October 1st (open) challlenge



  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    No change this week for me!
    Start- 145.6
    8/22/11 - 145.6
    October 1st Goal- 136
    Height- 5'1"
  • skschuler
    skschuler Posts: 181 Member
    SW: 158.8
    CW: 156.4

    Super excited! Hope everyone has a good week!
  • slaunderville
    slaunderville Posts: 49 Member
    and by 177 i mean 183.2
    sorry I messed up.
    it was a bad weeek


    Thanks for posting! We have all been there. Good luck this week and write if you need some support.
    see y'alll next wweeeeekkk!
    can't wait to see how ya dooooooooooo!
  • EMQuinn52
    EMQuinn52 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello!! I'd love to join y'all!! I stared WW back in November and lost 29lbs, THEN in March, life threw quite a few curve balls at me and I caved on my diet and workout schedule. (Surprise relocation of my husband and selling of our house to move across the country to join him months later with our 2 & 4yr olds) I've gained back 6lbs, however my life is back to normal again and I'm BACK! The new WW plan didn't seem to be working for me as well, so I decided to join MFP. I'm SUPER excited to find some motivated friends on here and kick this weight in the butt once and for all!!

    Please add me if you have room for one more friend :)

    H: 5'10"
    SW: 239.8lbs Nov. '10
    10%GW: 216.4lbs Feb. '11
    Lowest: 212lbs Mar. '11

    CW: 217lbs Aug. 24th :(
    GW - Oct. 1st: 199lbs!!!!
    GW: 160lbs
  • slaunderville
    slaunderville Posts: 49 Member
    How is the weekend treating everyone?
  • slaunderville
    slaunderville Posts: 49 Member
    Last Monday's weigh in: 315lbs, down 2 lbs.

    Today:311.2, down 3.8

    Feeling great. Thanks again for everyone's support.
  • thats great! sorry I didn't weigh in I was being attacked by the hurricane! hahha I didn't get to weigh myself sorry guys:(
  • valloli
    valloli Posts: 17
    I, too, would love to join the challenge. Looking for some real support and encouragement.
    Last Monday weight: 210
    CW: 207
    GW by 10/1: 195
    Best of luck everyone...we can do this!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Down 1lb this week!
    Start- 145.6
    8/22/11 - 145.6
    8/29/11 - 144.6
    October 1st Goal- 136
    Height- 5'1"
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Wasn't able to log on yesterday to post.

    Last weeks weight = 204
    This week (as of this morning) = 202

    Down 2 pounds! Plus, week 3 of C25k training DONE! Bring on week 4!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm wondering if I can join this group for September- October. It seems like a small, close knit group and that's something that I like. I am in a challenge now, but it ends on September 20 and I will probably need to continue beyond that. I am also good at giving support and I am very active on the boards.

    If there's room for one more, please let me know.
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Definitely TeamLeela! Welcome to the challenge! We're open to anyone that needs the encouragement, and especially to anyone that is good at giving.
  • oh please join, the more the people the better!
    weigh in every monday!
  • slaunderville
    slaunderville Posts: 49 Member
    Up a little this week...goes to show what happens when I do not track my food:)

    Last Monday :311.2
    Today 312.0
  • Last week = 202
    This week = still 202. No lose, BUT no Gain!

    Sorry couldn't post yesterday!
  • Down a couple pounds to 204.8 :) Slowly but surely!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Ah, ha! Weighed myself this morning, and I'm at 200. Down from 202!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    Omg, Heather - are you ok?? I hope your pain has gone away...
    I managed to hit the gym this morning - the 15th day in a row... Didn't eat most of the day and was RAVENOUS by dinner! Ate a ton of protein, but stayed at my calories... Anxious because I'm working out HARD, but not losing well.. And stressed about going on vacation Friday (for 2.5 weeks)... No gym, not really cooki g (maybe the last week).... Stressed that I might gain if I don't work out every day.... Hope I haven't set myself up for failure by working out every day... But motivated to do my best to keep it up (when I'm home)! :-)

    Part of your problem is your are eating most of your calories at dinner. Try eating more calories at breakfast and lunch and remeber to eat well or take a protien shake after you work out. Your body needs the cal/protien to help flush out the fat and waste you released and repair the mircoscopic muscular tears that are created by working out. Hope it helps
  • sorrrrry guys I havent beeen on.. i habe beeen soo busy. I was at 177 yesterdayyy:)