Scary Movies you love...



  • Anyone going to see that new shark movie? Previews look good but then again Ive been fooled by previews many times!

    Lol. I kinda wanna see Shark Night 3D. It looks cheesy, but then again I'm the one that watches all the sharks movies that come on SCI-FI..
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    Isn't The Strangers based on a true story?
  • rockann16
    rockann16 Posts: 885 Member
    I'm more into suspense than blood and gore. I LOVE all Alfred Hitchcock movies...Rear Window, Physco and Dial M For Murder are some of my favorites. Others that I will rewatch a million times:

    The Shining
    The Others
    Amityville Horror
    Shutter Island
    Cape Fear (the original)

    I'm sure there are more but that's the top picks that I can think of.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I want to see shark night as well, plus one i watched thinking i would give it at best 2 netflix stars was Piranha I loved it LOL. Straw Dogs I could care less I saw the original and didn't really like it that much so the remake looks so so, I will still see it because I don't discriminate my movies but in no rush.

    A funny story about the Exorcist, I use to watch ALOT when I was younger not even a preteen, and it never bothered me and then it was re-released in theaters with extras so i went and saw it by myself and I was the only one in the whole theater :) I finally walked out of it because all the added surround sound was creeping me out, sounded like someone was in there with me whispering the whole time. LOL

    Stranger is slightly based on a true story.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Big Takashi Miike fan, look him up he has some good stuff.

    also check out:
    À l’intérieur

    and of course the Evil Dead
  • I want to see shark night as well, plus one i watched thinking i would give it at best 2 netflix stars was Piranha I loved it LOL. Straw Dogs I could care less I saw the original and didn't really like it that much so the remake looks so so, I will still see it because I don't discriminate my movies but in no rush.

    A funny story about the Exorcist, I use to watch ALOT when I was younger not even a preteen, and it never bothered me and then it was re-released in theaters with extras so i went and saw it by myself and I was the only one in the whole theater :) I finally walked out of it because all the added surround sound was creeping me out, sounded like someone was in there with me whispering the whole time. LOL

    Stranger is slightly based on a true story.

    Are you talking about the new piranha movie? That movie made me sick to my stomach LOL. I have seen almost every horror and gory movie and have never once gotten sick to my stomach, but watching piranha made me sick to my stomach watching it.. The part where they were trying to get everyone out of the water made me sick lol.. i was like well at leat they did a good job making me sick and poor Jeery o'connor lol
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Big Takashi Miike fan, look him up he has some good stuff.

    also check out:
    À l’intérieur

    and of course the Evil Dead

    ^Love all those
    OOOO all very good I was about to post about Inside. I'm a huge gore hound I have discovered.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I want to see shark night as well, plus one i watched thinking i would give it at best 2 netflix stars was Piranha I loved it LOL. Straw Dogs I could care less I saw the original and didn't really like it that much so the remake looks so so, I will still see it because I don't discriminate my movies but in no rush.

    A funny story about the Exorcist, I use to watch ALOT when I was younger not even a preteen, and it never bothered me and then it was re-released in theaters with extras so i went and saw it by myself and I was the only one in the whole theater :) I finally walked out of it because all the added surround sound was creeping me out, sounded like someone was in there with me whispering the whole time. LOL

    Stranger is slightly based on a true story.

    Are you talking about the new piranha movie? That movie made me sick to my stomach LOL. I have seen almost every horror and gory movie and have never once gotten sick to my stomach, but watching piranha made me sick to my stomach watching it.. The part where they were trying to get everyone out of the water made me sick lol.. i was like well at leat they did a good job making me sick and poor Jeery o'connor lol

    Yea the new one super cheesy. I know I felt so bad for Jerry too :(
    The only movies that have mad me sick feeling were Martyrs, Inside and Irreversible (this one mainly due to creative camera work)
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    Isn't The Strangers based on a true story?

  • The Exorcist-best movie ever!!!
    Im also a big fan of the first 4 hellraisers
    almost anything with zombies

    The original Exorcist was the best love that movie!!
  • And I love all horror movies!!! Im a horror movie buff!!!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Oh yeah I forgot about Amityville, which I saw was mentioned but haven’t seen anyone say Pet Semetary by Steven King. I use to watch that when I was 5 and never liked the sister saying “Rachael” all creepy haha!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Anyone going to see that new shark movie? Previews look good but then again Ive been fooled by previews many times!

    Can't say that I will, I saw Don't be afraid of the dark yesterday... and well it was better than insidious but pretty lame
  • Oh yeah I forgot about Amityville, which I saw was mentioned but haven’t seen anyone say Pet Semetary by Steven King. I use to watch that when I was 5 and never liked the sister saying “Rachael” all creepy haha!

    Love the pet cemetary movies growing up....and love Stephen King movies!
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    Halloweeenn with michael myers, not the last 2 ones but the first couple were scary, i still dont like that mask lol
  • Favorite movie of all time and best horror film (in my opinion) is Halloween. The original, genius, John Carpenter-directed 1978 masterpiece. I saw it for the first time when I was 8 and was terrified! And intrigued. I've loved a LOT of films, but that one will always be my favorite (well, tied with The Wizard of Oz lol)

    Others that I love are:

    The Shining
    The Omen (original)
    Psycho (although not technically a horror film, it was the inspiration for so many slasher flicks to come)
    A Nightmare on Elm Street
    In The Mouth of Madness
    Scream & Scream 2 (I pretend the third and fourth installments don't exist)
    Final Destination
    Cabin Fever
    The Exorcist
    28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later
    Dawn of the Dead (both versions-the remake is one of the best films of the 00's)
    My Bloody Valentine 3D (not for the 3D, for yummy Jensen Ackles :)
    The Strangers

    And guilty pleasures:
    I Know What You Did Last Summer
    Wrong Turn
    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake)
    The Grudge (I loooove Sarah Michelle Gellar)

    I also saw someone mention Insidious earlier in the thread. I loved that movie for about 45 minutes. Spooky, atmospheric, with good acting. Then it takes a turn for the goofy. Too bad; it could've been great.
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    I think I posted on your other thread, but I'll say it again the scariest horror movies I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot) were:

    The Hill Have Eyes
    Antichrist (actually traumatizing)
  • The strangers was scary

  • rwuchic
    rwuchic Posts: 20 Member
    Love the Lost Boys. They should have stopped there though. Part 2 and 3 were horrible.
  • rwuchic
    rwuchic Posts: 20 Member
    I want to see shark night as well, plus one i watched thinking i would give it at best 2 netflix stars was Piranha I loved it LOL. Straw Dogs I could care less I saw the original and didn't really like it that much so the remake looks so so, I will still see it because I don't discriminate my movies but in no rush.

    A funny story about the Exorcist, I use to watch ALOT when I was younger not even a preteen, and it never bothered me and then it was re-released in theaters with extras so i went and saw it by myself and I was the only one in the whole theater :) I finally walked out of it because all the added surround sound was creeping me out, sounded like someone was in there with me whispering the whole time. LOL

    Stranger is slightly based on a true story.

    Are you talking about the new piranha movie? That movie made me sick to my stomach LOL. I have seen almost every horror and gory movie and have never once gotten sick to my stomach, but watching piranha made me sick to my stomach watching it.. The part where they were trying to get everyone out of the water made me sick lol.. i was like well at leat they did a good job making me sick and poor Jeery o'connor lol

    Yea the new one super cheesy. I know I felt so bad for Jerry too :(
    The only movies that have mad me sick feeling were Martyrs, Inside and Irreversible (this one mainly due to creative camera work)

    Chaos made me sick. It's a knock off of last house on the left. Sylvester Salone's son is in it. It still gives me the chills.