Newborn Mamas

3 days postpartum and want to lose this baby weight. Looking for other newborn mamas in the same boat. Please feel free to friend request me. We can all loft each other up and support one another. 💙


  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    I will be in your shoes within the next year or so. Congratulations to you mama! Make sure to take your time :)
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,699 Member
    Keep in mind that you shape the baby's food preferences while breastfeeding, so get a varied diet with plenty of veg.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    edited July 2019
    Take your time! Your tummy muscles have been through a lot, your body has probably been slightly depleted of its nutrients reserves, and your hormones are in a funny place. Your spine, your abs and your pelvis have been through a traumatic few months.

    I remember vividly the horror of seeing my post baby body the first time around. There's a lot they don't tell you about in antinatal classes! Don't worry too much about the bits that stretch out of shape, because they'll gradually shrink back.

    Eat well, sleep when you can, start any exercise program off slow and gentle, and don't beat yourself up is you can't always fit exercise in every day. You'll get there.

    And congratulations!!
  • Kristen8912
    Kristen8912 Posts: 32 Member
    Lol thanks all. This is actually our 4th child and I continued working out right up to the day I delivered. I am no stranger to the postpartum phase and newborn phase. I have a background in nutrition and I have my OB’s blessing for the weight loss.

    I appreciate everybody’s concern but all is well here. I promise. Now if there are any postpartum mommies out there working to lose the baby weight, feel free to friend request me. 😊
  • CandiceRochelleGerz
    I am 4 weeks postpartum today and just signed up for the app. I had lost 110 pounds when I got pregnant and then through pregnancy the weight just puked back on even though I tried so hard not to have that happen. Part of it was I’d been fully keto before and then the carb cravings hit me hard. I’m not going back keto, I missed my fruit too much, plus I can’t sustain it. I’ve been eating like a total *kitten* and just saying that breastfeeding would help take it off but I’m not breastfeeding anymore, I couldn’t produce enough milk for my chunker. She’s already 11.5 pounds (started at 9lbs 10oz). I’m definitely going to need to ease into this but I’m ready. I had a C-section so I’m not allowed to do my workouts again but I’m looking forward to starting them back up, it is how I start my day. I want to be the healthiest I can be as I have my brand new daughter and a 10 year old son and I’m all they’ve got. My sons dad and I separated a couple years back and the father of my little girl bailed the morning she was born and hasn’t been around since. I want to be the best mom I can be for them and that means I need to be more mindful. I’m in Canada so I am taking a year of maternity leave so I’m really hoping to make the most of it.