Have protein shakes made anyone else gag? If so, how have you fixed this?


I've been using Isopure's protein powders in toasted coconut and tropical punch. I like the taste, but the after taste makes me gag every time I drink them, and my breath continues to make me gag afterward until I eat something else or I brush my teeth.

The best fix that I've come across is making a smoothie by adding pineapple, banana, and coconut powder. Even then, it still bothers me from time to time.

Has anyone else experienced this? What worked for you to get over it?


  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    edited July 2019
    I go with MyProtein's whey concentrates. Aside from Rocky Road all of them taste pretty decent on their own.
    Mixing with milk or almond milk is better than water, and their chocolate version is heavenly when blended with milk and a banana.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    What is your reason that makes you drink protein shakes? There are other ways of getting more protein than by drinking something that makes you gag.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    I just kept trying different ones till I found one I liked. Now I drink Spartan Nutrition cookies and cream every day.
  • aprillynncottrell
    aprillynncottrell Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2019
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    What is your reason that makes you drink protein shakes? There are other ways of getting more protein than by drinking something that makes you gag.

    I don't use them every day, but on some days, I notice that I'm 20-30g under my protein goal. The shakes are only 90-100 kcal for 20-25g of protein, so It's a good way to fit it in at the end if I'm under.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member

    I've been using Isopure's protein powders in toasted coconut and tropical punch. I like the taste, but the after taste makes me gag every time I drink them, and my breath continues to make me gag afterward until I eat something else or I brush my teeth.

    The best fix that I've come across is making a smoothie by adding pineapple, banana, and coconut powder. Even then, it still bothers me from time to time.

    Has anyone else experienced this? What worked for you to get over it?

    Try a brand with neither "Natural Flavor" nor stevia.

    No, this has never happened to me, but the only flavors I get are unflavored, vanilla, or chocolate.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I get the chocolate Gold Standard by Optimimum Nutrition. Tastes good and no gagging.
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    Could you try a protein bar instead? Or some hard boiled eggs or beef jerky?
  • kimondo666
    kimondo666 Posts: 194 Member
    try vanilla or chocolate, its the safest taste.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I’ve never drunk a protein shake or eaten a protein bar for that matter. I have to admit that the regularity I see them mentioned completely mystifies me!

    How did generations of people manage to stay alive before the ‘diet and health’ industry invented them, I wonder? Maybe there were just heaps of people keeling over in the street for lack of protein? 🙄

    Quite honestly, I do understand if you’re a full on body builder that it’s hard to get enough protein through food alone. Cost of high quality protein at the quantities needed for that might factor too, I guess.

    But, for the vast majority of the people who mention protein shake this and protein bar that on these forums are just people who have bought into this particular industry hype.

    If you’re not getting as close as you’d like to your protein macro (and it’s actually not essential to hit those numbers if you’re managing your intake comfortably and aren’t starving every day) then look at your food diary and work out where you can swap in a better protein source. It’s not as if protein sources are ethereal mystical things. They are everyday healthy foods!

    I don't like large lunches, and I like to linger over lunch, so smoothies are perfect for me. This time of year they include Swiss chard, kale, and spearmint from my garden, as well as fruit, seeds, and protein powder. Takes me hours to drink and keeps me full for hours, for under 400 calories.

    I used to do a peanut butter and banana smoothie, but it was over 500 calories (once I got a food scale and learned the awful truth about peanut butter), and didn't keep me full as long.

    Way before that, I used to juice, and that was the worst. Gave me headaches.

    Now, I'm eating more veggies and staying fuller longer.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You don't have to drink protein shakes. Either try other brands until you find one you like, or get your protein from other foods.

    I personally do not like the taste of Isopure chocolate, though I haven't had the flavors you mentioned. I'm currently eating NitroTech Whey Gold, chocolate flavor. Quest protein powder is also popular.
  • aprillynncottrell
    aprillynncottrell Posts: 4 Member
    Could you try a protein bar instead? Or some hard boiled eggs or beef jerky?

    I could give some more bars a shot! I've avoided them mostly because they tend to be a bit too sweet for me.
  • aprillynncottrell
    aprillynncottrell Posts: 4 Member
    I figured I'd add what I usually do for protein along with my stats to see if anyone has other suggestions:

    I have about 4-5 eggs a day (french style omelets and scrambled eggs with spinach, black beans and tomato are lovely), but that, tofu, and cottage cheese tend to be my significant sources of protein in a day when I diet. I also incorporate lentils, quinoa, oats, and peas as protein sources. I'm an ovo/lacto vegetarian.

    Whey doesn't upset my stomach, but other milk products do as I am lactose intolerant.

    Hitting that 50g per day isn't hard when I'm not dieting, as I have more to work with, but I find it hard to do so without help when I am. Especially on days when I go out, and I'm not tracking on my macros until I get home.

    I chose not to track when I'm out. I'm one of the smallest people in my friend group, and I can tell that it bothers my friends when they see me actively tracking or if I talk about my weight/diet, so I don't. I understand that this isn't the best thing that I can do when I'm trying to be careful, but it's what I'm doing, haha.

    I'm losing about 1/5th of a pound per week eating 1200 kcal a day. My TDEE is about 1500 kcal for reference. It's the curse of being small (5'3" 124lbs 23% BF) lol.

    Because my progress is slowing down, I did join a gym. Hopefully, I can up my cal intake soon when I factor in exercise. That way, I can have room for more actual foods that contain protein again.

    I've also done some reflecting, and I think I found out why the shakes make me gag. When I was young, my parents would use powdered milk to save money, and they'd have me drink the milk (because kids should typically have milk, haha). When I have lactose, I will get nauseous or throw up. The after taste of the shakes is the same as that of powdered milk. I'm thinking that if I decide that shakes would still be an asset to me that I'd try the pea protein ones, as that should help me avoid the milky taste.

    I chose 50g of protein per day as my goal amount because when I plug my stats into those "how much protein should I get per day" calculators these are my results.

    American Dietetic Association (ADA): at least 56 - 101 grams/day.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 43 - 152 grams/day (10-35% of daily caloric intake).

    World Health Organization safe lower limit: 47 grams/day.

  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    5 large eggs would give you approximately 42g of protein (I’ve just logged them to check - must make sure I delete them before it kills my day! 😂)

    With the other sources you mention, all good quality proteins, I’m genuinely surprised you can’t hit your 50g goal. I’m also vegetarian, but admittedly not lactose intolerant which I agree might make it harder, but I don’t generally struggle to get enough protein.

    (btw does cottage cheese not flare you up or does that come under whey product for you? Asking because I don’t know the answer, not trying to trip you up!)
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    The pea protein powders are quite pleasant, although they have a more savoury taste. I like Pulsin as a brand, but not sure if they're available in the US.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    I figured I'd add what I usually do for protein along with my stats to see if anyone has other suggestions:

    I have about 4-5 eggs a day (french style omelets and scrambled eggs with spinach, black beans and tomato are lovely), but that, tofu, and cottage cheese tend to be my significant sources of protein in a day when I diet. I also incorporate lentils, quinoa, oats, and peas as protein sources. I'm an ovo/lacto vegetarian.

    Whey doesn't upset my stomach, but other milk products do as I am lactose intolerant.

    Hitting that 50g per day isn't hard when I'm not dieting, as I have more to work with, but I find it hard to do so without help when I am. Especially on days when I go out, and I'm not tracking on my macros until I get home.

    I chose not to track when I'm out. I'm one of the smallest people in my friend group, and I can tell that it bothers my friends when they see me actively tracking or if I talk about my weight/diet, so I don't. I understand that this isn't the best thing that I can do when I'm trying to be careful, but it's what I'm doing, haha.

    I'm losing about 1/5th of a pound per week eating 1200 kcal a day. My TDEE is about 1500 kcal for reference. It's the curse of being small (5'3" 124lbs 23% BF) lol.

    Because my progress is slowing down, I did join a gym. Hopefully, I can up my cal intake soon when I factor in exercise. That way, I can have room for more actual foods that contain protein again.

    I've also done some reflecting, and I think I found out why the shakes make me gag. When I was young, my parents would use powdered milk to save money, and they'd have me drink the milk (because kids should typically have milk, haha). When I have lactose, I will get nauseous or throw up. The after taste of the shakes is the same as that of powdered milk. I'm thinking that if I decide that shakes would still be an asset to me that I'd try the pea protein ones, as that should help me avoid the milky taste.

    I chose 50g of protein per day as my goal amount because when I plug my stats into those "how much protein should I get per day" calculators these are my results.

    American Dietetic Association (ADA): at least 56 - 101 grams/day.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 43 - 152 grams/day (10-35% of daily caloric intake).

    World Health Organization safe lower limit: 47 grams/day.

    what about using Seitan? my sister the vegan uses that as a protein source quite often; or add some egg whites into your scambled eggs - they are typically pure protein with no fat - so a good bulk up source for lower calories

    for me i get a significant portion of mine through grains (barley/farro/rice) - but my base calories are significantly higher than yours so i have more flex on the carb side of the house

    what about fairlife milk - supposedly its lactose free and that is a pretty hefty protein punch
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I've tried sooooo many protein shake powders! Some give me headaches,some do a number on my stomach,etc were using muscle milk right now and it's not too bad, seriously though don't continue to eat/drink anything that makes you gag