Gimme the Skinny - August Challenge Team 21 - (closed group)



  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I'll do a bunch of extra miles today! No problem.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I'll do a bunch of extra miles today! No problem.
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    thanks guys! Love the team spirit!!

    I'm going to start the sept challenge thread today, so be on the lookout in motivation & support boards for our new Outwit the Chubby team forum!!

    here's the email I received so far from Garry:

    Thank you for being a team captain. I have attached the points and rules of the September Challenge. For those returning captains there aren't any changes at this point. I'm in the process of setting everyone up with Google Docs so that you can edit the main spreadsheet online. This will keep my email free for questions etc... Feel free to contact me at any time. Please copy and paste these rules in your teams forum. If you've not created a team forum for the September Challenge please do so immediately. The forum should be named YOUR TEAM NAME (Closed Group)

    I will send out the list of Week 1's challenges by Monday. Hopefully sooner. There will be 2 levels of challenges. A basic low impact workout and an advanced (BUSHMEN) high impact workout. Encourage your people to mix and match if they so choose.

    Please remember this needs to be FUN! Encourage your people and have fun with the challenges. I would encourage you to create a gmail account if you do not have one and post your team spreadsheet on google docs under you email account. This way your team can update the spreadsheet on their own. It seems very simple. Make this as easy on your team and yourself as you can. IF someone drops from your team after September 1st and you have a replacement update it yourself and move forward. I do not need to be notified of drops or adds moving forward.

    Once the main spread sheet is added you will need to open it up in google docs (i will provide instructions don't panic :) ) and add your teammates names. After that we get ready to RAISE OUR SPEARS AND GO TRIBAL!

    Thanks for all you do and for allowing me to join you on this journey. We've seen tremendous weight loss results in August and I hope to see many more in September. Any questions at all please message me in MFP that is easier for me to manage from work.

    Please pray for those that are being affected by Hurricane Irene.


    Your Friend


    and points rules:


    Welcome and thank you so much for being a team captain for this MFP Challenge. I believe this is one
    of the largest MFP Challenges to date and it’s all made possible by you! You folks really are ROCKSTARS!

    If a team member is unable to fulfill their place a replacement can be made please update me with the

    September 1st Deadline

    Make sure you have contacted each team member and given them your forum post link
    Obtain everyone’s starting weight as of September 1st or the night before
    Post the weekly challenges to your team forum prior to September 1st and prior to each week
    End of the week tally your teams points (this can be done daily if easier)
    Add Bonus Points at the end of the week where applicable

    The scoring is as follows. I hope this is simple. If you have questions I’ll answer them for you.

    1 point for each pound lost per team member
    1 point for each team member who does their daily exercise challenge (1 point per member)
    1 point for the other weekly challenges (water intake, staying under calories etc.) Each week
    different challenge per member
    (you will put 1 in the excel spreadsheet)
    o Daily Exercise – If every team member logs the daily exercise as doing it for all 6 days
    Mon – Sat. You may award your TEAM an extra 5 points
    o Weekly Challenges – if every team member log the weekly challenge as doing it for all 6
    days Mon – Sat. You may award your TEAM an extra 5 points

    Each week you will email me your Team Name and your total points! This is all honor based so please
    be honest and encourage your team to be honest.

    That’s it. The next email coming later this weekend will be the team challenges. Let’s Step It UP in

    Go Weapons of Mass Reduction!

    Your MFP

    Buddy Gary
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I just noticed that Gary said part of the challenge was to get a friend to join the next challenge. I don't know if any of the people I mentioned it to have signed up for the challenge, but I did get somebody to join MFP itself (lavy2sj). Does that count for a bonus point?
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    yes it does!
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    wow, gary is quite the captain, he has Wappo Warrior teams 1-13!!!

    that's insane!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Heofon just took off on his bike to ride 43 miles for Team Skinny tonight. All I can say is me and the 5-mile walk I had planned for tonight look like a couple of slackers now. :ohwell:
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    43 miles wow! I just added 5.8 miles to our total :) So, I did a total of 16.8 miles I believe. Worth every drop of sweat! I also finished all our daily exercises and I did have someone join alicat844. She isn't logging as faithfully as I'd hoped but she's trying! :)
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    43 miles wow! I just added 5.8 miles to our total :) So, I did a total of 16.8 miles I believe. Worth every drop of sweat! I also finished all our daily exercises and I did have someone join alicat844. She isn't logging as faithfully as I'd hoped but she's trying! :)

    You're absolutely right it was worth every drop of sweat! You're dropping pounds like crazy, szczepj!!! Way to go, SKINNY! :glasses:
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Just added 5.13 walking miles tonight for the team.
  • heofon
    heofon Posts: 27 Member
    Ok. I think we're good on the miles. I rode 44 miles this evening. 6 towns, 2 counties, and I visited my parents who live 20 miles away. Fun!
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Wow Heofon that's awesome. Now I look like such a slacker! I did 5 miles, plus those insane excercises yesterday and next to Heofon I feel like a chump! That's rediculous!!!!!!!!!

    Great work guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 203 Member
    Hello SKINNYs,

    I feel like I've been away forever!!!! Let's just say that the trip to NY was memorable and leave it at that....

    Of course you have to bring back souvenirs when you travel....I brought back an infection! So I'm a little under the weather and missed yesterday's workout completely between waiting at the airport and waiting at the urgent care.
    (I called my doctor as soon as the plane landed and was told the 1st available appointment was in 3 weeks....time to find a new doctor)

    Luckily I'm still off work so I am currently in between workouts....almost caught up!
  • heofon
    heofon Posts: 27 Member
    (I called my doctor as soon as the plane landed and was told the 1st available appointment was in 3 weeks....time to find a new doctor)

    Apparently the sign of a good doctor is not being able to get an appoinment with them. "Oh, he's a great doctor. You can't even get in to see him. Some people wait six months."

    "Yes, but I'm bleeding profusely today."

    "Do you know any so-so doctors? With bandages and such?"
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    (I called my doctor as soon as the plane landed and was told the 1st available appointment was in 3 weeks....time to find a new doctor)

    Apparently the sign of a good doctor is not being able to get an appoinment with them. "Oh, he's a great doctor. You can't even get in to see him. Some people wait six months."

    "Yes, but I'm bleeding profusely today."

    "Do you know any so-so doctors? With bandages and such?"

    Heofon really likes Brian Regan. :)
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 203 Member

    My husband is a HUGE Brian Regan fan also...I'll have to share the post with him.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Okay....44 miles! Now I feel like a real slacker! Wow! And I was going to try for another 3-4 on the treadmill tonight and during my morning walk tomorrow. Guess I do not have to now. I might anyway IF I have time.

    This week is killing me. Things have been hectic since the kids went back to school and back to activities. My daughter did not even do her 3rd grade HW yesterday. Had to write a note last Monday too. She usually does it in daycare but it is to write definitions for her spelling words, all 19 of them. She does not have access to a dictionary or to the internet there. Not to mention she is just learning how to use a dictionary. I have to help her with it. But we go right to Brownies on Mondays (I am the leader) and don't get home until 9. Then dinner, showers, bedtime. I feel like a bad mommy.

    I also have to take her to dance after work tomorrow night. Then Thursday, look out!!!!! Volunteer in school before work, work until 6 but have a meeting at school at 5, so have to figure that one out. Then a meeting at 6 for science fair info, and a scout leaders meeting at 7. Grocery shopping to follow. All this while trying to pack up the camper to leave Friday morning for the long weekend. AND, managing to get my daily challenges in.

    So, if I am not posting as much, please forgive me. It is going to be utter chaos between now and the weekend, but it will be oh so worth it when we are lounging on the river for the weekend.

    But, please feel free to kick my butt into gear if I seem to slack off.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Hello SKINNYs,

    I feel like I've been away forever!!!! Let's just say that the trip to NY was memorable and leave it at that....

    Of course you have to bring back souvenirs when you travel....I brought back an infection! So I'm a little under the weather and missed yesterday's workout completely between waiting at the airport and waiting at the urgent care.
    (I called my doctor as soon as the plane landed and was told the 1st available appointment was in 3 weeks....time to find a new doctor)

    Luckily I'm still off work so I am currently in between workouts....almost caught up!

    So sorry you brought back something so icky. Hope you feel better soon!

    Hope you at least enjoyed most of your time there!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Okay....44 miles! Now I feel like a real slacker! Wow! And I was going to try for another 3-4 on the treadmill tonight and during my morning walk tomorrow. Guess I do not have to now. I might anyway IF I have time.

    This week is killing me. Things have been hectic since the kids went back to school and back to activities. My daughter did not even do her 3rd grade HW yesterday. Had to write a note last Monday too. She usually does it in daycare but it is to write definitions for her spelling words, all 19 of them. She does not have access to a dictionary or to the internet there. Not to mention she is just learning how to use a dictionary. I have to help her with it. But we go right to Brownies on Mondays (I am the leader) and don't get home until 9. Then dinner, showers, bedtime. I feel like a bad mommy.

    I also have to take her to dance after work tomorrow night. Then Thursday, look out!!!!! Volunteer in school before work, work until 6 but have a meeting at school at 5, so have to figure that one out. Then a meeting at 6 for science fair info, and a scout leaders meeting at 7. Grocery shopping to follow. All this while trying to pack up the camper to leave Friday morning for the long weekend. AND, managing to get my daily challenges in.

    So, if I am not posting as much, please forgive me. It is going to be utter chaos between now and the weekend, but it will be oh so worth it when we are lounging on the river for the weekend.

    But, please feel free to kick my butt into gear if I seem to slack off.

    Mommaski... just reading all that made me tired. :frown: I really, really hope things calm down for you so you can not only get caught up, but have some time for yourself. And I thought I was busy! Wow.
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 203 Member
    So sorry you brought back something so icky. Hope you feel better soon!

    Hope you at least enjoyed most of your time there!

    Thank you Karin:bigsmile: !
    I am doing my best and I guess NY wasn't ALL bad. I did get to see family, friends and even a Met game before the hurricane Irene hit !