...Opinions on belly button piercing....



  • jMfxO
    jMfxO Posts: 9
    When I get to my goal weight, that is going to be one of my "treats" to spend my money on!
    As well as a small butterfly tattoo symbolizing "CHANGE"<3
  • ahartery9891
    ahartery9891 Posts: 139 Member
    I just think it's trashy.. plus if you were to ever get pregnant, have you seen the scars, or that thing people have to put in when they want to keep it? Gross
  • jMfxO
    jMfxO Posts: 9
    My mom says the same thing :)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I'm thinking of getting mine pierced too. I've been ashamed of my belly my entire life. Now suddenly I'm not. It's a huge milestone.
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    I got my top belly button piercing when I was 15 and got my bottom belly button piercing when I was 17. I'm now 25, and two kids later, I still have them both and love them. My mom went with me when I was 15 and got hers pierced as well. She is now 56 years old and still wears it. She is only about 120 lbs, and looks nice with it. I think belly piercings are hot! :-)
  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    I used to work in the medical field and you will NOT BELIEVE the bacteria that grows in a bellybutton. It is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Its a nice warm, moist area. While it may be "Cute" (to some people), it is a area that never heals 100% and everyone who gets a peircing will eventually fight a infection on it. I have yet to meet someone who has had one who has never had a infection, small or large. If you get it, be prepared to take care of it. Lots of cleaning and stuff......

    Wow i love your zumba ticker how do you get this? :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It looks ok on some teenagers. It looks dreadful after pregnancy when you have stretch marks radiating from the hole and your belly button is distorted beyond recognition. Don't do it.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I just think it's trashy.. plus if you were to ever get pregnant, have you seen the scars, or that thing people have to put in when they want to keep it? Gross

    eh alot of people think tattoos are trashy so what?

    I got my belly button as a 42nd birthday present to my self. took maybe 3 months to heal, no infexctions and at the moment got black colored jewerly in so no 'sparkle' either LOL
  • i love piercings in general but i do really like belly button rings. I actually have two, the top and the bottom, but i think they are cute and it make me feel more confident... definitely go for it!!
  • RyLaneB
    RyLaneB Posts: 60 Member
    I used to work in the medical field and you will NOT BELIEVE the bacteria that grows in a bellybutton. It is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Its a nice warm, moist area. While it may be "Cute" (to some people), it is a area that never heals 100% and everyone who gets a peircing will eventually fight a infection on it. I have yet to meet someone who has had one who has never had a infection, small or large. If you get it, be prepared to take care of it. Lots of cleaning and stuff......

    I have never been in the medical field, this is just my experience...I have had mine pierced for 13 years,since I was 19. It is fully healed, I have had it out through at least half of both pregnancies without it closing up, it has never been infected. I did have to take special care of it when it was first done, but since then I do not do anything besides regular washing in the shower. In my opinion, it is not any different then the piercings in my ears, except I change the jewelery less often! Do be sure they are using stainless steel or hypo allergenic jewelery though, I am allergic to the nickel in some and it was much more noticeable in my belly button piercing then it has ever been in my ear piercings!
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    I used to work in the medical field and you will NOT BELIEVE the bacteria that grows in a bellybutton. It is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Its a nice warm, moist area. While it may be "Cute" (to some people), it is a area that never heals 100% and everyone who gets a peircing will eventually fight a infection on it. I have yet to meet someone who has had one who has never had a infection, small or large. If you get it, be prepared to take care of it. Lots of cleaning and stuff......

    2 of my 3 daughters have a belly button ring and neither of them has had an infection.

    I havnt read thru the whole thread yet, but I have dermals (google it, they are AWESOME) I've just gotten 4 (3 on my sternum, between my boobs, and one 1/2 an inch above my butt) and I've planned several more. 5 around my belly button is my reward for getting a flat stomach :p 3 on my wrist for my kids and a design on my back. I'm 37 :) So no, if you want a belly button ring get one lol
  • I think you should get it if you like it because in the end it is your decision and not the one of random people on a website. If you really want it, you'll get it. If not, you'll wait. Easy. Looks like you are kind of hesitant, so just wait. You can still get it pierced when you are 50 or so. I think you should be sure about it.

    Personally, I don't like belly button piercings that much. I just think it's kind of... I don't know. Silly.
    It was big in the 90s, but now? Just like tattoos right above your butt. Not too cute.

    But again, your choice. Different people will tell you different things, so listen to yourself.

    Good luck!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I can't speak from personal experience but a young friend of mine had one - she is a buff Marine Corps officer. However when she got to the last trimester of her first pregnancy she said she REALLY regretted getting it since the hole stretched, ripped open, and bled all the time.
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    All of the talk about belly button piercings and pregnancy is kind of scary to someone who is young and wants to get it done. I have had my belly button piercings for over ten years and with both pregnancies I took out my belly rings and just inserted them once a week to make sure my holes didn't close up. I had no stretch marks coming out of my belly button, nor did my piercing look funky after I had my kids and my body went back to a smaller size. They look the same way today that they did ten years ago. I still love the way they look and it makes me feel 10x better in a bikini after having my babies. And that's enough for me.
  • KAT1892
    KAT1892 Posts: 54 Member
    I used to work in the medical field and you will NOT BELIEVE the bacteria that grows in a bellybutton. It is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Its a nice warm, moist area. While it may be "Cute" (to some people), it is a area that never heals 100% and everyone who gets a peircing will eventually fight a infection on it. I have yet to meet someone who has had one who has never had a infection, small or large. If you get it, be prepared to take care of it. Lots of cleaning and stuff......

    Well, I got mine done at 19 and I am 25 now. It has never been infected and requires just as much cleaning as your belly button typically does, pierced or not. Healing time does take forever and you should be prepared to do sea salt soaks during that time, and not be anxious to switch from the original jewellery anytime soon. I like mine and have no regrets about it. I did get it for me though so I'm not flashing it about here and there and don't really give a flying rip if others like it or not lol. If it's something you want, go for it! Just research it first.

    I should also add I have no plans on getting pregnant so that never really affected my decision to get one, but if that's something you are considering for the future, they do make jewellery specifically designed for when you are pregnant that flexes with your body.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm so glad my body takes well to pretty much everything.

    The only piercing I ever had a problem with was my cartilidge. That was done 2 years ago and it STILL hurts. Ugh.

    Belly button was SUCH a breeze for me. Thinking about getting my lip next. Actually, belly button probably caused me the least trouble of ALL my piercings. It didn't hurt for more than a couple days. Cleaning was super easy. Changed it after about 3 weeks. No problem with that at all.
  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    Got one for my 40th birthday. I loved it, hubby was indifferent, but then, I didn't do it for him. I think they're cool.
  • i got itt!!!
  • oooh post a picture of it please! I'm so excited for you!