Extensor Tendonitis - Anyone dealt with this before?

I have been pushing my walks alot lately and have developed extreme pain in one foot following my last walk which was about 7 miles. I have increased quite recently my range and time that I walk to about double my average and I think I have damaged something. Dr. Google seems to say it's Extensor Tendonitis. I haven't seen my doc yet but it sounds pretty likely. Have any of you dealt with this? I understand it's a common runner's injury. If you have had it, how long does it take to heal? I'm gonna go nuts not walking plus I lose those extra calories. Any insight would be helpful.


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Sorry to hear this Cheryl. I don’t know about this condition. Hope it heals soon.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,613 Member
    I've never heard of it, but I think I might have a little Achilles tendonitis...
  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    I have been pushing my walks alot lately and have developed extreme pain in one foot following my last walk which was about 7 miles. I have increased quite recently my range and time that I walk to about double my average and I think I have damaged something. Dr. Google seems to say it's Extensor Tendonitis. I haven't seen my doc yet but it sounds pretty likely. Have any of you dealt with this? I understand it's a common runner's injury. If you have had it, how long does it take to heal? I'm gonna go nuts not walking plus I lose those extra calories. Any insight would be helpful.

    Sounds like you pushed yourself a little too hard; bummer about the pain and hope it isn’t serious.

    Not sure if it would help this, but in general, for ‘happy feet’ I like to work with Yamana’s Foot Wakers. They are half round nubbed things that sit on the floor and your feet engage with them from either a seated or standing position.

    Good luck
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,210 Member
    If it hurts that much, it really should be checked by a doctor, in case it's a fracture.

    Do you have flat arches?
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I have Peroneal tendonitis, or tendinopathy, I forget which. Problem with the peroneal tendons.

    I hate it. I lost weight, exercised, did physical therapy, wore special shoes for a year, I thought it was fine. Hasn't bothered me in over 12 months - ran a little too much and it's flared back up again.

    I'm not happy with the tendons in my ankle right now.
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 530 Member
    edited August 2019
    I'm not a runner, I'm a hiker, and yes, I've suffered from this. Make sure you're wearing good shoes made for your activity (running, walking, etc), make sure they're in good shape, shorten your walks for a few days, ice it if the pain is too bad, and allow it to heal. Me, I just kept pounding away, had to get that extra 1/2 mile in... took it forever to heal because of that. I still have occasional pains out of nowhere, but usually when I'm hiking and wearing my good ol' worn out shoes (that are SO comfy... yeah, right! ) :D OH, and according to my doc, overtightening your shoe laces can also cause it, so I now pay attention to how tight I lace 'em!
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Thank you all who replied. It's been about two weeks and I'm starting to feel better. Had to take that time off and my weight is climbing up a bit. I was concerned about a stress fracture due to the sharp pain that developed but it's subsiding. I walk in Sketchers and think maybe I need to loosen up the wallet for something a bit more structured. I pulled out my old runners the other day with orthotics it them and it was much better. Live and learn. I'm going to go get fitted at a store that specialilzes in footwear. Who knew walking could cause issues like that?
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    If you can get access to a balance board, I recommend it. If you strengthen the muscles surrounding your problem area you get less frequent flare ups, and balance boards are great for that. I have a lot of foot and ankle problems.

    Otherwise you can fold a pillow in half and practice standing on it on one leg. Just have a wall nearby for safety.