Maintenance Check In July 2019



  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    Name: Jenn
    Age: 34
    Height: 5’2”
    Total weight lost: 33lb
    Time it took to lose: approximately 18 months
    How long in maintenance: Officially about 5 months, but for the last year or so I bounced around the same range, just a little higher than I would prefer. I got down to this range and am happy here.
    Maintenance weight range: 122lb-126lb

    Average weight recorded from 2018: ----

    Average weight recorded from March: 124.6
    Average weight recorded from April: 124.3
    Average weight recorded from May: 123.4
    Average weight recorded from June: 123.2

    Week of…
    July 1: 122.8
    July 7: 123.8
    July 14: 123.8
    July 21:
    July 28:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: Holding steady.. I was dropping for a while there, maybe I’ve finally reached true maintenance. Had a good week, zero exercise this week due to super high temps outside and I can’t get to the gym since my husband is STILL out of town for work, no one to watch our daughter while I go. I guess I could have done some videos at home, but honestly I didn’t have the time or energy/desire.. so I took a week break. It’s also TOM so I may be hanging on to some bloat. Gonna just keep trucking along, happily maintaining in the middle of my range 😊
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Name: Faebert
    Age: 40
    Height: 5’6
    Total weight lost: about 50lbs
    Time it took to lose: on and off 3 years. First 30 in 4 months and then gradually reduced goal weight
    How long in maintenance: Since May 2017
    Maintenance weight range: 115-120
    Average weight recorded from 2017: 121
    Average weight recorded from 2018: 114.6

    Average weight recorded from January: 117.4
    Average weight recorded from February: 117.8
    Average weight recorded from March: 117.8
    Average weight recorded from April: 116.9
    Average weight recorded from May: 114.9
    Average weight recorded from June: 115.8

    Week of 7 July: 116.25
    Week of 13 July: 116.5
    Week of 20 July: 115.5

    Successes/struggles: Made it to the end of the school year still in maintenance range! Managed to avoid all the many many treats in the staff room over the past few days and at the work party. But not quite so disciplined in the evenings at home. I’m hoping without the enforced structure of the work day I can plan my intake and output better so I’m not so hungry in the evenings. It will be nice not having to work out or run at 5am for a few weeks! Have done three runs totalling 26 miles and two circuit classes with another planned for today so fitness goals are on track.

    Wishing you all a successful week x
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    Name: Existing Fish
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'0" (153cm)
    Total weight lost: 41.7lbs (18.9kg)
    Time it took to lose: 6 months*
    How long in maintenance: 9 months
    Maintenance weight range: 112 - 118lbs (50.8-53.8kg)
    Average weight recorded from 2019: 117.4bs (53.3kg)

    Average weight recorded from January: 123.1
    Average weight recorded from February: 120.3
    Average weight recorded from March: 117.0
    Average weight recorded from April: 114.8
    Average weight recorded from May: 114.7
    Average weight recorded from June: 114.3

    July--1: 116.2lbs (t:114.2)
    July--5: 114.0lbs (t:114.5)
    July-13: 115.3lbs (t:114.3)
    July-19: 113.3lbs (t:114.1)

    Successes/Struggles: Been fiddling around with my calorie range. I was having a really big problem staying in my calorie goal, like I was SUPER hungry, so I kept going over. I thought about it and I was like "I'm in maintenance, I shouldn't be ravenous". I had gone through and switched from TDEE to NEAT, then back again, and I guess I somehow mixed it up, because I was using something close to the NEAT MFP gave me and only adding breastfeeding (not any other exercise), it was no wonder I was finding it impossible to stay in the goals. I also ramped up the intensity at the gym as well, went from 1 hour workouts to 1.25 hour lifting (heavier) and adding HIIT every time to help DH with weight loss. That added to my calorie burn. I switched back to TDEE (but I still add breastfeeding manually) and my calories went up by about 300 calories. Then I'm staying in my limits, meeting my goals, and I'm not hungry. Weight is staying steady too so.

    Now I got a fitbit, and it has screwed everything up all over again.

    I like Libra, because it estimates my historic calorie deficit/overage based on my weight changes. Like right now I am sitting at a week average of eating 29 calorie deficit per day, based on my trend weight. Very handy. Means I'm nailing it... :smiley:
  • reversemigration
    reversemigration Posts: 168 Member
    Name: Ben
    Age: 51
    Height: 6'
    Total weight lost: ~55 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: Since ~ December 2018
    Maintenance weight range: 166-171...ish

    Average weight recorded for December:165.8
    Average weight recorded for January: 167.3
    Average weight recorded for February: 167.2
    Average weight recorded for March: 166.5
    Average weight recorded for April: 162.9
    Average weight recorded for May: 161.5
    Average weight recorded for June: 160.9

    Week of...
    July 7th: ??
    July 14th: 160.6
    July 20th: 160.2

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: While today is a bit down, the trend is heading up slowly. I plan to gain half a pound a week until hitting the bottom of maintenance again. The latest sweltering heat hasn't kept me from workouts, but it has tended to tamp down my NEAT. It was a little disheartening to have to deload weights after vacation break, but I'm determined to work my way back up again.

    @ExistingFish I had the same experience when I started using my fitbit a couple of months ago. It seemed as if it took a week or two to play nicely with MFP and for me to work the settings correctly. This was compounded by some bugs in communication between the two that took them several days to fix.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    @reversemigration Patience is not my strong suit. I love the sleep tracking function though, I hope I can get it to play nice. I'll just have to ignore the wonky adjustments for a while. Or get used to them?
  • pkweier
    pkweier Posts: 349 Member
    Name: Pam
    Total weight lost:200
    Time it took to lose:Started Jan 2016
    How long in maintenance: Sept 2017
    Maintenance weight range:130-135
    Average weight recorded from 2018:

    Average weight recorded from January:131.75
    Average weight recorded from February:130.75
    Average weight recorded from March:132.1
    Average weight recorded from April:133.5
    Average weight recorded from May:132.5
    Average weight recorded from June:132.08

    Week of..
    July 7: 132.8
    July 14:132.2
    July 21:131.6
    July 28:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week:Weight down slightly again from last week. Despite the heat I've been up and out getting my 3+ miles in of walking before it gets to hot. Suppose to get cooler next week so I will be outside more. Have a good week friends:)
  • missperfectpitch
    missperfectpitch Posts: 604 Member
    Name: missperfectpitch
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: About 43 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 1 year and 2 months
    How long in maintenance: I hit my goal weight in the beginning of January 2018, but officially started maintenance in mid-March 2018 after figuring out my calories for a couple of months.
    Maintenance weight range: 108-111.5
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 109.8

    Average weight recorded from January: 111
    Average weight recorded from February: 110.8
    Average weight recorded from March: 110.6
    Average weight recorded from April: 110.0
    Average weight recorded from May: 109.9
    Average weight recorded for June: 111.2

    Week of..
    July 6: 110.8 (trend 111.1)
    July 13: 112.7 (trend 111.8)
    July 20: 112.4 (trend 112.1)
    July 27:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: My weight is still over the high end of my maintenance range. On the plus side, I've been working to eat healthier and have been pretty successful the past few weeks about eating fruits (something that usually doesn't appeal to me unless they're in desserts). Interesting varieties of fruits have popped up at my stores recently, which helps with actually buying and eating them. I've also been in a mood for salad-y type meals lately, which helps with keeping my calories down during my planned deficit weeks (like last week).
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,973 Member
    HEAVIEST weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Total Weight lost: 30 pounds
    Time it took to lose: ~6 months
    How long in maintenance: Since July 2018 -- but with some fluctuation outside of goal range.
    Maintenance weight range: 142 - 148 (and not sure that's the right answer)

    Average weight recorded from 2017 (12 months): 163.8
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 150.7

    Average weight recorded from January: 148.4
    Average weight recorded from February: 146.3
    Average weight recorded from March: 143.2
    Average weight recorded from April: 143.0
    Average weight recorded from May: 144.1
    Average weight recorded from June: 145.6

    Average weight Week of...
    June 24-30: 145.5
    July 1-7: 148.6
    July 8-14: 147.0
    July 15-21: 145.3
    July 22-28:
    July 29- August 4:

    Success of the week: Lost a little more of what I had gained and am back. I am still in my original maintenance range AND my recently expanded range that's actually not part of this challenge (I decided I could go 140-150 and still be ok rather than 142-148, but I'm leaving that as the official goal).

    Struggle of the week: Norovirus. That helped me take off some of the weight from Oregon Country Fair. I lost 6.5 pounds in two or three days. Yikes. Half of that came back on once I started putting food back in.

    My weight trends suggest I am still maintaining even if it's just a little heavier than I would prefer.





  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    Name: Harper
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'1
    Total Weight lost: 50
    Time it took to lose: one year, four months
    How long in maintenance: two years, one month
    Maintenance weight range: 117-122
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12months): 121.7

    Average weight recorded for June: 121.7

    Week of. . .
    Week of..
    July 7: 123
    July 14: did not weigh-in
    July 21: 123
    July 28:

    Success(es)/Struggle(s): I am definitely struggling with food choices during the day and evening snacking. I have not been eating quality foods lately. We have lots of snacks in the house right now, and I end up choosing them over healthier options. I really have to do a better job prepping healthy meals and snacks so that I don't keep eating junk. Not happy being a pound over range as I am quite short. I can see and feel the difference in my clothes.
  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    edited July 2019
    pkweier wrote: »
    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week:Weight down slightly again from last week. Despite the heat I've been up and out getting my 3+ miles in of walking before it gets to hot. Suppose to get cooler next week so I will be outside more.

    It is great that you were able to exercise despite the temperature. I am in the Northeast, and I could barely move today. I like warm temps., but I can't wait for the weather to change!
  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    edited July 2019
    mtaratoot wrote: »

    Struggle of the week: Norovirus. That helped me take off some of the weight from Oregon Country Fair. I lost 6.5 pounds in two or three days. Yikes. Half of that came back on once I started putting food back in.

    UGHHHH! Norovirus is the WORST! So glad you are feeling better.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    ]Name: Maddie
    Age: 63
    Height: 5’9”
    Total weight lost: 75.3 lb
    Time it took to lose: 3-1/3 years
    How long in maintenance: 3 months
    Maintenance weight range: 153-155

    Avg wt recorded from 2017: 202.6
    Avg wt recorded from 2018: 168.4
    Avg wt recorded from 2019 (so far):153.82
    <153? Not yet, but closer!

    Avg wt recorded from January:153
    Avg wt recorded from February: 152
    Avg wt recorded from March: 154
    April 25: Began maintenance 153
    Avg wt recorded from April: 153
    Avg wt recorded from May: 154
    Avg wt recorded from June: 154.85
    Avg wt recorded from July (so far): 155.8

    Week of..
    July 7: 153.7 avg Trend: 155.1
    July 14: 156 avg Trend: 156.7
    July 21: 157 avg; Trend: 157.1
    July 28:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week:
    Up 3 lbs in 3 months. = Extra 114 cal/day
    My app tells me I was in a 123/day deficit.
    So, that means I’m eating 237 cal/day too much and/or not exercising enough. So I’ve been aiming for 1,900 cals per day max.
    This past week averaged 1,844 cal:&/day & post 0.8 lb.
    I cooked all meals at home the past 7 days! major accomplishment!
    Macros/micros are excellent.

    Will continue this plan the next week, hopefully with more exercise as I get clearance from doctor.

    Exercise still down.
    Still fatigued as I’m still not all better from the illness.
  • lesdarts180
    lesdarts180 Posts: 2,982 Member
    Name Lesley
    Age: 68
    Height: 155 cm (5’ 1”)
    Total weight lost: 22.5 kg (approx. 50 lb)
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: 3 months
    Maintenance weight range: 48 – 51 kg (106 – 112 lbs)
    Average weight recorded from 2018: max 72.5 kg in July, 56 kg in Dec

    Average weight recorded from January: 54.7 kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 53.3 kg
    Average weight recorded from March: 51.7 kg
    Average weight recorded from April: 50.2 kg (110.7 lb)
    Average weight recorded from May: 49.9 kg (110 lb)
    Average weight recorded from June: 48.7 kg (107 lb)

    July 1: 49.5 kg
    July 8: 48.1 kg (106 lb)
    July 13: 47.8 kg (105 lb)
    July 22: 49.1 kg (108 lb)
    July 29:

    Success(es)/struggles of the week: The motorhome break was good, we did a lot of walking – sightseeing – and mixed self catering with snacks and pub meals. I did have to drive the best part of 6 hours on Saturday to get there and Wednesday coming home. However, since then I had a trip up to Bristol on Saturday – big family get together – and a BBQ party with friends at my place yesterday. So very busy and lots of good food. Today’s weigh in is just right but I’d be surprised if it’s a real 3 lb gain in one week.
    I put Libra on my phone a few weeks ago and it's telling me my trend weight is 48.6 kg. It's only got 3 weeks of data so far but that seems about right.

    I’m busy again this coming week – out on Tuesday and Wednesday and again on Saturday – so the challenges keep coming. And today, tidying up from the party lots of treats have to go in the bin!
  • Spencerport
    Spencerport Posts: 270 Member
    Name: Spencerport
    Age: 39
    Height: 6’1”
    Total weight lost: 105lb
    Time it took to lose: April 2014 - October 2016
    How long in maintenance: October 2016 - Present
    Maintenance weight range: 195-200lb

    Week of..
    July 7: 200.8
    July 14: 198.6
    July 21: 197.6
    July 28:

    Successes: Tracked pretty well last week, happy with losing another pound. Still need to get back down to 195.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    Name: Kathryn
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3.5"
    Total Weight lost: ~80 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 2 years 3 months
    How long in maintenance: I called maintenance in July 2016, but I continued to slowly lose until December of 2017. I have been in maintenance since December 2017
    Maintenance weight range: 115 - 120 lbs

    Average weight recorded from 2018: 118.8

    Average weight recorded from December: 116.9
    Average weight recorded from January: 115.9
    Average weight recorded from February: 115.4
    Average weight recorded from March: 117.2
    Average weight recorded from April: 116.8
    Average weight recorded from May: 116.2
    Average weight recorded for June: 116.2

    Week of..
    July 7: 115.8 scale/116.0 trend
    July 14: 114.6 scale/115.2 trend
    July 21: 115.2 scale/ 115.3 trend
    July 28:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: Didn't get a chance to check in yesterday as we were still having the family reunion. It is a weekend long event. My weight was up yesterday from last week and it was up even more this morning, but I expect it to level out soon and I am not worried about it at all. Both scale and trend are in range, and I was actually a little low going into the reunion. I did manage to get my long run in yesterday so even though I indulged a little more food wise, I was still pretty active so I think there was a good balance.
  • GregInORL
    GregInORL Posts: 232 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'8"
    Total weight lost: 60 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 4 months
    How long in maintenance: 1 month
    Maintenance weight range: 150-155 (rough guess at the moment)
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): NA

    Average weight recorded from January: NA
    Average weight recorded from February: 214.75
    Average weight recorded from March: 204.04
    Average weight recorded from April: 187.42
    Average weight recorded from May: 174.18
    Average weight recorded from June: 164.21

    Week of July 2: 159.2 lbs
    Week of July 9: 160.4 (158.6 7 Day avg)
    Week of July 16: 158.3 (158.6 7 Day avg)
    Week of July 23: 157.8 (158.3 7 Day avg)
    Week of July 30: (Goal 2400 daily average cal)

    Weekly Successes/Struggles: The average is hovering right around that same number so I think that's pretty successful. Maybe 2500 is closer to maintenance than I thought (or my 2500 is not as accurate but if I'm consistent either way does it matter?).
    I'm beginning to see changes around my mid section in a positive direction. My running continues to improve. Had back to back weeks with 17 mile long runs!

    Mentally Im struggling a bit to get out of the lose it mentality but I know logically there is no rush to lose these last few pounds as it's much more important to continue building the consistent approach to maintaining in long term than reaching "ideal".

  • ItsAJourny
    ItsAJourny Posts: 69 Member
    Name: Bella
    Age: 61
    Height: 5'5"
    Total weight lost: 37 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 6 months
    How long in maintenance: 2 months
    Maintenance weight range: 127-132
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): NA

    Average weight recorded from January: 134 (was not in maintenance yet)
    Average weight recorded from February: 131.8
    Average weight recorded from March: 130.7
    Average weight recorded from April: 130.4
    Average weight recorded from May: 130.8
    Average weight recorded from June: 130.0

    Week of...
    July 7: 128.8
    July 14: 128.6
    July 21: 128.6
    July 28:

    Success/struggles of the week: This is a late posting as I have had visiting family here for 2 weeks. It’s been great to enjoy gelato and treats and still be within my range. Did a lot of hiking in the past few weeks. Decided to drop a few more pounds in June and I have successful maintained 1.5 pounds less for about a month now. As long as I eat mostly good healthy foods, it all seems easy. Have a great week everyone!
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    edited July 2019
    Name: Jenn
    Age: 34
    Height: 5’2”
    Total weight lost: 33lb
    Time it took to lose: approximately 18 months
    How long in maintenance: Officially about 5 months, but for the last year or so I bounced around the same range, just a little higher than I would prefer. I got down to this range and am happy here.
    Maintenance weight range: 122lb-126lb

    Average weight recorded from 2018: ----

    Average weight recorded from March: 124.6
    Average weight recorded from April: 124.3
    Average weight recorded from May: 123.4
    Average weight recorded from June: 123.2

    Week of…
    July 1: 122.8
    July 7: 123.8
    July 14: 123.8
    July 21: 123.6
    July 28:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: Honestly, I was expecting a bit of a drop this week, hoping to get back into the 122’s… but it didn’t happen. I worked out every day this week and was under my calorie goal each day. So not really sure why I didn’t see much movement, oh well. Happy to see myself maintaining still while eating a little heavier meal for dinner each day.
  • reversemigration
    reversemigration Posts: 168 Member
    Name: Ben
    Age: 51
    Height: 6'
    Total weight lost: ~55 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 9 months
    How long in maintenance: Since ~ December 2018
    Maintenance weight range: 166-171...ish

    Average weight recorded for December:165.8
    Average weight recorded for January: 167.3
    Average weight recorded for February: 167.2
    Average weight recorded for March: 166.5
    Average weight recorded for April: 162.9
    Average weight recorded for May: 161.5
    Average weight recorded for June: 160.9

    Week of...
    July 7th: ??
    July 14th: 160.6
    July 20th: 160.2
    July 27th: 160.8

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: It was a pretty good week. Slowly and intentionally trending up towards the bottom of my range. Quite a dip in my weekly step average after having to spend many hours sitting in a seat during orientation, but I still managed to fit in most of my gym time. I can already tell I'm going to struggle to continue that once I'm on 12 hour nights, but I hope to adapt and stay committed.

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • missperfectpitch
    missperfectpitch Posts: 604 Member
    Name: missperfectpitch
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: About 43 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 1 year and 2 months
    How long in maintenance: I hit my goal weight in the beginning of January 2018, but officially started maintenance in mid-March 2018 after figuring out my calories for a couple of months.
    Maintenance weight range: 108-111.5
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 109.8

    Average weight recorded from January: 111
    Average weight recorded from February: 110.8
    Average weight recorded from March: 110.6
    Average weight recorded from April: 110.0
    Average weight recorded from May: 109.9
    Average weight recorded for June: 111.2

    Week of..
    July 6: 110.8 (trend 111.1)
    July 13: 112.7 (trend 111.8)
    July 20: 112.4 (trend 112.1)
    July 27: 111.8 (trend 111.9)

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: My weight is still on the high side (still over the high end of my range), though it's not fluctuating wildly like it was last week when my weight hit 113 a couple of times, and it's been trending downwards since Tuesday. My July average weight will be pretty high, but most of June and July were planned surplus weeks since I was eating out a lot, so I knew that my weight would probably creep up. I'm hoping that over the next few weeks, my weight will get back down a bit, because I've got a vacation at the end of August where I know I'll be eating everything and anything.