What are your weight loss rewards?!



  • carrolljessica4
    carrolljessica4 Posts: 52 Member
    I had a whole list of non-food related rewards, but really couldn't stick to them. The only couple things that I have as "rewards" still are getting my first tattoo when I'm under 200 lbs and trying out new activities when I'm fit enough. The big one on that list is scuba diving. I think another reward I get is how good I feel about myself as I lose more weight, get more self-confident, and more willing to try new things.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    No real rewards. Just smaller clothes, as a nescessity. Relief knowing I feel, and look better.
  • unicorngems
    unicorngems Posts: 56 Member
    I may have developed a dangerous habit of foods as rewards :s

    No not really! When I've worked hard all week and going to end up in a large deficit anyway from exercise I do allow myself to eat back some of the calories by having 1 food I really enjoy. I don't get carried away, and I've still been losing. Because...food is my thing, I love food, I'd rather go for food with my partner/friends, make food for my partner/friends then buy anything else for myself. All in moderation.

    I couldn't 7 days a week eat 100% 'clean' because that's just not my thing. Once in awhile I love to have a burger or chips and why? Because I know I can and it's 'guilt free'. I know all week I've been in control and I know I've exercised all of those days. Christ if I can't eat a biscuit without feeling like I've burned down an orphanage then what is this life?!

    Haha, clothes are definitely a reward for when I'm thinner, as I don't like building my 'larger' wardrobe. So I'm certainly not buying much at my current size. Also rewarding to fit into my slimmer items!

  • unicorngems
    unicorngems Posts: 56 Member
    JasonRVA wrote: »
    Tattoos! zyt7z5uyts77.jpg

    That's amazing ink!
  • unicorngems
    unicorngems Posts: 56 Member
    For myself, framing up food as a reward has been not helpful. Your mileage may vary!

    For me, rewards:
    - Getting rid of "fat" clothes
    - Rocking skinny jeans
    - Having people who have not seen me in a year not recognize me
    - Having someone who last saw me when I was morbidly obese 2 years ago, come over at a reception to ask what happened (did I get sick? go on a diet? if the latter, what the heck worked so well?)
    - No more knee pain! No surgery needed
    - More energy
    - Being happier

    I have to agree it's certainly rewarding when other people start to notice. I love compliments who doesn't! ;-)
  • unicorngems
    unicorngems Posts: 56 Member
    edited August 2019
    I looked at mine more like "milestones" than rewards...not that it matters. I had a LOT to lose when I first joined MFP, so I would celebrate every 10 lb mark by getting myself some sort of fitness-related item, like workout clothes, nice jump rope, bike helmet, etc.

    For my biggest one (finally being under 200 lb), I invested in all new "better" makeup and a special countertop organizer for it. I bought this stuff when I was around 215 and waited until I was below 200 to use it, just a couple months, but I think that made it more like an "event" for me.

    After that I didn't really mark further progress with any type of reward. And since then I've not really done this stuff much as I've been pretty much maintaining in a small range for 6 years.

    BUT I think rewards/celebratory "gifts" to yourself are awesome for all sorts of reasons. This week I treated myself to 2 new lipsticks (spendy ones) and a few clothing items for fall that I didn't necessarily need, just because I've done well lately at work and with managing my anxiety and getting more exercise.

    I think this is fantastic. When you've worked hard and you know you look good why not buy something (you wouldn't normally). I'm saving money while I'm loosing weight by walking everywhere (no bus or car for small journeys) that goes into the pot for new clothes when I'm slimmer!
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,054 Member
    rewards for weight loss never inspired me. for one thing, my favorite things are fitness gear, cameras and basses, and i have what i need. and i budget in ice cream and chips and pizza, so i can eat them when i want.

    yes, i want to get fit but i want it for my own sake. yes, i want to lose fat, but i just can't think of a reward that would motivate me as i'm already as motivated about this as i've ever been.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Back at the start, I promised myself that I could get the tattoo I wanted once I'd lost enough weight for it to look good. 50 lbs later, I'm about 5 lbs from that goal , so I'm pretty stoked. I'm itching for some ink.
  • unicorngems
    unicorngems Posts: 56 Member
    grimendale wrote: »
    Back at the start, I promised myself that I could get the tattoo I wanted once I'd lost enough weight for it to look good. 50 lbs later, I'm about 5 lbs from that goal , so I'm pretty stoked. I'm itching for some ink.

    That's fantastic!Do post when you get there!
  • Mayreni
    Mayreni Posts: 31 Member
    I like the idea of rewards. I stick to non food stuff and things I wouldn't normally splurge on. This is my list.

    160s = new sneakers
    150s = new workout clothes
    140s = new blender
    130s = Beats headphones
    120s = Personal Trainer
    Goal: Mommy makeover

    *Mommy makeover is referred to a combo tummy tuck/ breast lift surgery. Most surgeons gave it this name, cause a lot of moms go in for this after having kids. After our first and before our back to back 2nd and 3rd my husband and I came to an agreement. I put my body through a lot carrying our children. I ended up with diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles) after our first and it got progressively worse after each child. The only way to fix mine st this point in through surgery. I also have that awful mommy pouch which no amount of exercise will take away due to all the excess skin. The deal is I have to hit goal weight and maintain for a least a year before investing in a nonessential/cosmetic surgery. *

    For me, it adds a little incentive and fun to this journey. Cause this *kitten* takes hard work and most of the time it's not fun.

  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    I like new clothes/shoes...... outfits in general. But they arn't really rewards I guess. Alot of times I buy them a tad small as motivational peices, so I look at them in my closet and think to myself "SO CUTE!! I want to look my best in it!".... I guess the reward is feeling good when I wear them... not the actual clothes themselves.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    I've tried several self-set reward programs, but only one that really worked.

    Right now I do have the ultra motivating external reward of fitting into my wedding dress (turns out, seamstresses are rare people in that they can credibly recommend a diet without being out of line).

    The other one that was a more long-term thing wasn't really getting any physical item or treat, it was that once a week during my grocery shopping, I visited the butter section of the store and used the butter tubs to visualize how much weight I have lost. "It's just one pound" feels very, very different when you take the 1-pound tub of butter to your hand, put it next to your waist and think about it still being inside your skin two weeks ago. I did this butter tub thing while I had other reward programs for myself, but this was the best one.

    The more concrete rewards I set up for myself didn't really work, for a few reasons:
    1) If it's something I'm spending money on, it's money I've already received as a reward for working hard at my job and I've already earned it once, I don't need to earn it again.
    2) If the reward is fitness related, why should I wait to reach the goal in order to get myself something that helps me reach it?
    3) I know when I need a pick-me-up in the form of getting myself something nice when I feel it, not when some pre-set goal is reached
    4) My preferences change over time, and something I think would be really nice now might not be that exciting in a few months
    5) The item I want may come on sale before I reach the goal, or be otherwise sensible to purchase at a specific time that is before the goal is reached
    6) Food rewards are usually for building the habit of not eating the reward food, which makes no sense
    7) Clothing rewards: if it's a new size, I buy it when I need it, not when I've hit some arbitrary goal that may or may not be when my clothing size changes. Also, I don't need the pre-reward punishment of walking around in wrong-sized clothes while trying to hit the reward limit.

    Obviously, for others these might work differently, but this is my reasoning for not having any other rewards planned than the wedding dress (and this is very short term, 2 weeks to go) and visiting the butter aisle.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I am quite enjoying my nightly decaf coffee with almond milk and sweetener. It helps curb my hunger and at $0.71 each it does feel like a mini treat. A reward for losing the weight might be a future pregnancy lol.
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    I do non food rewards! It motivates me. And after I get to my goal, I’ll do rewards for sticking to my maintenance calories for a week, or exercising for 5 out of 7 days, etc. But right now while I’m losing I do a lot of rewards. For every 2lbs down, I get a small reward. Sometimes it’s a new lipstick, or a small bouquet of flowers, or even a new shirt. Then every 10lbs down I get a new shirt and pants. For 25lb it’s a facial. When I hit my goal, it’s basically a new wardrobe. I’ve been big for over 10 years so my old smaller clothes probably aren’t much in style anymore. ;-)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    @RelCanonical what an interesting app. I didn't know something like this existed. I did it by hand and more loosely. Did not have concrete goals, more like noticing things I do that contribute to good habits. For example, recognized I was overeating and stopped? That's a point. Purposely took out the trash instead of waiting for someone else to do it? Point...etc.

    In reply to food rewards, strangely I'm not against them. One of my reward tiers, when I did the habit points, was more expensive ice cream from a shop I really like. You stand there and watch them make it from scratch then freeze it with liquid nitrogen, the whole experience is awesome. I don't deny myself ice cream, but I can't always justify paying more for it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I just like having the satisfaction of a job well done. Personally, looking and feeling fit is reward enough. B)
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    @RelCanonical That app is cool! Thanks for sharing!
  • gottswald
    gottswald Posts: 122 Member
    To do this, I changed who I was as a person. I don't reward myself for being the person I am, I just live my life. I am thankful every day for my opportunities to move closer to my goals.