Women 50+ Daily Fitness Accountability

flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
edited July 2019 in Motivation and Support
Looking for women 50+ who need daily accountability with their current fitness goals. I'm 53 with a goal to lose 30 lbs primarily by strength training. I've lost 40lbs in the last year watching macros and lifting weights with some HIIT cardio. I'm struggling with motivation to keep going and I found I do best when I keep contact with others who are in the same fight. Anyone want to join me for the win?
I'd like each to post weekly wrkts, stats (only gains or loss required), struggles and successes.


  • hereslibby
    hereslibby Posts: 93 Member
    I am in a similar spot. I am 54, lost over 50 lbs with eating healthier and excercising. Hit a plateau last year and the last few months have been stressful with the loss of a family friend. Gained 15lbs back which is especially hard since I was with in 5 pounds of my goal weight when I hit the plateau. I’ve been finding it really hard to be motivated, being extremely hot here in Arizona isn’t helping! I know I need to change up something to get this weight back off.
    It would be nice to have others that are in a similar situation be supportive of each other. Feel free to add me. I am in !
    How would you like to do this?
  • dyfthompson
    dyfthompson Posts: 81 Member
    I would love to be added. I'm 58, and lost 85 pounds with a major lifestyle change. My struggle the last two years has been a frustrating cycle of gaining/losing 15 pounds. It's hard to be motivated sometimes when the scale refuses to move. I work out every day but it's difficult sometimes to find the motivation (and stay far away from the chocolate - sugar addiction sucks).
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    You guys made my day! I do best when I have to answer to someone for this. Some goals we carry on our own but this is such a mental battle for me.

    Here's my thoughts... we can be friends and add daily notes forworkouts etc. on our diaries or we can post daily workouts/ goals here. I haven't used MFP for more than a calorie counter yet so I'm not sure how the communication would work on our diaries.

    What I personally would like to track with you is my goals, wrkts, daily calories and have a weekly weigh-in noting how much I gained or lost (dont have to reveal current weight if uncomfortable with that). Let me know what you think? ~V
  • dyfthompson
    dyfthompson Posts: 81 Member
    I completely relate to the mental battle. It's harder because I'm not very good at practicing self-compassion.
    I'm good with the tracking and comfortable with sharing weight.
    I'm pretty new to MFP, so I don't know the best format for sharing. I'm open to whatever is best for everyone else.
  • hereslibby
    hereslibby Posts: 93 Member
    I think there is a way to make a “group”. Not sure how but that might be a good way for us to share. Of course we can always continue with this thread as well.

    Having friends that support each other will help with the mental battle. I know it does for me. I have very little encouragement
    on the home front so MFP is my main source of support.
    I am good with sharing goals, workouts, gains/losses, calories, etc. I weigh every two weeks and will post my results. I found weighing daily or weekly gives me that roller coaster feeling that messes with my mind. For me, two week weigh ins give me a better gauge.
  • TiluKiKi
    TiluKiKi Posts: 34 Member
    Hi. I turned 50 this year and it was a rocky start. I've promised myself 10kg (22lbs) weight loss for my 51st birthday which is 8 months away. Unlike most people (like my husband!) who haven't fallen off the bandwagon as many times as I have it seems easy enough. I know the people in this group will understand. Hereslibby, I hear you! The weekly weigh-in rollercoaster sucks. I've forced myself to do the 10 day challenge and it's agony getting on the scale every morning. After this, weekly will definitely be easier!!!! Anyway if you do form a group I would love to join. Have a lovely weekend from sweltering London.~T
  • hereslibby
    hereslibby Posts: 93 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hi Tilukiki! Yes, it's hard getting started and staying motivated. When I started, my goal was to change 1 thing a week in my diet and loose 1/2 a lb a week. Doesn't seem like much, but it adds up faster than you realize. For me, it wasn't just about losing weight but about making a lifestyle change. Slow and steady wins the race!
    Feel your pain with the heat!🔥 It is going to be 111° (44° C) here in Phoenix, AZ today!
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    Morning! Welcone T! One way to look at weigh-ins (helped me) is remembering it is "just data" to let you know what adjustments to make as you continue towards the goal. That being said... data showing a gain it still no fun to see!!

    Ok. Let's check on MFP options (groups, friends, etc) and pick a start day. We'll each weigh-in for a starting point, and post our individual goals and plan (best to do what works for you). Weekly or bi-weekly stats after that. I wonder if the diaries might be sufficient for stats and this or other journal for support posts.

    What day works for everyone? I'm ready to start anytime.
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    hereslibby wrote: »
    I think there is a way to make a “group”.
    "hereslibby"- Found the group option! I'll go ahead and make a private group. We can invite anyone else after that. Sound good to all?
  • dyfthompson
    dyfthompson Posts: 81 Member
    edited July 2019
    Sounds great. Welcome T! I would love to get started soon. Monday maybe? I need to improve my weekend check-ins but I'm pretty good during the week (mostly) :s
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    dyfthompson- weekends are my "weak" ends!🤣
  • hereslibby
    hereslibby Posts: 93 Member
    flacacruz wrote: »
    dyfthompson- weekends are my "weak" ends!🤣

    Starting on Monday is good with me!

    Thanks flacacruz for researching the group opition. Let's do this!
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    **I keep having to repost so if I duplicate its tech difficulties.**

    Created group and sent invites. FYI- Group is called "Women 50+ Group Support". Please let me know if you want changes or additions. Happy to journey with you all!!
  • carriesheph
    carriesheph Posts: 36 Member
    Would love to join this group if possible. I just turned 56 on the July 25th and I wanted 5 stupid pounds off by my day. However, I got in my own selfs way, so maddening!!! I’ve always been fairly thin but when I hit 50 I’m fighting the hormone weight gain.
  • hereslibby
    hereslibby Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Carriiesheph!
    It is maddening how we sabotage ourselves. I do it too! It would be great for you to join out group. We are just getting started. Flacacruz has been wonderful enough to set up a group and section things off to make it easier for us to get to know and support each other. We each have our own personal goals and you can share yours if you would like for us to help you stay accountable.
    It’s open for anyone to join.
  • dyfthompson
    dyfthompson Posts: 81 Member
    Hello Carrie, welcome. And Monday hello to everyone else :) FYI, didn't get an invite to the group yet so not sure how this going to work so I'm just starting by sharing some stats/goals for today.

    I'm 58 and my goal since joining MFP in May has been to get back to a weight of 155. I've unfortunately been stuck at 160 (4 weeks running now) so Carrie I definitely get your frustration. I hit a high weight of 242 and seeing the "obese" notation on my medical record, coupled with high blood sugar and cholesterol, scared me into a major lifestyle change. I lost 87 pounds in a year. In the last two years though I've been back and forth between gaining/losing 15 - 20 pounds. Completely aggravating.

    Got in 90 active min today, between morning workout and walking.
    So far on track with meals. Mostly ignoring the chocolate at work. Mostly.

    For a Monday, it's not been horrible!

    Hope you all are having a good start to the week.
  • TiluKiKi
    TiluKiKi Posts: 34 Member
    Hi All! I received a friend request from Dy which I have accepted but nothing for a group.
    Happy for a Monday weigh in !
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    TiluKiKi wrote: »
    Hi All! I received a friend request from Dy which I have accepted but nothing for a group.
    Happy for a Monday weigh in !
    Tracy-You're good to go now in group?
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    Hello Carrie, welcome. And Monday hello to everyone else :) FYI, didn't get an invite to the group yet so not sure how this going to work so I'm just starting by sharing some stats/goals for today.

    I'm 58 and my goal since joining MFP in May has been to get back to a weight of 155. I've unfortunately been stuck at 160 (4 weeks running now) so Carrie I definitely get your frustration. I hit a high weight of 242 and seeing the "obese" notation on my medical record, coupled with high blood sugar and cholesterol, scared me into a major lifestyle change. I lost 87 pounds in a year. In the last two years though I've been back and forth between gaining/losing 15 - 20 pounds. Completely aggravating.

    Got in 90 active min today, between morning workout and walking.
    So far on track with meals. Mostly ignoring the chocolate at work. Mostly.

    For a Monday, it's not been horrible!

    Hope you all are having a good start to the week.

    dyfthompson- I sent you an invite! Look for the group "Women 50+ Group Support". Creative... I know. New to doing any of this in MFP so we shall learn together!
    Amazing weight loss!! I'm in the middle of that right now. Salads all day or hefty workouts? 😉
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    Would love to join this group
    Welcome! Sending you invite!
  • hereslibby
    hereslibby Posts: 93 Member
  • dyfthompson
    dyfthompson Posts: 81 Member
    Good morning :)

    I hope Tuesday is off to a promising start.

    "I want to see what happens if I don't give up."

  • starfruit132
    starfruit132 Posts: 291 Member
    Hi, late to the party. Could I join your group. Turning 57 this week. Lost 35 originally but gaining back fast after a stressful year. Currently 147.5 but need to be at 132. I don't know why it's harder this time, but I think it's all about being accountable.
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi,I’m 53 and my ‘new’ doctor made me stop taking bc one year ago.Since that,my body is not mine 😔.The weight has come to stay.I workout and eat what I should and sometimes not at all.The scale is not my friend right now.
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    Hi,I’m 53 and my ‘new’ doctor made me stop taking bc one year ago.Since that,my body is not mine 😔.The weight has come to stay.I workout and eat what I should and sometimes not at all.The scale is not my friend right now.

    Welcome! Sorry, what's "bc"?
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, late to the party. Could I join your group. Turning 57 this week. Lost 35 originally but gaining back fast after a stressful year. Currently 147.5 but need to be at 132. I don't know why it's harder this time, but I think it's all about being accountable.

    Welcome! I agree regarding accountability. That's why I'm here too!
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    Good morning Ladies! Hope all are doing well this week! So I've been watching this Discussion and also the Group, became friends with all but TiluKiKi (trying to send request but not working) and new joiners. Here's what I'm thinking...

    Kinda concerned if the "Group" gets too big because I feel like accountability will be harder or lost. What would be different than the whole of MFP community? There will be to many to track unless we break into teams or limit members (allow additions when there are openings). The point is accountability and you need to watch your friends progress and help with struggles. We are all busy so keeping it smaller would be easier. (new ladies, still welcome. No worries🙂)Would love your thoughts on this...

    The reason I made "Weekly Stats" discussion is so we can quickly reference progress. After watching our activity, I think it's best if we keep that sorta clean from lots of daily comments and I think that'll work. A couple comments/cheers after each new stats post is fine.

    Watching how the posting is going on my individual diary/home account, it seems to be the best place for the daily support comments. We can still post specific discussions in the group if needed. I've really not used the "friends" function of MFP yet so I'm still figuring out. And I've not used the Comments/ "What's on your mind" option either. Just a food tracker til now😉.

    Tell me your thoughts please. 🙂
  • rhondamacleod1958
    rhondamacleod1958 Posts: 88 Member
    I am no longer in my 50's, but rather 61. I hope I can still join :) I was diagnosed to Type 2 Diabetes in February and it has been a struggle to not only lose weight, but drop my sugar levels. I've lost 18.5 lbs since then and have been going to the gym with a friend. I need accountability!!!
  • flacacruz
    flacacruz Posts: 53 Member
    I am no longer in my 50's, but rather 61. I hope I can still join :) I was diagnosed to Type 2 Diabetes in February and it has been a struggle to not only lose weight, but drop my sugar levels. I've lost 18.5 lbs since then and have been going to the gym with a friend. I need accountability!!!

    Yes of course! Its 50+ and welcome! We share your struggle. Sorry to hear about diagnosis. Be encouraged. My husband was critical when he was diagnosed and was able to get it under control just by watching his diet. They took him completely off insulin and meds.
  • llutz13134
    llutz13134 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I would love to join. Im 53 and have been trying to lose those pesky 10 pounds. I can’t rely completely on exercise and haven’t been successful even with logging into MFP. I do best with shared accountability.