What's wrong with regular milk?



  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    There is also this fear of "drinking your calories." Milk is a complete food. Therefore, you get more than just calories from it, unlike a sugary or alcoholic drink. So it's really not the same thing.

    You can actually replace a meal with milk. Add some fiber and you're good to go (if you're going to do it regularly!) I personally like to chew, but if I'm in a hurry and hungry, I have a glass of milk in place of a snack or at breakfast.

    So it 's not really in the same league with drinking your calories in the form of something empty that doesn't do you any good.
  • jnettiedotson
    Almond milk tastes better, and has waaay less calories! Greek yogurt has a lot more protein. :)

    I tried unsweetened organic almond milk and it was gross (and I'm not picky). So I wonder what the makers of these delicious almond milk brands put in them. Can you tell me the brand you drink, I'm interested in looking it up.

    Silk Pure Almond Milk Original is the brand I drink and it's all natural, but I never drink it plain. I usually have it in a low cal shake with a banana or in my coffee or cereal. I'm not a milk drinker anyway, so to drink it plain would be insane....but if I had a choice, I'd def pick the almond milk over cows.
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    My reasons, as a vegan, for not drinking regular milk:
    1) livestock production is a large contributor to greenhouse gases
    2) the conditions of many dairy cattle are less than humane, and I don't like the fact that their calves, which they must continuously give in order to produce milk, are slaughtered.
    3) I think it's gross, frankly. ;) If drinking human breastmilk seems gross, how come drinking cow breastmilk is ok?
    4) Milk/dairy products shouldn't be the sole source of dietary calcium - dairy is really overrated as a calcium source. Milk is low in magnesium, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. Additionally, high protein diets can leach calcium stores in your body, for those touting the high protein content of milk.


    For me, nothing feels more right than a diet of fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes and a variety of complete plant-based proteins. The milks I like to drink are almond milk, soy milk and hempmilk.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I like both almond milk and regular milk. Almond milk is lower in calories though.

    Greek yogurt is simply the fantastic. It is creamy (like pudding) and very high in protein. Flavored with fruit, it is like dessert. I don't eat most regular yogurts, they taste sour or they are sweetened with crap I don't eat (HFCS or aspertame, etc.) Gimme plain organic greek yogurt with some fruit and I'm in heaven.

    Hrm. Maybe I'll have to try greek then. I don't really like normal yogurt so I just assumed I wouldn't like greek. I'm always looking for more protein...

    I don't much like "regular" yogurt either - and I HATE greek yogurt, I got some to try and its like eating chalk paste to me. Its awful. I do LOVE yogurt though - the 'real' kind - homemade yogurt or the stuff you get at ethnic stores that is not so processed. The texture is not so thick and its just got a light tart taste - its like the 'tart' frozen yogurt at places like Pinkberry or yogurtland (not as sweet as those though as generally you don't add so much sugar to it).

    I drink almond milk and skim - I use skim for my coffee and tea because its always available but at home we buy almond milk. I'm a tiny bit lactose intolerant and so it helps to not have it.

    But regular milk has way more protein so I sort of would like to keep both around, its just that we don't drink enough milk to justify it. Also my bf prefers almond milk to regular milk (and he is not at all lactose intolerant) although he likes the whole foods brand much better than silk.

    Oh and almond milk is a little thicker and creamier so just almond milk and protein powder is a lot more like a shake than regular milk -- and its a lot lower calorie as a protein powder mixer.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I prefer regular milk.....hate skim milk......almond milk-never heard of it.....Does it come from almonds?........
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    The dairy industries are the ones that came up with the claim that "milk does a body good". You do NOT need milk AT ALL to have a healthy diet. In fact, most people notice they feel different after giving up milk. I drank whole milk growing up, i have huge boobs, and huge hips.....as anyone else who bloomed early if they drank whole milk growing up, most likely the answer is yes. Milk is PACKED full of hormones and perhaps thats the reason girls are weaing c cups at 11? I don't really drink milk anymore hardly ever. I like almond milk or rice milk.....but if i'm craving the creamy drink and i don't have any rice or almond milk, i will drink a sip or two of the cows milk
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Also you can buy non refrigorated almond milk or rice milk when its on sale and it has a long shelf life....
  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    There is also this fear of "drinking your calories." Milk is a complete food. Therefore, you get more than just calories from it, unlike a sugary or alcoholic drink. So it's really not the same thing.

    You can actually replace a meal with milk. Add some fiber and you're good to go (if you're going to do it regularly!) I personally like to chew, but if I'm in a hurry and hungry, I have a glass of milk in place of a snack or at breakfast.

    So it 's not really in the same league with drinking your calories in the form of something empty that doesn't do you any good.

    This. I drink skim or 1% as part of a meal or mixed with my protein shake. As far as calories and nutrients go, milk gives you some of the greatest bang for your buck. If you're eating a ton of vegetables like you should be and exercising, foods like this provide calories and nutritional value along with things like extra virgin olive oil and almonds. It doesn't need to be an everyday thing, your diet should be varied anyway.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Milk is PACKED full of hormones and perhaps thats the reason girls are weaing c cups at 11?

    In that case I should be drinking more milk :laugh: :tongue:
    Sorry I couldn't resist.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Dark chocolate almond milk is my answer to a desperate need for chocolate - far fewer calories, lower in fat, and a bonus dose of 50% of my daily calcium needs. I was first introduced to the idea of almond/soy/and coconut milk when I was looking for an alternative to creamer for my coffee. I din't like substituting the almond or soy milk itself but found a soy based creamer that cut my calories and sugar in half (compared to the flavored Coffee Mate I was using). I only drink regular milk in my cereal, when I have it, and I like the nutritional bang for my caloric buck I get from using almond or soy milk products in my coffee or lattes.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    The catch with the higher calcium in Almond milk is that your body can only absorb 300-400mg of calcium each 3-4 hours...so amounts above that are excreted (peed out) rather than used to build bone. Unfortunately the excess fat and carbs get absorbed....
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Milk is PACKED full of hormones and perhaps thats the reason girls are weaing c cups at 11?

    In that case I should be drinking more milk :laugh: :tongue:
    Sorry I couldn't resist.

    Lol! if more people were raised with whole milk, maybe the rate of boob jobs wouldn't be as high as it is?? lol
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I was raised on powdered milk, and not much of it. Couldn't afford anything else, and it was soooo nasty! My large boobs and hips can only be attributed to genetics, and my poor food choices AFTER I left home! Haha

    All of my comments are recommending unpaturized raw milk, taken from family cows that are not shot full of crap. I can't digest store milk. I hadn't had a drop of milk in ten years before we took the plunge and bought the cow (so to speak!)

    Some people are still lactose intolerant, and I would never recommend those people drink milk of any sort, obviously.

    With family cows, baby stays with mama, or nearby, and most end up as pets, or the next milk cow. Cows can lactate anywhere from 2 years to 10 years from one pregnancy, it just depends on the cow. If the calf is taken off mama for sanitation reasons (it's hard to keep bacteria out of your milk supply with a slobbery calf right there allt he time ;)) some of the cow's milk is taken and bottlefed to the baby.

    Our Daisy is getting ready to have her 6th calf in a couple of months. I'm so excited to have a little calf around the place (have you seen how cute Jersey calves are?!)

    Like everything else, dairy should be unprocessed and natural, taken from a healthy cow that is not shot full of hormones and antibiotics.

    Almond milk is just nasty to me. I tried to make the switch prior to Daisy, and it tasted like drinking stagnant water. I tasted no resemblance to either almonds or milk! ha
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    Why do people replace it with almond milk (besides lactose issues I guess)?

    Almond milk also has more calcium then regular milk.

    Glad someone mentioned this!

    I prefer anything other than "regular" milk because drinking a cow's milk seems really silly and gross to me.
  • JohnnyStorm
    JohnnyStorm Posts: 43 Member
    Nothing, unless you are lactose intolerant. Like most things in life 'everything in moderation'.
  • JohnnyStorm
    JohnnyStorm Posts: 43 Member
    For me, it's a matter of what the milk is/where it comes from. Humans are the only animals that drink the breast milk of another animal. and that just grosses me out. It may not be scientifically based, it's just a preference I have. I don't like almond milk much, but I LOVE coconut milk and feel it's a better choice. My kids seem to have a problem with too much dairy as well-so I monitor their intake and keep it limited....to keep their tummies calm.

    As to the yogurt-which I do eat from time to time (so I'm not anti-dairy overall) the greek has more protein in it, that's why I choose it.

    We're all free to make our own choices, that's the beauty of it.

    actually,many many orphaned animals can and have nursed from other animals. (kittens from pigs, puppies from sheep or goats, baby deer from a cow) just sayin, LOL

    thinkin of switching down again, went from 2% to 1%, might do skim milk soon. I love milk, but the calories add up. I am a chicken about trying new foods. I am afraid i will not like it, and then it is a waste of money as well as the food/drink.

  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    just for me

    its one the taste I really like the almond milk taste

    less cals and more calcium (almond breeze has like double the calcium in it than the skim milk I normaly buy)

    Price really isn`t that much different from milk here they are right about the same price and I can get coupons for the almond breeze where I can not for milk.

    I do still drink milk so really I have both just a mater of what I have room for in my cals for that day or if I have cereal I really prefer the almond breeze with it just tastes better to me :)
  • ambercole
    ambercole Posts: 426
    I love the taste of almond milk, and it is much lower in calories than regular milk. Plus, you can get shelf stable boxes to last through hurricanes! One cup of almond milk has 40 calories, compared to a cup of 2%, which has 120, or even skim, which has double the calories of a glass of almond milk.

    this, I can't see giving up 120 calories to add to my coffee, when I can go with 40 instead. I don't want to drink my calories anymore than I have to. Greek yogurt is much higher in protein, thus keeping you full longer.

    /\ This! I try to drink as little of my calories as possible. ( I like to chew them! LOL). Plus I usually use almond milk in my protien shake after a workout cause if I drink dairy milk that soon after working out it kinda makes me naseous, kinda like its curdling in my stomach cause i'm too hot or something.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    actually,many many orphaned animals can and have nursed from other animals. (kittens from pigs, puppies from sheep or goats, baby deer from a cow) just sayin, LOL

    Right, but they do that in infancy, in order to survive. Once they're grown and are eating solid foods, they don't do that anymore. So the point still stands that adult humans don't need any kind of milk. Even children don't really need it past babyhood.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member

    actually,many many orphaned animals can and have nursed from other animals. (kittens from pigs, puppies from sheep or goats, baby deer from a cow) just sayin, LOL

    Right, but they do that in infancy, in order to survive. Once they're grown and are eating solid foods, they don't do that anymore. So the point still stands that adult humans don't need any kind of milk. Even children don't really need it past babyhood.

    I think only with human intervention. You very rarely see a moose nursing a baby deer in the wild. The milk of different animals has a very different composition. It's only the last few years we have been able to keep some babies alive in captivity (polar bears for example). Some we still can't.

    That said, my vet sayes a cat gets milk on it's own in that it will eat a lactating mouse. I don't think you need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. You just have to think about what you are eating, where it comes from and how it's produced. Those things affect your health. If you are buying milk full of artificial chemicals and hormones That is what you are eating. That is what you are feeding your children. If you can go out the front door and milk your own cow - there is Nothing better. If you know somebody who will do that and share his milk with you - great. The rest of us have to read lables, research and not trust that the government is going to be responsible for our health at the expense of big business looking to gouge a larger chunk of your wallet. It's that simple. Food is business.