Feeling embarrassed!

Hi guys. Don't know if it's the right place for me to vent so sorry if not.

So basically I could not be more unfit if I tried. I've never ever been sporty or regularly active and part of that is because I am too embarrassed to go to places like the gym and feel like people are laughing at me. Any who, I find myself in a tricky position now that my daughter has started school (breakfast club) which starts at 8 and my work starts at half 8. I miss the bus that would take me and I've decided to get a second hand bike to see if I can make the journey. It's only 3 miles away and fairly flat but I have total low self confidence in myself and get really anxious at the thought of doing stuff like this. Anyway for the past 2 weeks I've been going out on my bike trying to get my endurance up and I went and got a helmet earlier today (I look like a tool but I have a family so I'm taking no risks). Just did the whole journey to work for the very first time which I found not as bad as I thought I would, was feeling really proud of myself like I achieved something for the first time in a long while and on my way back a car was stopped at the lights and they were very obviously hanging out of the window laughing at me.

I'm absolutely gutted. I'm cross. And I'm feeling like the biggest fool like I've been kidding myself. Why can't people just be nice?


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    ignore and enjoy. The end result will be worth it. I could never understand why we dont have any large people at our gym, I guess they just ignored the mean ignorant people and enjoyed their workout til they got slim.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Kudos to you for taking this huge step to better your health. You should be very proud of yourself.

    There are haters everywhere. They don't mean a thing to you. They're certainly not rockin' it like you are. Forget them. 😉
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Lots of people are nice....but lots are total jerks! You should be so proud for conquering your fear and doing this! Do not let the jerks take your power! You alone own your power. Next time, don't look at them. Just take a deep breath and give yourself a hug for your effort! You got this!
  • SoleTrainer60
    SoleTrainer60 Posts: 180 Member
    I am very proud of you for taking care of yourself. There will always be cruel people in the world. You just ignore them and continue your journey to a healthier lifestyle. One day at a time.You can do this. :)