Responding to people who lecture me that I’m killing my metabolism.

I’ve never been a huge breakfast eater unless I have worked out in the morn and eat something after. I usually am set with my coffee and milk and don’t get hungry until noon ish. I might have a snack (cheese stick) if I get really hungry, but usually I wait until I get home and have a decent dinner and one or two snacks. I’ve always been more of a night eater and I can’t stay in my calorie goal happily if I do breakfast and lunch.

Unfortunately, this upsets people. I don’t broadcast my way of eating, but at work or in conversation, I get a lot of flack for not eating lunch and then lectured that I am killing my metabolism and that “thousands of studies show [eating throughout the day/breakfast/not eating after 8pm etc] is best.”

I’m counting calories and I’m of the mindset that if I stay in my calorie goal, I can eat when I please. I’m just tired of being polite.


  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Just tell them that you ate earlier. You did - last night!
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited July 2019
    I would stop telling people you don't eat breakfast. you don't have to supply that info.

    even in conversation are people point blank asking what you eat for breakfast? if they are asking cuz they are looking for meal ideas then just spout out possible breakfast ideas. But otherwise i can't see why people would be point blank asking what I eat for breakfast. If they did i'd say "depends on the day" in your case and move the conversation to another topic. and be careful about bringing up my eating habits in general in conversation to avoid it coming up.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
  • FitGirl_Running
    FitGirl_Running Posts: 12 Member
    Why talk about it at all when it's brought up in conversation, or broadcast it here if it's nobody else's business but your own?
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    I would literally tell them that I'd prefer not to discuss my body at work and then I'd walk away. Just shut it down.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    Studies show (:D) that it takes 15-18 years for solid research findings to make their way into the general practice. The research showing "multiple meals per day support a more robust metabolism" is outdated and has been supplanted. But that's not the problem. The problem is unwanted advice. Inside, I would be all "ferkle off" and outside I would be "thanks for your concern. I'll take it from here." and pointedly change the subject.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    "Thank you for your concern, but this works for me." Then don't comment after they comeback with something else.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Panini911 wrote: »
    I would stop telling people you don't eat breakfast. you don't have to supply that info.

    even in conversation are people point blank asking what you eat for breakfast? if they are asking cuz they are looking for meal ideas then just spout out possible breakfast ideas. But otherwise i can't see why people would be point blank asking what I eat for breakfast. If they did i'd say "depends on the day" in your case and move the conversation to another topic. and be careful about bringing up my eating habits in general in conversation to avoid it coming up.

    Seems like the issue is more lunch. Her coworkers notice that she doesn't eat lunch.

    @AlyssaPetsDogs can you go for a walk or something at lunch so you are not around them at lunch?