mhz PC (a decent system at the time), and vice-versa.

    Most of the time I was playing Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun (still my favourite, to this day), but dabbled in a little GTA, more Tomb Raider, Baldur's Gate, Carmageddon, Kingpin: Life of Crime, Duke Nukem, more Resident Evil, bit of Quake, Deus Ex, Diablo and Half Life. The usual popular games, to be honest.

    Then I discovered emulators. The snes9x, in particular. Bringing forth an almost-fanatical obsession with playing lots of Nintendo games I had missed-out on when I was a kid. Too many to list, but one that really stands out, is Chrono Trigger. Easily one of the best RPGs I have ever played in the nearly 30 years of gaming, that will forever be burned into memory.

    Everything about Chrono Trigger was (and still is) perfect. The story, music, combat, characters, style. Everything worked so well together. Something I feel lacks in a lot of modern games. If you have never played it and enjoy RPGs, it's definitely worth checking out.

    And let's stop there, huh? Jesus, didn't realise I typed that much lol. Maybe continue another time, if 1) I can be bothered and 2) if anyone finds my "brief" history of gaming interesting.

    This was my childhood!

  • kylemkrueger
    kylemkrueger Posts: 16 Member
    Playing video games is what helped get me overweight :), but I would excessively play them. I have an xbox system and really like the Destiny series, currently on D2.
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    I just got the first game I ever purchased, running on my Linux Machine. Freelancer. So many good hours in that game, so many memories. Can't wait to experience it again
  • kylemkrueger
    kylemkrueger Posts: 16 Member
    Playing video games is what helped get me overweight :), but I would excessively play them. I have an xbox system and really like the Destiny series, currently on D2.

    GT is Spartydown.
  • kevinflemming1982
    kevinflemming1982 Posts: 158 Member
    edited July 2019
    This was my childhood!
    Fantastic times, mate. It truly was the Golden Age of Gaming. So glad to have lived through it and experienced some of the most iconic games of the late 80, 90's and 00's. Whenever someone asks "What is your favourite game?", I just can't answer without giving a massive list lol.


    I guess I'm going for round two, while I wait for dinner to cook? Sure, why not.

    One game I forgot to mention during my PSX phase, was Harvest Moon: Back To Nature. Jesus, did I spend a lot of time playing that. :D Making sure I did everything exactly how I wanted before the day was over and restarting if I didn't, but what a game!

    So, back on track. After having a rather long stint on the snes9x emulator, the first Nintendo console to actually catch my eye appeared. The obscure and intriguing Game Cube. While amongst the discovery of the PSX and Amiga, I had previously played a little on the legendary N64, with games such as Lylat Wars (those outside of the UK will remember it as Star Fox 64) and Goldeneye (hey, no Oddjob!), I never really caught onto the Nintendo vibe.

    Sure, I also owned a Game Boy for a little while when I was school, going somewhat insane on Tetris for hours on end, but this was the first time I had ever played one of their consoles properly. And oh boy, the Game Cube was great. Tiny discs! So weird.

    I have some fond memories of playing the first Need For Speed: Underground and getting
    frustrated at the drag races. I miss you, my gorgeous insanely-fast and pearlescent Honda Civic. Then playing co-op on Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. Fighting my way through the Lord of the Rings games. Taking turns with friends, while getting drunk, and beating each other up on Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Pretty certain there were other games, but it was kinda short but sweet and those are the ones which stand out the most.

    But then came the most amazing console I have ever experienced (and still own to this day). My own personal opinion, of course. The beast that was the Xbox. Microsoft's first attempt at trying to get a piece of the console market.

    Man, did they get a decent piece of it and have continued to ever since.

    I'm very biased when it comes to that age-old debate of Xbox vs. PlayStation. Even with the memories I have, a fair few of which were created by PlayStation, I still choose Xbox. It stood out from the crowd, combining PC style and specs with console gaming. While I have owned, and still own, a PS2, my heart still belongs to the Xbox lol.

    This monstrosity gave me a rather unquenched thrist for games, bringing numerous famous titles into my life. Namely a little series called The Elder Scrolls, with my first taste of what I considered to be a "proper" Western RPG.

    Morrowind, and it's vast continent of Vvardenfell.

    A name that most RPG players will know, for many various reasons. Mine are that it truly gave you unprecedented freedom to do whatever you wanted, unlike so many other RPGs. Morrowind supplied the tools, you used them as you saw fit. It was harsh and unforgiving, with very little guidance and hand-holding (something so many modern games do these days, including the recent The Elder Scrolls games :/ ). I love it for that exact reason and could bleat on about Morrowind until the cows come home.

    So I'll spare you that time required to read it. ;)

    A few Xbox favourites include Need For Speed: Underground 2 (one of the main reasons I bought it and easily THE best racing game of all time), FlatOut, Halo and Halo 2, Jade Empire, Knights of the Old Republic (I and II), Juiced, The Urbz: Sims in the City, Tiger Woods 2004, Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (don't judge me lol), Jedi Academy, and the best pirate game I have ever played... Pirates of the Caribbean. It had next to nothing to do with the film, aside from the Black Pearl being present. :D Still, a fantastic game which I still have an original copy of.

    And my food is ready. Cheekan! Good!

    I'll leave you alone now. :p
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    good choices in that list, sir or madam
  • Wildchildx1289
    Wildchildx1289 Posts: 19 Member
    My husband and I are playing FFXIV. It is addicting. I really need to finish Red Dead 2 as well. Haha