

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    2 mile walk over lunch still need to do my c25k workout but we had a rainshower and it was nice and fresh and cool when I started by the end it was plan steamy out but I finished my 8 laps around the track.
  • pinkbride2011
    Workouts (6 days): Physique 57 DVD at 6am & Cardio for 20-30 during lunch or after work.
    Diet: "Real" Foods only, stay at my calorie limit daily, weigh and log food.
    Outlook: One day at a time, diligence.

    Mini Reward: Mani-Pedi
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    I have the Wii Fit, but I feel like some of the things on it are too slow to make a difference. Can anyone suggest a good workout using the Wii Fit that will burn some good calories?? Thanks and Happy Losing to us All!!!!! You are all doing an AWESOME job :heart:

    Hula hooping is awesome at cardio. But honestly, they are all good activity. Even the ski jump, if done often enough, will tone your thighs and bottom. My son and I will have a race on the run (of course at 7 his favorite part is falling down). Remotes work best in the back pockets of pants; it's not as easy to cheat if you get tired or slow down that way too (something I was guilty of).
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    2 mile walk over lunch still need to do my c25k workout but we had a rainshower and it was nice and fresh and cool when I started by the end it was plan steamy out but I finished my 8 laps around the track.

    Awesome job!! Even with it being steamy out
  • chinamonkey
    chinamonkey Posts: 90 Member
    Massive acheivement for mum made a puff pastry stewed plums and greek yogurt dessert as well as a curry for our weekly lunch...and i stayed below my calorie limit (mainly bcause the plums were way too sour! lol) but yay for me! my mum usually tries to get me to eat biscuits etc when im round and i resisted! whoop whoop!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Most of you don't know I have a culinary degree and was a pastry chef so I have a really hard time not making something, espically for my own birthday. guess it's time to turn the lap top off and get to baking.

    How cool is this? I LOVE to bake! What did you make?:heart:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Okay, so I had these great replies yesterday and they are gone. Oh well, guess I can repeat. 

    Welcome back to all of our regulars and WELCOME to the new participants. I hope you find this thread encouraging and helpful to your overall journey towards health. Good luck on everyone’s goals, they sound great!

    Aim2lose, repeating goals is a great thing to do. They say it takes 21 days to make something a habit, so until it is, I say repeat! Great job on your progress so far.

    Mrogers, yes, there are still ways to eat HEALTHIER, even if it’s not the best option for your normal day.

    Meg, I’m not going anywhere sister, so you’re stuck with me. LOL! I am loving Chalean Extreme though my arms feel like they are going to fall off. So glad to see you working it on P90 again. You are rocking that program! Oh, and as for making something for your own birthday…that sounds counterintuitive, even for a chef. Happy Birthday!

    Philosohoe, way to go out there and make something happen rather than just thinking you’ll get to it when you can. Let us know what you tried and if you liked it. I may have to drive to a Trader Joe’s around here and check things out. Also, for a plan for late workouts—on days where I know I will be working out and burning serious calories I go ahead and log them before lunch. This way I can adequately prepare my snacks and meals for the rest of the day. It also forces me to stick with the exercise plan.

    Lisateachwa, welcome to this thread! These ladies are amazing and I’m so glad to see you here too! Nice goals!

    Papillion, thanks for the comment about the hunger yesterday. You’re right, Chalean can definitely make you hungry! Glad there are more people in this thread who are working on that too. It should keep me motivated to keep going.

    Danlyn, so glad you’re safe and escaped with little damage. I love your first goal. I think we all need to have that one as a permanent one. Too often we try to save the world and in the process lose ourselves. I hope of all of them, this is the one you have the most success with this week. As for the Wii Fit, I do 30 minutes of the following: advanced step aerobics, super hula hoop advanced, rhythm kung fu, and marching band (which is like…woah). After that, I do some yoga and balance games. I’m usually pretty tired after the first half.

    10more, that is an adorable Yorkie. I thought it was a toy or just a stock photo. I’m super impressed with the cuteness. Also, way to go with your goals!

    La_nanita, way to go on your goals! And hey, 6 cups of water is better than none. You rocked it on the cardio though I am impressed. Welcome to our group!

    Lttee, anyone can make comments. This is a community and belongs to all of us, so the more interaction the better! I hope the dizziness passes quickly and you feel normal ASAP. Also, I hope that you enjoy Chalean. When do you plan to start?

    Kris, way to go on the exercise!

    Chinamonkey, way to avoid tempatation!

    My check in:
    1. Get in week 2 of Chalean Extreme.-Monday yes. Tuesday is a scheduled rest day so woo.
    2. Repeat last week's success with packing lunches for work.-Check and check!
    3. Survive the weekend with the entire in-law clan and manage to find semi-healthy choices as they insisted we have nothing to do with menu planning.-not yet; however, I’m already figuring out what healthy non-refrigerated snacks I can bring along just in case.
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday... I have logged 10 days in a row :smile: Still working on my water today. Planning on completing my other 2 workouts on Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow, we're 1/2 way through this week already! :happy:
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member

    10more, that is an adorable Yorkie. I thought it was a toy or just a stock photo. I’m super impressed with the cuteness. Also, way to go with your goals!

    Thanks! :flowerforyou: Hope you're enjoying your scheduled rest day!
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Thought I would go ahead and check in for today, Tuesday. I'm sorry to report that I have failed miserably with my goals today. Only one accomplished is my water consumption. I know I can do better and must tomorrow! Think next week I may have to put something fun in, like some kind of reward. I feel like I'm beginning to falter; and partly maybe because I've been at a standstill with pounds lost for 2 weeks. It's very frustrating, and some really good junk food sounds great about now!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    lttee and LadyGloria: Thanks so much for the suggestions of what to do on Wii Fit. Time to drag that baby back out and get my butt moving. :bigsmile:

    LadyGloria: do you choose one or two of those and do 30 minutes total or does your 30 minutes include all of those activities? Thanks again :heart:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    10more, way to go on the goals today and on logging in 10 days in a row! Yes, I am enjoying the rest day. I love every one that I get. :)

    aim2lose, don't lose hope. We all have days like this and get stuck at various weights in the journey. That is why we are here. If you need a cheerleading section, you know we're here for you. (Though I will add, you don't want to see me in a uniform.) Have you tried upping your calories? I've done lots of reading on this board and on reputable medical sites that increasing caloric intake is often the key to busting a plateau.

    Danlyn, I do all of them, usually twice each minimum and then play around with what I'm really in love with that day. I haven't done it in a while because I'm doing a program; however, now I'm thinking I should bring it out this weekend on a rest day. I love the games!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    I am checking in for real right now!

    Exercised Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

    Drank at least 8 glasses of water each day.

    Reducing sodium by 15% each day.:flowerforyou:

    I had a couple of challenging days this weekend, but feel like I am getting it right again!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Tuesday check in. OK DAY
    1) Drink 8 cups of water each day ~ 7
    2) Work out 30 mins each day, rotating cardio and strength ~ 10min of P90X Yoga
    3) Logged

    It rained today and I got home late from work to find out that I had to cook to boot. So I did not go to the gym Instead I pulled out a video. I am def not a yoga person. At least not at DVD do at home type of yoga. My goal for this month is to be able to get in enough shape to be able to do the P90X next month.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    I excercised today. Still running a fever, but dizziness was gone.
    Stayed in calorie range
    Wise choice: my son is now also running a fever, so rather than wake up and have to take a day off, I called and found family who could take him. I'm assuming he will get no better during the night, so just like food, I have a plan for the next day.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

    Philosohoe – I’ll be a late night check in with you! 11 days in a row of swimming, that’s so great, keep it up! I to deal with the obsessing with the scale to, I occasionally have it hidden for me so I don’t jump on every morning, it seems to help me. And I’d totally share my home baked goodies with you… but in moderation. That’s the key right!! :wink:

    10 more – Awesome job with the extra water! Sounds like you hit the trifecta :smile: Happy 10th day of logging. Keep it up. Cute new puppy pic. LIKE!

    Lttee – HUGGS! Wish you lived closer I could show you my tips and tricks. Glad to hear the dizziness is gone, hope the fever clears soon. Be careful working out when you are not feeling well. Sorry to hear your son is now sick. Hope you both are back up and healthy soon!

    Danlyn - I have the same problem, I go to bed at a reasonable hour… but I lie there for hours not sleeping! My dear you are not lazy AT ALL! You are getting out there and moving and that’s all that counts! Keep up all the hard work. As for the Wii I have the Active game, it is fun. I’ve also tried the dancing game… WOW that got me moving and grooving and sweating, which was a little embarrassing because I was at a party at the time. I say give the WII a shot, I really enjoy using the workout games (mostly because it feels more like playing and less like working out).

    la_nanita – LOL! Consider yourself adopted, I’ll show you and Lttee my tips and tricks! Looks like you had a pretty darn good day! The P90X yoga is intense, and long, 90 minutes. I get a little antsy during that one mostly because of the length but partly cuz I’m not that into yoga either, but it really is a key to the P90X program. I started P90X about 15 pounds lighter than my heaviest weight (about 205ish when I did my first round), and I struggled and it was hard and I didn’t like Tony Horton, I have cursed him many times. But slowly and steadily I see and feel progress. I still do some of the moves modified (I do push-ups on my knees and I do the pull ups with a band – I don’t think I could do a real pull up). And I still curse Tony Horton. But I keep working at it. And one of these days I’m going to do a real pull up and come running and tell ya’ll, all about it. LOL!

    Aim2Lose – Great job Monday and even though you didn’t make all your goals Tuesday, it’s OK. Tomorrow is a new day and you will do better, I know you can! We all have off days but there’s always tomorrow. A reward is a great idea, great idea to help keep you motivated. Hope the junk food didn’t sound too good!! BTW, I love the picture of you, your dog and your cat. So cute!!

    KrisPage – 2 mile walk at lunch that’s great! Keep it up. Hope you were able to get your C25K in.

    Pinkbride2011 – Welcome to the thread. Great goals for the week. I love your outlook. What a great mind set! Hope you get your mani-pedi this week. Gotta love the pampering :smile:

    Chinamonkey – CONGRATS on your achievement! Way to resist the biscuit! That’s some great will power! I think I would have caved like a house of cards, that dessert sounds super yummy!

    Mrogers –I ended up baking white cupcakes with mint dark chocolate chips and chocolate mousse frosting, and some double chocolate brownies… hmmmmm chocolate :happy: Great job with your goals so far this week, sounds like you are really working hard even through the challenging you are facing. Fantastic job cutting your sodium!

    Ladygloria – Happy 95th my MFP twin. Day #100 is just around the corner, What do you say we extend our goal… 150? Do we dare! Glad you loving Chalean, I find it easier to keep motivated when I like the workout and the DVD. Great job with packing lunches this week, I feel like it’s made a huge difference for me. Way to start preparing for the weekend. You are a super star!!

    Tonight I had my bowling league, first night back, man I forgot how much it throws a wrench in the works on Tuesdays. Throw in having to take my husband to the train in the am (during my usual workout time) having to go into the office (I typically work from home on Tuesday), physical therapy (20 minutes from the office), having to go back to the office to get my mom (we carpool), having to race home to get the husband from the train station then log back on a finish up some work. Eat, pack up my treats, and get to bowling. It’s been a LOONG day! And I just got home for the night. I’m a little sleepy this evening!

    Tuesday check in
    1. P90X everday! – Ok so given my crazy day no P90X, but the alarm is set for 5:30 so I will be up and back at it tomorrow morning.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workouts in –Bowling was tonight so I’m 2 of 3 so far. And I had a great first night back 175, 162, and 16 0, not bad for taking the summer off.
    3. Bring my lunch and snacks to work every day – CHECK. And today was tough they had one of my favorite entrées in the cafeteria for lunch. But I did pass and ate my meal from home.
    4th goal - daily check in – Hi all!

    Ok so tomorrow is Wednesday, hump day, halfway through the week. We can do this we can tackle these mini goals, we can finish this week strong. Everybody grab your bottle of water, hoist it in the air and shout WE CAN DO THIS!!! WE ARE GOING TO DO THIS!! WE ARE DOING THIS! :drinker:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    LOL! MAK you had me raising my water bottle with you. I love "WE ARE DOING THIS!" And you're killing me with your bd treats; they sound amazing. Happy Birthday!

    Ladygloria--so on my TJ's shopping spree, I came home with their "All Natural Barbecue Sauce" and it was really good. I also got "Reduced Guilt Pita Chips" and "Reduced Guilt Potato Chips". The pita chips are pretty good if a little thicker texture than I was expecting. Haven't tried the potato chips or the other pretzels yet, but will let you know. Tried to substitute fresh ricotta for my morning cottage cheese and fruit--not quite the success I was hoping for. The texture of the ricotta doesn't mesh with the fruit in the same way that the cottage cheese does, but maybe I'll adapt. Mostly I just miss my cottage cheese right now. Oh, I did find a single serving frozen pizza that had lower sodium, but I haven't tried that one yet. Will report back.

    Tuesday night check in:
    1) Exercise everyday--Yes! 2/7 (12 in a row) Haven't gotten in a non-swim yet, but ittee's Chalean dvd should be here soon.
    2) Calories above 1200 and in the green--Yes & I ate most of my exercise calories back today because I planned for afternoon snacks before working out.
    3) No more than 1 meal over 1000 sodium--Yes, but I still managed to go over because lunch and afternoon snack added up to 1200, and then dinner was over 1000, so I still need to work on the mechanics of the this goal. I suppose I could just bite the bullet and make it "don't go over on sodium", but I'm trying to figure out where most of my sodium is coming from on a regular basis. Sigh.
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--check! Today I did not weigh in despite the fact that I was tempted to on at least 2 separate occasions. Knowing that I had to check in and report back kept me off the scale. So thanks for the accountability group!

    That's it for tonight. Happy Wednesday soon & Keep up the awesome everyone!
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome MAK_01 and lttee! Oh, and lttee- Whitman is actually my last name, not for the author, who I can't remember if I liked reading in high school or not! LOL

    Monday- 1) Did NOT run any of my C25K, but walked over 9 miles!
    2) Burned 800 calories!!! =)
    3) Ate 1260 calories!!! =)
    4) Did NOT take my Rx...but I did call to make sure they had 'em. They had restocked them, so I had to wait 'til Tues.

    Tuesday- 1) Did W3D1 of my C25K...didn't kick it's butt or anything, but I didn't have to take any breaks =)
    2) Burned 629 calories!!! =)
    3) Ate 1562 calories!!! =) (sounds like a lot but wasn't really that bad of choices, and I still had 267 to spare!)
    4) Picked up my Rx and took the 2 important ones! One is a water pill, so that should help w/all this water retention!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    So I had the elusive non scale victory at the doctor's on Monday. After the nurse takes down some information they ask: do you excercise? I was able to say yes! When she asked how often, for once I was able to answer every day. When she asked for how long, by this time I was beaming, I replied for about 45 minutes every day. At that moment, I was so proud of myself. I still am.

    Thought I'd share here with you all, since I'm still thinking of it and it's because of you all great ladies (Philosohoe in particular). Yay us! And thank you for being such a supportive group that I have no fears sharing.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member

    So I had the elusive non scale victory at the doctor's on Monday. After the nurse takes down some information they ask: do you excercise? I was able to say yes! When she asked how often, for once I was able to answer every day. When she asked for how long, by this time I was beaming, I replied for about 45 minutes every day. At that moment, I was so proud of myself. I still am.

    Thought I'd share here with you all, since I'm still thinking of it and it's because of you all great ladies (Philosohoe in particular). Yay us! And thank you for being such a supportive group that I have no fears sharing.

    WOW!! That is a great NSV. It is at that point of the doctor's visit that my eyes lower and I either fib, or just say, "not as much as I should!" I am so proud of you that you could honestly report that you are an exerciser and you are consistent at it. I'm sure you felt very proud and you should feel that way every day with the effort you're putting in. Congrats! :drinker:

    MAK - Thanks for being so encouraging and supporting me on my quest to get my butt moving. The Wii is coming out today and I've made plans to walk before school with a coworker when school starts next week :) Happy belated birthday. Your treats sound delicious. I hope your day was wonderful :heart:

    Tuesday check-in:
    I am feeling less stressed about things going on right now since they are not things that I can control. My niece is going through a difficult divorce and I'm extremely worried about her and her 2 young children. She has to make her own decisions though and I have to let her do that (but I still can't help worrying and wishing I could help more).

    I did get in bed at my 10 pm goal, but woke up a number of times, and yes picked a little bit in the pantry :angry:

    Went grocery shopping and bought the food items that I know will keep me on track :happy:

    Have a great day everyone and thank you so much for the support :love: