Help! How do I keep my friends?!

isalsayourface123 Posts: 2,153 Member
I dont understand why my mfp friends keep dropping me!? If I accept a friend request why in the world days later am I dropped??? Advice? How do I obtain and keep friends?


  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,321 Member

    Some probably "checking" you out.. etc. are you friending random ppl?
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    They come and go, my friends list fluctuates frequently. I would just focus on the friends who are there to support you.
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    Is this a serious question? Seems like people like you around here but don't take it personal when new adds drop you. That's just how it goes I guess. I've been dropped and it has made me wonder as to why like you but maybe I just wasn't a good fit to their current fitness goals and they are looking for similar like minded people. The ones that matter are the ones that have stuck with you this long.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    Reckoner68 wrote: »
    For what it's worth, the only time I've ever dropped people was when I was fighting a particularly bad mood and felt like withdrawing from *all* social media. Obviously this ain't gonna pertain to everybody, but sometimes it really is "not you, it's me"

    I felt bad doing it, too, know, dark times

    Yep. I've been here.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I think being good with math helps too. I don't know why, but just look at how popular that Albert Einstein was.
  • RiffsnBarbells
    RiffsnBarbells Posts: 27 Member
    Sometimes I accept a FR on a whim, but if the person doesn't interact or introduce themselves with in a few days I delete them. There are also times when there is a personality conflict. Or if I accept a FR and see that their FL is 300-400 long, all female or even devoid of entries... delete.

    This. I've had too many add me and not interact at all. I kinda stopped doing the whole friends thing on here because of it. Maybe Ill try again.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    Sometimes I accept a FR on a whim, but if the person doesn't interact or introduce themselves with in a few days I delete them. There are also times when there is a personality conflict. Or if I accept a FR and see that their FL is 300-400 long, all female or even devoid of entries... delete.

    I can think of at least 20 people I need to cut from my friends list for lack of interaction. And another 5 or so who need to go because they're creepy.
  • CoffeeAndContour
    CoffeeAndContour Posts: 1,466 Member
    I don’t know. I only delete people who haven’t logged on in a while or who I never talk too. People have deleted me, or their account and never re-added me although we still talk, it’s whatever.
  • pizzamyheart
    pizzamyheart Posts: 1,836 Member
    I keep my friends in order of the alphabet. So if I get two M’s, for example, one of them has got to go. I also have @kam26001 on my list seven times. Not sure how that happened but he sends me money so I keep him. I’m in the market for an X, P and a Q.