Walking for weight loss



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,010 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    From the beginning of my journey walking has been the exercise I do consistently. I lost 100 lbs. However I also dropped my calories significantly. Now at goal weight 5 - 6 miles/day gives me an extra 200 or so calories. As you can see that's easy to wipe out. I do find it reduces appetite some and also helps lower stress. So yes, it can help but if you eat more because you are exercising you won't lose any weight just because you are walking. I believe it has helped my arthritis tremendously though and for that reason alone it is worth it. Start slow and work up.

    That's not exactly true. You're still expending energy and calories if you walk so if you're already in a deficit, you can eat some or all of the walking calories back and still lose weight.

    N=1 losing 125 lbs on weight watchers and mfp while walking for exercise and eating every last point/calorie owed because I likes me my food. :)

    Altho walking has caused me way more stress than other people around here. I've injured myself way more because of it and I'm convinced cars with tinted windows can't see out as well as not being able to see in.

    And drivers are *kitten*.

    I never walk on the road. My nose hates smelly exhaust and my knees and shins hate pavement.

    I have trails behind my house that are good during the dry parts of the year and I have a state park with extensive trails a 10 minute drive away.
  • kristenmary70
    kristenmary70 Posts: 55 Member
    edited September 2019
    @charbabe7602 , walking is the only exercise I do. Losing weight is 80% calorie reduction and 20% exercise, so if you reduce your calories, you should lose. I walk for a strong heart and to manage chronic pain. I walk 2 miles per day - nothing major, but it does give me stamina to do other things.
  • charbabe7602
    charbabe7602 Posts: 28 Member
    OldHobo wrote: »
    I went from 270 to 228 with deficit calories and walking about 100 miles a month. Then a car run over me on the sidewalk and gained it all back. Now I'm down to 234 but been stuck on that number for a little while and gonna have to take drastic measures and start getting some exercise again. But ain't giving drivers another shot at me. Got a treadmill in the apartment and live on the ninth floor so reckon I can walk and climb enough stairs to get back on track. Need to lose 15 more pounds to just be fat, not obese. Then about 40 more to get under the "overweight" line on the chart.

    Writing it down here and the feed on my home page to fortify my resolve.

    You WILL lose that next 15 pounds, you can do it!
  • charbabe7602
    charbabe7602 Posts: 28 Member
    @charbabe7602 , walking is the only exercise I do. Losing weight is 80% calorie reduction and 20% exercise, so if you reduce your calories, you should lose. I walk for a strong heart and to manage chronic pain. I walk 2 miles per day - nothing major, but it does give me stamina to do other things.

    This is becoming very encouraging. I feel better, too, now that I started to MOVE more and walk outside. :smile:
  • charbabe7602
    charbabe7602 Posts: 28 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    glassyo wrote: »
    From the beginning of my journey walking has been the exercise I do consistently. I lost 100 lbs. However I also dropped my calories significantly. Now at goal weight 5 - 6 miles/day gives me an extra 200 or so calories. As you can see that's easy to wipe out. I do find it reduces appetite some and also helps lower stress. So yes, it can help but if you eat more because you are exercising you won't lose any weight just because you are walking. I believe it has helped my arthritis tremendously though and for that reason alone it is worth it. Start slow and work up.

    That's not exactly true. You're still expending energy and calories if you walk so if you're already in a deficit, you can eat some or all of the walking calories back and still lose weight.

    N=1 losing 125 lbs on weight watchers and mfp while walking for exercise and eating every last point/calorie owed because I likes me my food. :)

    Altho walking has caused me way more stress than other people around here. I've injured myself way more because of it and I'm convinced cars with tinted windows can't see out as well as not being able to see in.

    And drivers are *kitten*.

    I never walk on the road. My nose hates smelly exhaust and my knees and shins hate pavement.

    I have trails behind my house that are good during the dry parts of the year and I have a state park with extensive trails a 10 minute drive away.

    I just walk around my complex in the evening time. :smiley: The air feels fresher.

  • charbabe7602
    charbabe7602 Posts: 28 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Today was definitely a challenge in the sense that I will go on my walk.... actually what's great is that my fiancé is joining me on that walk :) which is encouraging.... I just have to go through the mindfulness of not eating so much especially the type of stress eating I tend to do. I almost went overboard with it but am trying to control it.

    Regular exercise (including walking) has mostly eliminated my urge to stress eat :)

    During periods of increased stress, I increase exercise.

    I need to learn to do that at ALL TIMES.... my goal every day is to work towards that :)

  • charbabe7602
    charbabe7602 Posts: 28 Member
    scarlett_k wrote: »
    The only exercise I do is daily walking with my dogs. In combination with eating at a deficit Ive lost 35 kg so far over 2.5 years so far and I'm still going (had a lot to lose!)

    Great job!!!!!
  • charbabe7602
    charbabe7602 Posts: 28 Member
    Hotcups wrote: »
    I started walking 4 weeks ago. I walk/jog 6.08km every evening with an average pace of 9 min/km. That alongside tracking my calories on the app, I have lost 23lbs in 5 weeks (started a week before the walking).

    I disregard the calories I "earn" from walking and normally eat about 1500/1600 calories a day.

    It's a combination of smart eating, plenty of water and daily exercise!

    Congrats on the weight loss and keep up the good work!

  • charbabe7602
    charbabe7602 Posts: 28 Member
    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    Yup. Lost 40+ pounds and part of my workout routine was walking. It has a lot of things going for it, including it isn't as hard or damaging on the joints as other exercise--and if you're heavy a lot of exercise like running is really hard on a heavy body. It can hurt or be uncomfortable in a way walking isn't. (And some of us are not 21 anymore). And it isn't usually too sweaty (at least at cooler temps) which means it is easier to fit into a busy schedule because you don't usually have to shower immediately...you can walk during a lunch break for example.

    Just as others have said, be sure you aren't over-estimating your calorie burn.

    But what I did learn was that if you eat according to the MFP plan guidelines, you don't have to go crazy doing Crossfit or Bootcamp or something to lose weight if you don't want to. You can lose weight with a nice pleasant walk on a nice day if that's your thing.

    Yeah, I like the walking better because I would do way too much in terms of workout intensity. I felt like I was burning out and found myself stopping my exercise regimen. So I started to walk to keep moving.
  • charbabe7602
    charbabe7602 Posts: 28 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    Walking has literately saved my life. I have lost over 80 pounds and kept all off for over 6 years and walking has been my main source of exercise.

    For weight loss and maintenance however, I keep a close eye on my calorie intake everyday. But for health and fitness, walking has been a huge part of my journey.

    At first I couldn't do much but walk short distances. I dreamt to be able to climb stairs and walk far without huffing and puffing and sweating.

    The more I walked, the easier it became and I was able to go further and longer.

    As my fitness level grew I discovered Youtube workouts, including Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home channel which improved my fitness level even further since it's more then just walking in place.

    I went from walking at a regular pace to incorporating brisk walking, fast/slow intervals and walk/jog intervals and I worked on increasing my walking time and distance.

    Then I introduced weights and other form of workouts. The combination of walking and strength training was just what I needed for my goals of losing fat and inches.

    Not only did weight loss happened, but my body composition was slowing improving, my blood pressure along with my rested heart rate was steadily decreasing, my cardiovascular, stamina and endurance was improving and it was easier for me to do regular things and move around more easily.

    For me, one of the best parts about walking is that it doesn't make me hungry. A lot of other workouts tend to make me ravenous so I have to plan my meal times around those workouts. With walking I can get up and walk fasted or at night and not have any issues.

    I went from barely being able to walk a 1/2 mile non-stop to currently working on getting in 200 miles for the month of September! (It has taken many years to get to this fitness level). Also my resting heart rate started in the mid-90's and currently it's in the high 40's!

    It has been an amazing experience losing so much weight and going from super sedentary and overeating to that healthy and fit girl. Walking has definitely a major key to my success.

    Wow, you've become so healthy and heart healthy! That's so inspiring! I will definitely look into the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Channel and work towards a more healthy lifestyle. I went to crazy with the intensity and spent so much time at the gym, but I kept doing what you mentioned.. eat around my workouts. I do feel better. I have to remind myself that I'm being healthy even though I don't find myself drenched in sweat from the walking....

  • kcmcbee
    kcmcbee Posts: 179 Member
    Walking and building up to a cardio level pace and interval walks have been helpful to me as it gives me an active role in improving my overall health, not just helping weight loss which it also does. Good job!
  • patblan
    patblan Posts: 4 Member
    The main advantage of my 2 hour walk through a local national park is that it doesn't feel like exercise. I might occasionally give the gym a miss, but never miss my walk.
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    edited September 2019
    Last year when I wanted to lose weight I lost a lot of it by walking I started with a few 1000 steps and gradual got up to 15,000 or 20,000 on some days. I was in Europe for 23 days and got to say the walking really helped I was able to keep up or ahead of many others in the tour group, didn't have any problems with all the walking we did. I am doing walking now again just not near as much because of my injuries. It allows me to eat back some calories. I shoot for 10,000 steps a day.
  • GlowskiMcGlitter
    GlowskiMcGlitter Posts: 30 Member
    I have definitely been able to lose weight through walking. I dont just walk, usually I will incorporate elliptical training into my cardio but honestly if I can walk I prefer to walk.

    Pros of walking to lose weight
    -slower pace so its easier to maintain as a routine
    -you can walk outside if the weather is nice, bonus is vit D from the sun
    -it burns calories
    -good for your heart and blood circulation
    -opportunity to listen to music, podcasts, or chat with friends on a walk

    Cons of walking to lose weight
    -blisters and pressure point pain from taking thousands of steps (invest in insoles!!!)
    -takes longer to burn more calories

    Really those are the only bad things. To avoid blisters i take a day off here or there and i try to take shorter walks sometimes to give my feet a break.