I can't do it! I can't live with hunger



  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Lots of people seem to have the same problem as I do with carbs making them hungry.

    Wow there's so much good advice in this thread I hope everyone reads all the posts.

    Thanks to the OP for starting the thread.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,465 Member
    @joowelz are you weighing your oatmeal dry or cooked?
  • chloehamilton1401
    chloehamilton1401 Posts: 6 Member
    do you have any idea of your calorie intake pre diet? Fitness pal tells me to eat 1500 calories but I decide to track a few days eating how i normally would and I was eating anything between 2300-3000 calories . So now I try and aim for around 1800 calories and I am still losing weight .

    Another thing that has helped is upping my protein throughout the day ( i try and hit at least 70 ideally 100 grams ) .

    I love eating in the evening . And it is often when i have snapped and eaten treats in the past. So I have found that skipping breakfast/having a small breakie and adding a treat after dinner instead helps alot. I dont really enjoy breakfast and I am not overly hungry in the morning . the sooner i start eating the more i think about food for the rest of the day haha . So I have a banana and coffee for breakfast if I feel like it then have a big lunch at 12 or 1 . i always make room for a sweet treat at the end of the day !

    If you are already quite small you dont need a big deficit . Just a small negative will make a difference for a few pounds . I find that in the past when I have cut calories too low I end up ruining it because I am tired and hungry during the day . It makes me lazy so I move around less and dont get anywhere ( I dont mean workouts I mean regular cleaning , fidgeting , walking type movement ) . Your body finds ways to compensate and hold on the your current weight .

    Another thing you could try , depending on how fit you already are ... is eating at maintenance for a couple months and adding in some resistance training . If you put on muscle you will be able to eat more food and look "toned" . Dont trust the scale if you do this though , stick to measuring tape . You can do a simple bodyweight workout at home , like fitness blender or a simple routine of pushups , pull ups (or negative pull ups ) , squats , triceps dips and planks 3x a week. Beginners put on muscle really fast !!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,229 Member
    joowelz wrote: »
    PPS i jog fir 30 minutes, 3 times a week at a pace of 2.5 miles per half hour.

    What do you do the other 4 days a week? If "nothing", maybe try walking, cycling, swimming, strength training, etc. A 1 hour walk can burn 200 calories.

  • lg013
    lg013 Posts: 215 Member
    Is say it seems you are putting a lot heavier calories earlier in the day, which is causing you to be hungry at the end of the day. And you’re also more prone to snacking in the eve when you aren’t as active. I’m the same way. What worked a lot better for me was to essentially start intermittent fasting on a 10/14 plan. I start my morning off with plain cold brew and don’t eat my first meal until 11 am. I then eat a light dinner or snack at around 5, and a heavy meal post workout at 8:30.

    I found I’m so busy with work in the morning that I’m not starving or missing food until around 11-12. This allowed me to eat a lot and snack in the eve when I tend to be prone to more snacking. I’m meeting my calorie goals and not finding myself hungry at all.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Out of all the advice given to you the only thing you responded to was a comment about the size of your oat meal portion? Have you read all the other posts?

    If you give us the following we might be able to give you more advice.

    How much did you set your weekly weight loss at?
    What did you set your activity level at?
    How long have you been doing this?
    How much have you lost during that time?
    Are you weighing everything you eat including dressings, condiments, drinks (except 0 calorie ones)
    Are you eating your excercise calories back?

    You have had a lot of brilliant advice based on the minimal information we have. Is there anything here that you have read that you feel you could use to make some changes so you are not hungry all the time?

    Lots of us are losing on fewer calories than you and are not so hungry that we are can't stand it. Yes we get a few hunger pangs before we eat but that is normal, it is not normal to be hungry ALL the time so something in your diet is not quite right.

    If you are weighing and logging all your food perhaps you could make your diary public so we can help a bit more with our suggestions.
  • Hannahwalksfar
    Hannahwalksfar Posts: 572 Member
    I find steel cut oats are a lot more filling that regular oatmeal and I also find eating protein in the morning then carbs in the evening quells the hunger pangs
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    I agree with other posters. I typically eat about 1500 cals a day in an 8 hour window and don't feel hungry. It's not keto but works out around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat. For the evening munchies, how about having some cold hard-boiled eggs in the fridge? One of those is low cal and satiating.