

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Yea, Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad that the biopsy was benign. And Natalie, so glad that you are making such progress......isn't it wonderful to be out of pain? How is your rehab going??

    I hope that everyone that was in the path of Irene is safe. Hope that there was not too much damage either. I just talked to my MIL in VA Beach. They are fine, no water damage, just some minor damage to a few trees. They moved everything into the shed that they could. I am so relieved.

    Well, John is heading home from 2 weeks away on business. Hopefully, he will get home in time to go to the Tomato and Garlic Festival at the Botantical Gardens. I also would like to stop on the way home at HHGregg and look at ranges. I want a gas range with a true convection oven. So I am doing research. Does anyone have a convection oven? What do you have and do you like it?

    Have a great day, everyone!!

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Still lurking but I haven't quite gotten my mojo back. I am sure that it will show up soon. I am getting closer to the disgust factor that usually kicks me back into gear. Always reading and think of you all.

    You sound like me, Robin! Started logging my food today. This week I am taking time off from work to be with my daughter and new baby Zachary! I want to give myself a fresh start in September.

    Meanwhile, I am looking for a tummy-tuck :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Hello. I haven't posted or been on this site since June. I found out that my boss was leaving to start his own firm but didn't thnk he could afford me. I am a legal assistant. I had worked at the law firm for 38 years but I asked to be laid off so I could collect EI and think about the future. Then after I was off work for 1 day - my old boss called me and said he needed me at his new firm. So this all worked out very well. I had 3 job offers before I left the old firm so I wash't too worried. It is hard to find someone with 38 years legal experience.

    So I was stressed for a while. I am 57 and was afraid no one would hire me.

    I was just diagnosed with high blood pressure and an underactive thyroid. So I am on medication for this. I went to visit my sister in Calgary and came home 3 pounds lighter thatn when I left. So the meds must finally have kicked in.

    I am newly committed to weight loss for good this time. Wish me luck
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    chicklet - couldn't have said what Cathy said any better. ITA with her

    Did an hour of yoga today. While in yoga class, I remembered this Leslie Sansone DVD that I haven't done in quite a while, I think it's something like 45 minutes long. I think I'll do that tomorrow. Then Mon is the extremepump class, then I'm going to go to get my hair color washed, I'm going to talk to the gal about if there's some other procedure other than washing the entire head of hair, all I need are the roots touched up (I think that's all I need)

    Went to the farmers market today (Sat). The guy who sold good corn two weeks ago was there, so I bought 1-1/2 dozen from him. Now that I think of it, It probably wouldn't have been a bad idea to have bought more, cooked it and then frozen it. Well, if he has the corn next week, that's what I'll do.

    chicklet - we all have times when we're down and go way off track. As long as we get back on, that's what's important. When I had that medical scare, I turned to my old friend, carbs. Now I'm really trying to get back to the veges. Dinner tonight was zucchini, a tomato that I wanted to use up so that I can buy more tomorrow, grilled chicken, and a splash of the Wish Bone spritzer. Then had a kiwi for dessert. Tonight for a snack I had one of those Dove miniatures (60 calories). But this a.m. I made some sweet potato muffins (I had sweet potatoes that I wanted to use up) and some zucchini pineapple muffins (a friend of ours was coming over, and I'm going to the hairdressers tomorrow so I'll take them some, not to mention that I have some put aside to send to Bryan). Don't beat yourself up, you're getting back on track and that's what's important. I can tell that I've gained a few pounds, things just don't fit as losely as they used to. But I'll get it back now that I have such good news!

    Can you believe that this week is ALREADY September? Where has the summer -- I really should say year -- gone to?

    Natalie - I'm trying to picture that nustep. Does it give you any impact or are you sitting the whole time you're using it like you sit on a recumbant bike?

    Fortunately, we didn't get anything from Irene. Most people hear NC and they immediately think of the Outer Banks area. Well, we're much further inland (at the foothills of the mountains), so we had sun.

    Went with Vince today and bought a new motherboard for my computer. He's going to have to rebuild it. While he's doing that, I'll log on from my laptop.

    Did 45 minutes of Leslie Sanson's DVD 3 mile fast walk. Tomorrow I'll do the extreme pump class then go to get my hair color washed. I'm going to ask her if there's anything else, perhaps not involving as much chemicals; since alls I really need are the roots touched up. Then I'll do a little food shopping, then stop to get baby food jars from the local day care, then on the way home stop at this man's produce stand and get some tomatoes.

    smwert - welcome back, you've been missed.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning ladies. I hope those on the east coast of USA are all safe with Irene blasting by.

    I've had a lovely birthday weekend in Suffok. We were invited to the wedding of the daughter of a dear quilting friend from Texas. Guests from 5 countries met at a beautiful medieval property to celebrate. The weather mostly was kind with brilliant sun mixed with cloudy skies, heavy rain with thunder & hail & back to brilliant sun. Fortunately, we were undercover when the rain appeared.

    I just didn't worry about my eating too much although tried to err on the healthier side so back to the stuff thats better for me now.

    Had a couple of NSV's I think - noticed my jeans kept heading south & I had to keep hitching them up, having to have 2 new dresses & 3 tops altered in time for our trip to Florida next month (I know its huriricane season but hey, mad dogs & Englishmen & all that!) & yesterday my DiL said it looked like I'd lost quite a bit of weight. So it looks like this healthier eating & exercise thing could be working after all!

    Off to catch up on reading the posts. Hugs & good wishes to all & enjoy the rest of your week.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    I hope you are all doing well today.

    We are off to visit MIL in the nursing home. I'm taking a birthday cake so that she can celebrate DH's birthday (which was last week). I am hoping that she is a little better than she was when I visited her on Saturday. She was struggling to tell me something but just couldn't get the words together. I could see her getting more and more frustrated and she kept bursting into tears. I still have no idea what she wanted to say. Also, her co-ordination is getting worse and worse - she is barely able to feed herself these days. It is awful to see her like this, she's only 73. The nursing home is brilliant and she gets the best care she could get, but the fact that she is stuck in a wheelchair all the time now means that she is extremely limited in what she can do. She is unable to stand at all and the only thing she gets any pleasure from is food. Consequently she has gained about 60 pounds over the last couple of years. The nursing staff put her on a diet but the lack of exercise - apart from daily physiotherapy - means she just gets larger. Having said that, food is probably her sole pleasure these days, so maybe it is better that she eats what she wants. She could die at any time from another attack, so perhaps it would be unfair to restrict her. It's a tough call.

    Anyway, I'd better get going.

    Hugs to all.
    Love, Amanda x
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi Everyone~

    Irene is finally gone and we came through it unscathed!!

    I am in southern NJ and plenty of areas surrounding me are flooded, etc but we were OK. We were prepared and I even joked on Facebook that the one thing I did that I now think was just crazy was to get Glow stick Necklaces for my dogs!!

    Fortunately we didn't even lose power but I was ready!

    So time to get back in "training mode"~ we did "order out" a little more than usual over the last few days........

    Check back later......
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amanda your before and after picture is so inspiring. you look amazing.
    Rebel we will get this back in gear together girlfriend.
    I finally changed my ticker. it is so frustrating but I had to.
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member

    I'm aiming to lose at least 5 pounds in August ... holiday in September looming!

    Pleased to say I've dropped from 190.4 to 183.2 so I did get my 5 lbs off in August, hoping to get the other side of 182 (which takes me down into the 12 stone bracket) before we go on holiday 1st September.

    Sorry I've been slack about posting on here, I've been so busy this month, but I have popped in and read some of the posts. You sure are an amazing group of women, keep it up. I will try harder to post in future, although being away for some of September will thwart me in that initially :smile:
    Hope to catch up soon
    Sue x :love:
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Glad to hear that it seems Irene has not damaged anyone; thank heavens for that.

    Chiclet - I read the post about your brother and it makes even less sense now, but you are obviously being tested!! Just remember that your mother has some real problems, not you. If you cannot or don't want to put her into a home, then you will be stuck dealing with this for a while yet, so you will have to steel yourself to her outbursts and her nastiness. Try to remember that she has issues beyond your control. My heart goes out to you and I wish there was some way I could help you. Just continue to tell yourself that you have come so far to let ANYONE drag you back down. As I said, let your man friend give you some comfort and some guidance and some well deserved love at this time. You are truly a glorious woman for putting up with all of this.

    Jane - I hope you are okay and that everything is going allright for you. You are going through a rough time right now. My thoughts are with you.

    To everyone else, I hope you all are okay. I am off on 2 weeks holidays after this week with 1 week at home and 1 week on a cruise with hubby. I cannot wait to be away from work, it has been very stressful lately. In fact, I have even been putting my resume in at places closer to home!!! My bosses would freak out but this commute is just killing me.

    Anyway, my Friends, have a good night and talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Geri - your birthday sounds absolutely lovely! Congrats on having to get the clothes altered!

    Amanda - I can hardly imagine the frustration you MIL is going thru! My heart bleeds for her. When my MIL was in assisted living, they would let her have ice cream occasionally (she was diabetic so they did portion it out). The full fat sugar ice cream wasn't the best for her, but it helped her emotionally so in that respect it was the best for her

    Rosie - now people are probably wondering what they're going to do with the 3 dozen eggs and 4 loaves of bread that they bought in preparation for Irene....lol

    Did an hour of the extremepump class today, tomorrow I think I'll do spinning. Tomorrow I have another appt w/ the MD to get this plantar wart frozen, then to play mahjongg, then going to go to the bowling alley to get a wrist brace.

    I'm trying so hard to get back on the veggie wagon. I feel so much better when I crave veggies. Still not there, but getting closer. I admit that I slipped a bit and had one of Vince's chocolate cookies. Do you know that I actually spit it out into the garbage? But the fact that I even had a bite says that I'm not at the point that I was at before wanting veggies all the time.

    Cathy - have fun!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :sad: Jane, sorry to hear that you're going through a rough time. You have always cheered me up with your posts. Now it's time for us to cheer you up and think happy thoughts for you for better times.

    :bigsmile: Amanda, your before and after picture is amazing.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jeannie, I love your new profile picture. I am the opposite of you.....tiny top and thunder thighs.:laugh:

    :sad: Robin, sorry you had to change your ticker but glad that you are getting back in gear.

    :sad: my husband is in Seattle at the hospital where he will have another angiogram tomorrow morning. He has been short of breath and the cardiologist said it would be a good idea to take a look inside his heart and see what's going on. A friend drove him over so I didn't have to brave the city traffic. The same friend will go pick him up probably Wednesday morning. The dogs and I are keeping busy.

    :bigsmile: A bought a big box of green grapes to take to a potluck on Saturday and brought a lot of them home with me so they have been the mainstay of my eating today :laugh:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Good Morning All!:flowerforyou:

    A nice full day today: Yoga at 9:15am:heart: and this afternoon the Mammo Tech is getting her own Mammo!!:blushing: Fortunately I've been going to the same place for years and even worked with some of the techs there (back in the day) so I get to see my "films" as they're being done~at least: I still remember what I'm looking at!:wink:

    Chiclet~my heart is breaking for you:brokenheart: .....this is SO difficult to watch

    MummaH Sue~:love: Congratulations on the loss!! That's awesome!!:bigsmile:

    OK, time to get going.....check back later......everyone have a good one:happy: :bigsmile:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Oh yeah~ lost another pound at weigh in too!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    One more to go for the big 2-0 and then the 180s!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Last night was good, I didn't take the NORCO, which is the narcotic pain reliever that they have me on, which I only take at night with a sleeping pill, and before PT, I decided to take a tramadol and a tylenol extra strength, and I did fall asleep, so I am going to try and not take the norco, wonder if taking 2 tramadol and 1 tylenol before PT would cut the pain enough to endure what they do to me, bending and stretching etc...
    I had a good day yesterday, I went to PT, and then I had a friend pick me up for lunch. We went to Olive Garden, had the soup and salad...
    Last night we ordered pizza from pizza hut, our local pizza hut here has a special for 10.00 you can get a large pizza with ANY toppings you wanted. I made a salad and had 2 pieces and didn't eat the crust. It did taste good for a change.
    Have a good afternoon...
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Chiclet, I feel so bad that you have to shoulder all this responsibility and stress yourself. A few years back it became very obvious that my stepmother could not live on her own and refused to have any one in her house, we had tried that and the home care agency told us she was unmanageable and would not come any more. My daughter and I had power of attorney and we decided she had to move to assisted care, she was not happy at this decision at all. We moved her to the only assisted care she would consider not knowing the full extent of her dementia...she did not do well at all there and they basically gave us notice and kicked her out and asked us to move her into another residence. AT this time we had her tested and found out that she had quite advanced Alzheimer's, she could and would be sweet and charming when she wanted to be but could turn in a minute and was a threat to others. We moved her to an Alzheimer's residence ...she went angry, kicking and screaming believe me, but within a few weeks she got used to their schedule and also loved all the constant attention that she got from everyone and she got over being mad at us. Please keep this in mind, this decision was so hard for us to make, we felt guilty and sad and wondered if we were doing the right thing, we talked with her doctor, a psychiatrist and her attorney before making our final decision on this and got encouragement from all of them. We realize now that it was the very best thing to do for her and for us. I hope you find peace in your life and decisions, I know how difficult it is. xoSissy
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Wow, Sissy, what a story and handled with grace and caring, yet still must have been so difficult.

    I think the adult children of the elderly go through an anger/denial stage. My own parents are ages 80 and 75 and while they live independently at the moment, I can see they are slowing down mentally.

    I am paying very close attention to the content of our conversations and when I visit, I look around and watch for anything that looks like it may be an issue down the road.

    I try to go to every doctor appointment for my Mother~ my Dad is pretty healthy for 80 and doesn't have many~ but Mom seems to like " being a patient". This behavior started a few years ago and it got to the point that I actually couldn't let her go to a doctor alone since she would sign herself for surgeries or procedures that she had not a clue about, just to be "in the hospital".

    It disappointed me to recognize this in my Mom but I am the eldest of 4 and the one with the healthcare background so I am the "go to" person with regard to this type of stuff.
    Now I fall back on that background and instead of getting angry and frustrated, I talk to her like she's one of my patients and explain things to her like I would to any other patient. It seems to be working so far although we had an incident with a Cardiologist~ the ONE appointment I couldn't make~ that took a little creative thinking to fix.

    Now she is Forbidden to go to ANY appointments alone! (and we can joke about the incident)

    Anyway, HUGS to anyone going through anything like this, it really is heartbreaking.........
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my darling husband is on his way home from the hospital. The angiogram found no additional damage, nothing new needed to be done and they released him. A good friend drove over to pick him up. They'll stop for dinner on the way and be home before dark.:bigsmile: The doctor said that the pain he's experienced is not evidence of damage, just his heart telling him to slow down. With all the activity of our move, everyone was telling him to slow down and he mostly ignored us. Maybe he will listen to his heart :laugh:

    :heart: Chiclet, hugs to you. don't let your mother's nasty words get to you. Come to us and we'll tell you what a hard working, loving, thoughtful daughter you are
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    barbie - you and I are more and more like sisters. I'm built the same way -- tiny on top, big on bottom. Hope all is well for your hubby. You know you can always freeze grapes. Makes a good snack, so don't feel that you have to finish them up or else they'll go bad. Freeze them. When I had the evening mahjongg here, I got some blueberries and raspberries. When everyone left, I picked out the raspberries and ate them (because I love raspberries) and froze the blueberries. I'll probably use them in some muffins. Don't eat too many grapes, you may get diarrhea! Just read about your hubby. That's wonderful!

    Did an hour of a spinning downloadable workout today, then went to the MD where they used the liquid nitrogen again on my plantar wart, then did a bit of food shopping. Went to one store that has fairly decent veges, got some beets. Boiled them, I sauteed the beet greens but wasn't too keen on them, but the beets are sweet!!!! tTen went to play mahjongg. I knew I wouldn't maj today, I was playing with a lady who is quite experienced and so she's fast, I need time to think. So I felt very rushed. Then I went and bought a wrist guard for bowling so that I hopefull won't keep breaking my wrist. That's not a literal break, more of a figurative.

    Tomorrow I'll either do an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill, but I doubt that I'll be able to stand on my foot for that long. So I may just do an hour on the recumbant bike that Vince has downstairs.

    Gotta take a shower, then get ready for tomorrow.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good morning ladies,
    Sorry I have been in and out this week. Crazy week. We weigh in today for biggest loser that Beth and I partnered in. She lost about 10 pounds, She is on the way to weigh in now. i think I lost about 5. I took water pills and did a mini cleanse yesterday. I was bloated and had extra water weight yesterday. I go at 11. I am glad for it to be done. I do not do well with the competition. The stress and pressure does not help. I do better just exercising and eating right for me. Cant wait to get back to that. I will read posts later. See you gals later.
    vicki M