20D by Halloween Challenge: WEEK ONE



  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    Ok so I guess I'm in Team 3 :)

    I'm doing really good and feeling really good about myself for the past 3 days :) I've walked a total of 9 miles in the last 3 days and my legs are feeling like jello right now.. but I love it :) I've been eating really good and I'm down 1.2lbs in 3 days :)

    Now the bad part is that there's a big BBQ party at my boyfriend's work tomorrow.. I'll have to be good with all the bad BAD food there..
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Reporting in for the day--Well, the past couple of days been having this annoying cough, and feeling some stuff in my chest. It's mild, not too bad. I do fear it's getting worse just a tad, so I'm keeping my eye on it. Today, I took a long walk and it felt nice. Just because i have a cough, does not mean the exercise stops. If i sit around and recoup, that just gives me the excuse to eat more. I have really toned down the intensity for a few days, just doing my walks. I am doing my C25K (4 day break--till Mon) and Jillians Ripped in 30. So..i hope i feel better soon. I was doing a lot worse with my calorie intake--sometimes i do obsess..but im getting better. :smile:
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Just finished my last meal. At least my fat allotment is under. Oh and I finally had a piece of that cake. Bleh! :sick:

    Need to do food shopping before the weather gets really bad tomorrow with Hurricane Irene.
  • Hi, I hope everyone had a good day. I didn't work out today, I'm terribly sore from working out with my trainer yesterday, had to count this as a rest day. My food was good all day, till I had chicken alfredo. The sauce was light but still don't like to eat that much carbs for dinner. What day are we trying to weigh in? Everyone sounds like they are doing great!! Keep up the hard work, we all know it's going to be worth it. Take care!!

    Go team 6!!!!
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206
    Ok so I guess I'm in Team 3 :)

    I'm doing really good and feeling really good about myself for the past 3 days :) I've walked a total of 9 miles in the last 3 days and my legs are feeling like jello right now.. but I love it :) I've been eating really good and I'm down 1.2lbs in 3 days :)

    Now the bad part is that there's a big BBQ party at my boyfriend's work tomorrow.. I'll have to be good with all the bad BAD food there..

    Great Job Julie!!

    I have been very active and trying to do my best to work out everyday. And keep my water up :) Im having trouble eating all my excercise calories back Im just too full. This week im going to try bumping my work out up more. I have joined two other challenges so im hoping to be able to do both seeing as they all work together :D

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!
    YAY TEAM 3:happy:
  • Betheroo
    Betheroo Posts: 26 Member
    Hiya Julieash and welcome to team THREE! How did the BBQ go for you today? I had a baby shower and ended up skipping lunch to give myself more calories to work with, but instead I ended up being ravenous and overeating at the party. Felt kind of gross, relieved that I didn't make it into any of the pictures already posted on FB. More motivated now to have a great day tomorrow because Monday is my first weigh-in in a week. Crossing fingers!
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Hey everyone. Spent Friday sick and actually ended up having to call off work. Felt slightly better yesterday, went to the Steelers game last night and got a ton of walking in (and we didn't eat or drink anything at the stadium - no overpriced junk is definitely a non scale victory)! I'm feeling pretty good today, realizing that in the month since I've been serious about this program, I'm down 7.2 lbs, 3 inches off of my waist and 2 inches off of my hips. I'd say that's not bad for the first month with something new. =) Even better, I'm down 1.8 lbs already for this challenge in week one! Yay!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Not gonna lie. I feel like my motivation is going down. I'm not eating the healthiest foods lately and just feel that I'm meant to be heavy.
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Not gonna lie. I feel like my motivation is going down. I'm not eating the healthiest foods lately and just feel that I'm meant to be heavy.

    Stop that attitude! Don't give up when you know you can do so well!
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Happy Sunday! Tomorrow is the beginning of a new week! An exciting week for me. Thursday morning I am flying down to Pensacola to visit my fiance, and we are going to a wedding in Jacksonville on Saturday, then coming back to SC on Sunday. He has to go back to Pensacola on Monday, but it will be nice to spend 4 days with him. I haven't seen him in 2 months. He is in the Air Force.

    I had a really good week with eating. Probably my best week ever. I stayed within calorie goal all week, eating at least 1300 but no more than 1600. It has helped that I finally understand that the deficit is already factored in and how you should eat back calories you burn when you exercise. I also made pretty good choices with what I ate. I had a couple splurge moments, but mostly did good. Are Mondays going to be weigh in days? Just want to know what day to track my weight!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    Not gonna lie. I feel like my motivation is going down. I'm not eating the healthiest foods lately and just feel that I'm meant to be heavy.

    Stop that attitude! Don't give up when you know you can do so well!

    It doesn't help that my period just started.
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Come on Bee, you know how your hormones wreak havoc on your motivation when TOM is here! My TOM came 4 days early, so I know how it is. I have not felt like working out at all this week, and I know I have to do some kind of exercise. I kinda feel like I have to prove to myself that it is how I eat that holds me back. You can totally do it and you'll be yourself again in a couple days!
  • Hi, Bee hang in there!! Stay strong girl, stay focused. You can totally do this, it certainly isn't easy, but we are all here doing this together. Let those negative thoughts be gone :)

    My children got baptized today, yeah!!! It was wonderful. I had everyone back to my house and had finger foods. I feel like i did ok, it's just hard to track a meal like that. I didn't workout today, wish I could have squeezed it in today. I worked out 4 times this week. Is Monday the weigh in day ? Keep up the great work everyone!!

    Go team 6 and everyone :)
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I personally weigh in on Sundays because thats what I did when I was on Weight Watchers and it just stuck.
  • No negativity here Bee! Look at how far you've come and how close you are to your GW1. TOM as Jess calls it kicked my butt this past week. However I refuse to give up for WE are not meant to be heavy. WE will take this thing one day at a time. WE will be victorious. Thank goodness TOM does not stay forever. WE can do it. Stay focused. GO TEAM 4!!!!
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    Do we have a WEEK TWO thread yet?
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    I haven't seen one yet. I want to keep going though!
  • BeeRod527
    BeeRod527 Posts: 104
    I thought there was a Week 2 thread.

    Anyway, my day in a nutshell:
    -did Spinning for about 3/4 of the class because riding a bike while having your period can be a pain. Try that while wearing a pad and not a tampon makes things worse.
    -bought a new pair of sneakers, which was a size smaller than usual (can you feet go down a size?)
    -eat at a buffet place because I was hella hungry
    -went to the bank and post office
    -went to Old Navy and can fit to 16's and L's comfortably now. YAY! However, didn't buy anything because I'm waiting to lose a little more to go clothing shopping.
    -bought a Minnie Mouse dress/costume for my niece
    -Oh and I didn't go over my food for today

    So I didn't weigh myself due to PMS but lost a couple of inches, went down a dress size, and a shoe size!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    My Day:

    -Was pretty good and felt positive!
    -Burned over 1100 calories..kinda had to burn more then i wanted to because i felt like i ate too much, not splitting my calories and not having enough strength to resist the desserts when im eating at our community kitchen (it's daily--they provide desserts too and so yummy NOT to resist and I hate feeling deprived!) But..i am working on willpower, maybe having desserts a few times a week, other then every day. Desserts and snacks what got me into this mess anyway.
    - I started week 5 of C25K, and did great! I love running more then walking to be honest. :heart:
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I thought there was a Week 2 thread.

    Anyway, my day in a nutshell:
    -did Spinning for about 3/4 of the class because riding a bike while having your period can be a pain. Try that while wearing a pad and not a tampon makes things worse.
    -bought a new pair of sneakers, which was a size smaller than usual (can you feet go down a size?)
    -eat at a buffet place because I was hella hungry
    -went to the bank and post office
    -went to Old Navy and can fit to 16's and L's comfortably now. YAY! However, didn't buy anything because I'm waiting to lose a little more to go clothing shopping.
    -bought a Minnie Mouse dress/costume for my niece
    -Oh and I didn't go over my food for today

    So I didn't weigh myself due to PMS but lost a couple of inches, went down a dress size, and a shoe size!


    Way to go, Bee!