Ghost Stories - I Want To Hear Your Best!



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    This is what I found when I googled 2 dots.

  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    Well, my kids insist that the ghost of a small boy lives in my closet, and they call him "Dark Anthony". "Dark" because he looks like a shadow, and "Anthony" because they say he told them that's his name. Although my son once told me he's not scared of Dark Anthony because he's not really a ghost. Ghosts are the spirits of dead people, but Dark Anthony was always a spirit and never a living person, so he's technically not a ghost. I do not know where my kids got this information.

    The only supposed encounter I've had with Dark Anthony is one time I was in the kitchen, cooking at the stove. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small boy come up to me from behind and felt him grab onto my pant leg and tug on it a few times. I thought it was my son, but when I turned around, nobody was there.

    Since this thread has been bumped, I'll update my story. About a month ago, my wife started occasionally burning sage in a little bowl (I think she saw some Youtuber saying it had some sort of benefit or something). Shortly after she started, my kids informed me that Dark Anthony left because he didn't like the smell, and they haven't seen him since.

    I did some Googling and found that burning sage is traditionally used to clear places of ghosts and negative energy.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    Well, my kids insist that the ghost of a small boy lives in my closet, and they call him "Dark Anthony". "Dark" because he looks like a shadow, and "Anthony" because they say he told them that's his name. Although my son once told me he's not scared of Dark Anthony because he's not really a ghost. Ghosts are the spirits of dead people, but Dark Anthony was always a spirit and never a living person, so he's technically not a ghost. I do not know where my kids got this information.

    The only supposed encounter I've had with Dark Anthony is one time I was in the kitchen, cooking at the stove. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small boy come up to me from behind and felt him grab onto my pant leg and tug on it a few times. I thought it was my son, but when I turned around, nobody was there.

    Since this thread has been bumped, I'll update my story. About a month ago, my wife started occasionally burning sage in a little bowl (I think she saw some Youtuber saying it had some sort of benefit or something). Shortly after she started, my kids informed me that Dark Anthony left because he didn't like the smell, and they haven't seen him since.

    I did some Googling and found that burning sage is traditionally used to clear places of ghosts and negative energy.

    I've heard that too.
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    And now, a story my dad used to love to tell us, called The Hobbi Oz. A little girl lived in the country with her grandparents, who were corn farmers, and their dog, Turdpie. (Sorry y'all, that was his name AND the name of my turtle. lol) A few days before Halloween arrived, the Hobbi Oz came out of the swamps and started dancing around in a clearing near the home, singing "Hobbi Oz, Hobbi Oz, tear down the corn field, kill the old lady, kill the old man, and carry off the little girl!" But little dog Turdpie barked so loud that he frightened the Hobbi Oz away. The next day, the old man was angry because the dog had woken him in the middle of the night, so he beat the poor animal. That night, the Hobbi Oz again came out of the swamps, started to dance, and sang "Hobbi Oz, Hobbi Oz, tear down the corn field, kill the old lady, kill the old man, and carry off the little girl!" And again, little dog Turdpie barked so loud that he frightened the Hobbi Oz away. The next day, the old man threatened the little dog, saying "If you wake me again tonight, I'm going to kill you!" And of course, that night, the Hobbi Oz again appeared, sang and danced, and little dog Turdpie barked and frightened the Hobbi Oz away. And the next day, the old man took the little dog out into the woods and shot him dead! That night, the Hobbi Oz came out of the swamps, danced in the clearing, and sang "Hobbi Oz, Hobbi Oz, tear down the corn field, kill the old lady, kill the old man, and carry off the little girl!" Then they waited... but there was no barking from Turdpie. So again, they danced around the clearing, and sang their refrains and listened... But there was no barking from little dog Turdpie. So, they tore down the corn field, killed the old lady, killed the old man, and carried off the little girl.

    The End.

    And yes, this was mine and my cousins favorite story for Halloween night for more years that I care to remember. ;)
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    When my (now) wife & I were still dating [mid-1960s], this was a popular place to go 'parking' late at night. We always hoped to see something, but never did.

    Legend says that one night, a young married couple were out for a drive near White Rock Lake and decided to park in a romantic spot that overlooked the boathouse.
    After a while, they noticed a white figure emerging from the darkness and making it’s way up the hill towards their car. As the figure came closer, they realized it was a beautiful girl dressed in a long white gown. She was dripping wet, soaked from head to foot.
    The girl stumbled towards their car and begged them to help her. She said she had been in an accident while rowing a boat out on the water. The girl pleaded with them to take her home and the couple took pity on her.
    They opened the door and the girl got into the back seat. But when they drove off and the wife turned around to talk to the girl, she found the back seat completely empty. The girl in white had disappeared and all that remained was a wet puddle on the back seat.
    They found out later that there had been a suicide on White Rock lake years before. In the 1930s a woman paid a visit to her sister but found her hotel room empty except for a suicide note. In the note, the girl said she was going to drown herself in White Rock Lake.
    The woman immediately called the police and they raced out to the lake to try and stop the poor girl from harming herself. Unfortunately, they were too late to prevent the tragedy. When they arrived at the edge of the lake, they saw the girl’s head bobbing in the water. They dragged her out of the lake and tried to revive her, but it was no use.
    Ever since her death, people who pass by White Rock Lake frequently report encounters with a ghostly young woman wearing a dripping wet white dress. They say she always asks them to help her get home, but after she gets into the car, she vanishes. Each time, the only thing that remains is a wet spot on the back seat.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    edited September 2019
    poisonesse wrote: »
    And now, a story my dad used to love to tell us, called The Hobbi Oz. A little girl lived in the country with her grandparents, who were corn farmers, and their dog, Turdpie. (Sorry y'all, that was his name AND the name of my turtle. lol) A few days before Halloween arrived, the Hobbi Oz came out of the swamps and started dancing around in a clearing near the home, singing "Hobbi Oz, Hobbi Oz, tear down the corn field, kill the old lady, kill the old man, and carry off the little girl!" But little dog Turdpie barked so loud that he frightened the Hobbi Oz away. The next day, the old man was angry because the dog had woken him in the middle of the night, so he beat the poor animal. That night, the Hobbi Oz again came out of the swamps, started to dance, and sang "Hobbi Oz, Hobbi Oz, tear down the corn field, kill the old lady, kill the old man, and carry off the little girl!" And again, little dog Turdpie barked so loud that he frightened the Hobbi Oz away. The next day, the old man threatened the little dog, saying "If you wake me again tonight, I'm going to kill you!" And of course, that night, the Hobbi Oz again appeared, sang and danced, and little dog Turdpie barked and frightened the Hobbi Oz away. And the next day, the old man took the little dog out into the woods and shot him dead! That night, the Hobbi Oz came out of the swamps, danced in the clearing, and sang "Hobbi Oz, Hobbi Oz, tear down the corn field, kill the old lady, kill the old man, and carry off the little girl!" Then they waited... but there was no barking from Turdpie. So again, they danced around the clearing, and sang their refrains and listened... But there was no barking from little dog Turdpie. So, they tore down the corn field, killed the old lady, killed the old man, and carried off the little girl.

    The End.

    And yes, this was mine and my cousins favorite story for Halloween night for more years that I care to remember. ;)

    I like the old folk tales. Usually they are only around if someone continues to tell the story, I've not seen most of the ones I've heard in books.
  • NoHookUpZone
    NoHookUpZone Posts: 1,531 Member
    My friend and I used to go out late at night doing EVP.

    Before you ask, no I don't have this recording anymore.

    Used a digital recorder, with wired professional grade external microphone.

    We went to this area called the beach. It was a park next to a river after hours. There's natural focused energy around running water such as rivers, lakes or oceans. We drove through the park, making sure no one else was there as we needed quiet and complete silence. The park was empty. We settled on a spot near the restrooms. The park was lit up sporadically by soft lighting, not pitch dark but still dark. We checked the restrooms, and they were unlocked and empty. It was quiet, but you could still hear the wind lightly blowing through the trees, and light sound of the river. We all gathered around the table, and I cast our circle of protection. We sat down and started asking our questions. We did the standard round of questions for EVP. Is there anyone here? Pause for response. Do you have something to say? Long pause for response. We finish our questions, and wrap up and went back to her place. I uploaded the audio to her computer and put on my professional sony headphones, over the ear, bulky, no outside getting in. This is all something we've done so many times before, and we never caught anything spectacular. Till that night. I playback the audio and I hear the first question. Is there anyone here? And Crystal clear I hear a woman softly crying, whimpering like she's scared, no terrified. The same you would expect to hear in a horror movie where the victim is hiding from her attacker. The sound was hallow with an echo, as if they were in the restroom nearby. I gasped slightly, as this recording was crystal clear. I have never had one so clear before that night, or since. I was slightly shaken. At most when you do EVP you'll hear a semi clear yes or no, but this was more than that. The next question comes up. Do you have anything to say? She screams, "No! Please don't!" More soft crying, more whimpering. Her voice was shaking as she said "I love you", another scream, and silence.
    I freaked out. I wrote down what I thought I heard, then had my friend listen to it. Our notes were almost identical on what we heard. We just looked at each other, we were both slightly shaken. We never had another night like that.
  • HighPeak66
    HighPeak66 Posts: 27 Member
    My daughter has a pub which dates back to 1488.
    We often have stuff clanking or banging about in the night and stools and tables moving.
    The other strange thing that happens is that people have coins thrown at their heads even when they are the only people in the room. There is an ancient cast iron poor box fastened to the fire place so we put all the thrown coins into it.

    We’ve also seen ghostly apparitions and had the dogs go absolutely mental when the temperature drops and they bark like crazy at things we cannot see.
  • InspectorRed
    InspectorRed Posts: 757 Member
    When I was 18 I made a really bad decision and climbed into my 1967 Mustang to drive to my apartment even though I had been drinking. I was about 30 miles from my apartment and I was upset. I made it about 20 miles when things went way wrong....I swerved into the opposite lane and then into the opposite ditch, the car went airborne, front tires hit the railroad tracks there and the car flipped end over....I don't remember alot of other details but I do remember feeling pressure on my chest (i never wore my seatbelt back then) and looking over at the passenger seat and seeing my grandpa sitting there, my grandpa died when I was 3 years old, I asked him " what are you doing here?".... I don't think he answered but i credit his presence for my survival that night.

    Could all of this been a hallucination? Sure, but i dont believe it was and it was a wake up call for me to clean up my act.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Not so spooky but my husband died of an od and i was doing a walk with a group for sobriety a few months later and suddenly "our" song started playing on my phone. I didn't touch my phone. It played on iheart. And it isn't a band that i generally listen to. And then it stopped after the song was over.
  • helow88
    helow88 Posts: 74 Member
    edited September 2019
    I have no clue if what I saw was a ghost or not. At the time, I decided to keep my experience to both myself and my family. It was only months later when I spoke with neighbors, at a party, about my encounter. I got some interesting feedback from neighbors about their experiences while living at our apartment complex. Here are both mine, and their stories.

    The guy hosting the party had lived at that complex for several years. According to his research, it was built in the 1940's and was the housing units for the staff of a nearby (long ago demolished) hotel. Both he and his partner lived in an adjacent single story unit where they had a one bedroom bungalow. On more than one occasion, both of them swore they heard the sound of human feet walking on their roof. Pacing back and forth. At other times, they heard a loud bang and thundering noise of what they described like a "large wooden wine barrel being rolled across the ceiling". It would disappear after several minutes. This apparently only happened late in the evening.

    Then the young couple ,who lived on the second floor of a seperate building, spoke up about how they could hear someone walking down their corridor only to see no one. The floors were made of wood so you could always hear someone coming from a distance. Again, this only occured very late at night. They even opened their door once to look and saw nothing. There was only one way down that hall, with only four units to one side. The other side was nothing but an open air banister.

    My story was the creepiest. It occured late at night, in August 2008. It was around 11pm when I decided to take a shower before my husband came home from his shift. Our (ground floor) bathroom had a small frosted glass window that could be opened for ventilation. Please note that this window was at least six feet up from the floor. While in the shower I had the feeling someone was looking at me. I pulled back the shower curtain and saw the outline of a head an inch away from the glass window looking in on me. It had pale white skin with very dark/black lips and dark shadows for eyes. It looked very slender and youthful. It slowly leaned away from the window once it realized I noticed it. I called out my husband's name because I thought it was him. Thinking he got home early, I jumped out of the shower and threw on some clothes. I opened the front door and saw there was nothing. His motorcycle wasn't parked in his space and he was nowhere to be seen. My husband came home an hour later. I told him about it and he wasn't too happy. That thing had to be over six feet tall to glare into that tiny window. Was it a ghost? A passing weirdo? I dunno, but at least I was able to share this with people and face the reality that something did happen their in that old apartment complex.

  • s131951
    s131951 Posts: 3,776 Member
    I used to work in a haunted funeral home....
    This is copy/pasted from my post over at faygoluvers b/c I'm lazy.

    Here's my pic and story:

    This was back when I was working in a funeral home (side note: funeral directors are cool *kitten* folks, one of the guys became my best friend). anytitties, the pic is of the office I was working in at the time. The guy on the computer is one of the funeral directors (Kevin), the one taking the picture of my beautiful *kitten* (illuminattied in green btw) is my homie Dan. He had just gotten a digital camera and this was back in the 00s, like 05 I wanna say...and this was his first camera so he was dickin around with it. So this is one of the pictures he took. I circled what I think looks like a misty arm coming out of the wall. The thing is, on the other side of that wall is the embalming room...and that's the wall bodies would be put up against when they were worked on. I also think that funeral home was haunted....just based off of experience from working there.


    Why did autocorrect go to anytitties or is that a thing?
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Bump because it's October. :wink:
  • NotSo_LittleRichard
    NotSo_LittleRichard Posts: 1,004 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Now that Halloween is right around the corner I want to hear ALL the ghost stories.

    Tell me your best!

    The other one isn't bumping.

    There's a bunch of new people. Any new or interesting ghost stories?


    Great stories in this thread and the original. I love this time of year
  • Glazed_and_Confused
    Glazed_and_Confused Posts: 1,307 Member
    I was never close with my paternal grandfather, we butted heads quite frequently. A couple nights after he died, I was trying to go to sleep, being emo and thinking how we never were able to have a relationship that was positive. I always sleep with one foot out from under the covers, and that night I felt a very strong pull on my big toe. I stopped crying immediately and just laid there in the dark waiting to see if something else would happen, but nothing did. When I was a kid and we visited grandma and grandpa, my sister and I would sleep on the pullout couch in the living room. When he thought I was sleeping in too late, grandpa would pull my toes to wake me up. Never knew what to make of it, maybe it was a dream.
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Almost Halloween, any stories???