How do I get legs like this?



  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,975 Member
    Spend lots of time in the weight room of your gym lifting heavy things and putting them back down again while you dial in your diet to get rid of excess body fat.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,626 Member
    I like the rest of her body but seem to be the only person who thinks her quads are out of proportion with the rest of her.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Nothing more to add really that hasn't already been said.

    YEARS of training, and lots of focus on the quads - squats, lunges, leg extensions, etc etc. But not JUST legs - the rest of her is pretty well 'worked out' too.

    Then, dieting HARD to get to super low BF.

    Plus, add some flexing and some good lighting.

    Possibly, but not necessarily, some steroid use, but also as mentioned above the steroid isn't going to magically make the legs grow. It's used in conjunction with the committed consistent HEAVY training and use of bulk/cut cycles. It will help the legs (and everything else) grow if you use it wisely.

    She most likely also has (or had) a coach to tell her what to do and when and how often.

    So yeah OP - get lifting and eating and be patient coz it will take you years to get there.