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***Summer Sweeties to Fall Knockouts*** Week #11 8.29.11 (CL

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
Hello everyone! Well I am back! :) I have had a crazy past few weeks, but I am back and ready to kick some butt...how about you?

So this weeks challenge is called "SUGAR ATTACK" I would love for everyone to track their grams of sugar and try to find a maximum amount that you will allow yourself each day. The recommended amount on a 2000 calorie diet is 32grams per day. So based on your daily caloric assumption, go from there. :)

Here is the link for the spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dGVvLVlubUI0b3BLXzJKdEdPTWVPdGc6MQ&theme=0AX42CRMsmRFbUy1iODQwMzFlYi1iZjJhLTRmNmUtODQ0My1iNjJmYTUzNjQ2ZWE

And GOOD LUCK! :drinker:


  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    I'm ready to kick some butt too :) I eat between a 1200-1500 calorie diet so i'm thinking around 25grams of sugar per day..sounds about right, i guess :) Good luck everyone!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Feel free to kick my butt...I really need to get out of this funk and get my *kitten* in gear.....the past month hasnt been good for me at all....
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 177 Member
    Feel free to kick my butt...I really need to get out of this funk and get my *kitten* in gear.....the past month hasnt been good for me at all....

    Gurl you not the only one ......it seem like a bug being going around this month i fell the same way

    anyway my sugars intake should be around 24 grams ...........LET 'S DO THIS LADIES
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So after a pretty bad week, but great weekend (not so much calorie-wise, lol) I still lost a little bit.

    LW: 158.2
    CW: 157.8

    I will try to limit myself to 28 grams of sugar. Will be a little hard as I am a sugar-fiend. :laugh:
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Uh oh this is going to be a tough one. I am always over on sugar, even if I am under carbs. I eat a lot of fruit. I love a challenge though!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Surprisingly I never thought to look at my sugar intake... so now I am nervous! I was tracking carbs, fat, protein and fibre. This is going to be an interesting week!
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    Glad you're back Krys! Mine is 34 grams and my weight is 146.8 this week.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Krys and Summer Sweeties,

    I opting out of the challenge. Not giving up though. As some of you may know today I start a Intensive Out-patient Eating Disorder Program for Binge eating and Compulsive over eating. I am very excited about this program. It offers much needed help on this disorder that I have. I have been searching for this since June. On of the main components of the programs is blind weigh ins at the place for them and they ask us not to weigh ourselves either. This is to make sure we focus on relationship with food and not the number on the scale.

    They also ask that we do not exercise for 2 weeks. I am told that if they do not think you have your eating under control that they will not recommend exercise. Their pamphlet did say exercise restriction is part of recovery. So since Thursday I have not exercised and it was not as hard as I thought.:smile: I think not getting on the scale will be more challenging for me. But I am going to follow their suggestions to the letter for now. I did weigh myself today and I am not going to weigh myself again until January 1st.

    The intake lady really convinced me that the constent weighing is hindering me. She said it is not the same for normal people and even some who are overweight are not binge eaters like me. So this no weigh in stuff is not applicable for everyone. I did not get up to 600 plus pounds by normal overeating. I need to get the mind set thing in order so I can stop the yo-yoing that I have been doing for over a year now.

    You all keep up the good work and keep on keeping on!! Success is never giving up!! :flowerforyou:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Mollie - best of luck to you. I hope the program works out well for you. Do let us know how you are doing.

    Krys - thanks for everything, as usual. Glad you're back and better than ever!

    CW this week: 167.6
    Only a 0.4 lb loss, I know I have been stuck. I lost some motivation but I think I'm getting it back. I start class again on Wednesday (postponed a day because of the destruction of Irene) so I'm hoping a change of routine will get me moving again!

    My sugar goal this week is 25grams. I am ALWAYS over on sugar, which is really bad since I have Type I diabetes. Can't help it - love fruit and everything sweet!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Hey girls! I'm ready to get my butt in gear! Seriously been going downhill the past week or two...especially this past week. Anyway, I bought Turbofire and I'm going to start that TODAY!

    Mollie~ Hugs sweetie. Please keep in touch!:love:

    My weight today 171.8
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Mollie-I am very happy for you and that you will be getting the help that you need. You are such an awesome person and inspiration. You are incredibly brave and honest and I so admire that. Obsessing over the scale, as we all should know, can be more detrimental than good in so many ways. But I know you will do great! Please keep us posted on everything :) Can't wait to hear your success story!
    Hello Krys and Summer Sweeties,

    I opting out of the challenge. Not giving up though. As some of you may know today I start a Intensive Out-patient Eating Disorder Program for Binge eating and Compulsive over eating. I am very excited about this program. It offers much needed help on this disorder that I have. I have been searching for this since June. On of the main components of the programs is blind weigh ins at the place for them and they ask us not to weigh ourselves either. This is to make sure we focus on relationship with food and not the number on the scale.

    They also ask that we do not exercise for 2 weeks. I am told that if they do not think you have your eating under control that they will not recommend exercise. Their pamphlet did say exercise restriction is part of recovery. So since Thursday I have not exercised and it was not as hard as I thought.:smile: I think not getting on the scale will be more challenging for me. But I am going to follow their suggestions to the letter for now. I did weigh myself today and I am not going to weigh myself again until January 1st.

    The intake lady really convinced me that the constent weighing is hindering me. She said it is not the same for normal people and even some who are overweight are not binge eaters like me. So this no weigh in stuff is not applicable for everyone. I did not get up to 600 plus pounds by normal overeating. I need to get the mind set thing in order so I can stop the yo-yoing that I have been doing for over a year now.

    You all keep up the good work and keep on keeping on!! Success is never giving up!! :flowerforyou:
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I'm here, flooded in the storm and power will be out till Friday ... work has power. So I will be on here this week limited. I hope I can weigh myself with my scale so I can record it if not it will have to wait till next week. So bummed because our fridge and freezer everything is BAD now :( ughhhhh plus I was bucketing water out of my basement all day Sunday ....

    Take Out pretty much all week since electric is limited.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I'm here, flooded in the storm and power will be out till Friday ... work has power. So I will be on here this week limited. I hope I can weigh myself with my scale so I can record it if not it will have to wait till next week. So bummed because our fridge and freezer everything is BAD now :( ughhhhh plus I was bucketing water out of my basement all day Sunday ....

    Take Out pretty much all week since electric is limited.

    I'm so sorry!!! *hugs* to you and your family
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm here, flooded in the storm and power will be out till Friday ... work has power. So I will be on here this week limited. I hope I can weigh myself with my scale so I can record it if not it will have to wait till next week. So bummed because our fridge and freezer everything is BAD now :( ughhhhh plus I was bucketing water out of my basement all day Sunday ....

    Take Out pretty much all week since electric is limited.

    I have no power either! Out till Friday at the earliest they say... But I'm not flooded. So sorry about that!
    We purchased a mini-generator -- just enough to give us power for our pump (since we have well water). Anyway, time for me to leave work, so bye bye internet.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Sweeties,

    Okay, so I changed my food diary to reflect my sugar intake. Holy moly, I didn't realize how much sugar I actually take in. Scary! Thanks Krys for opening my eyes. Now the battle begins!

    Mollie you are going in the right direction and chosing to get well reflects your strength. I know you can do it. Good luck. Rmember to be good to yourself too.

    I hope life gets back to normal as soon as is possible for those who have been affected by Irene.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Goal: do not exceed 25g

    Mon: 42grams.... oops!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I'm here, flooded in the storm and power will be out till Friday ... work has power. So I will be on here this week limited. I hope I can weigh myself with my scale so I can record it if not it will have to wait till next week. So bummed because our fridge and freezer everything is BAD now :( ughhhhh plus I was bucketing water out of my basement all day Sunday ....

    Take Out pretty much all week since electric is limited.

    Dang girl! That is no bueno! Hope everyone you know is safe though and glad to have you...even if it is limited lol
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Sorry I haven't checked in. We just got power restored. I guess 75 grams of sugar is too much? That is my total for today. My goal tomorrow is going to be under that!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    This sugar thing is hard! Just about everything has sugar! Carrots are a biggie, now that was an eye opener. I think I was 30 gm over on sugar on Tuesday. Hope Wednesday fairs better!

    Have a great day Sweeties!