Just give me one month - October



  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 634 Member
    starting weight 12.06
    Start weight this month 10.11
    Goal weight this month 10.06 ( 2 stone lost)
    Target goal weight 9.10

    May lost 4 pounds
    June lost 6 pounds
    July lost 4 pounds
    August lost 4 pounds
    Sept lost 5 pounds

    We can do this

    1 Oct - 10.11 need to move off this number now.
    2 Oct - 10.10 at last. Was on 10.11 for about 2 weeks.
    3 Oct - 10.10 happy with this. Need to try to drink more water.
    4 Oct - 10.10 Ok with this.
    5 Oct - 10.09 😀
    6 Oct - 10.09 delighted. Chinese last night.
    7 Oct - 10.09 not very well. Sore throat again.
    8 Oct - 10.09 ok with this
    9 Oct - 10.10. Not the best day for food. Up at 4am. Could not wait until normal breakfast time at 11am. Then hungry all day. Late evening dinner too. Weekends are not the problem for me but the early 4am starts.
    10 Oct - 10.09 ok with this. Must drink more water today.
    11 Oct - 10.09. Out for afternoon tea today. Think this will be very hard to log.
    12 Oct - 10.09 need 10.08 now.
    13 Oct - 10.09 😕
    14 Oct - 10.09 🙁
    15 Oct - 10.09 😕 feel very bloated.
    16 Oct - 10.09 still very bloated lots of water today.
    17 Oct -10.09 still bloated. To hit goal this month I need a loss again soon.
    18 Oct -
    19 Oct -
    20 Oct -
    21 Oct -
    22 Oct -
    23 Oct -
    24 Oct -
    25 Oct -
    26 Oct -
    27 Oct -
    28 Oct -
    29 Oct -
    30 Oct -
    31 Oct -
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    edited October 2019
    Start weight 86
    Start weight this month 80.8
    Goal weight this month 76.0
    Goal weight 60

    1 Oct - 80.8 😎
    2 Oct - 81. 0 😏
    3 Oct - 80.7😊
    4 Oct - 79.9😎
    5 Oct - 79.6😊
    6 Oct - 80.8 beersies 🍻🍺 worth every sip
    7 Oct - 80.8 need a good 💩 lol
    8 Oct - 80.8 still need a good 💩
    9 Oct - 81.0 😄 had a good 💩 but overate. Overate tonight too. No regrets 😎
    10 to 14 Oct holiday
    15 Oct - 81.7 not bad considering I've been on holiday for the last four days 😊
    16 Oct - 80.1 😎
    17 Oct - 80.0 👍🏼

  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 754 Member
    edited October 2019
    Starting weight: 121.7kg/268.3lb
    Start weight this month: 111.7kg/246.2lb
    Goal weight this month 107kg/235lb
    Target goal weight 65kg/143lb

    Sept lost: 5.4kg/11.9lb

    Loss so far this month: 2.3kg/5.0lb
    Total Loss: 12.3kg/27.1lb
    Height: 168cm (5'6")

    Let's do this!!

    01 Oct - 111.7kg/246.2lb 😃
    02 Oct - 111.8kg/246.4lb 😐
    03 Oct - Scale batteries ran down 😩
    04 Oct - 111.1kg/244.9lb 😃
    05 Oct - 110.9kg/244.4lb 😃
    06 Oct - 111.3kg/245.3lb 😷 Have a horrible cough and cold.
    07 Oct - 111.3kg/245.3lb 😑 Cold almost gone.
    08 Oct - 109.7kg/241.7lb 😐 Feeling dehydrated.
    09 Oct - 109.7kg/241.7lb 😃
    10 Oct - 109.3kg/240.9lb 😃
    11 Oct - 108.6kg/239.4lb 😃
    12 Oct - 109.3kg/240.9lb 😐
    13 Oct - 108.6kg/239.4lb 😃
    14 Oct - 109.0kg/240.3lb ☹️ Feeling down.
    15 Oct - 108.8kg/239.8lb 🙂
    16 Oct - 108.9kg/240.0lb 😐
    17 Oct - 109.4kg/241.2lb ☹️ No idea why
    18 Oct -
    19 Oct -
    20 Oct -
    21 Oct -
    22 Oct -
    23 Oct -
    24 Oct -
    25 Oct -
    26 Oct -
    27 Oct -
    28 Oct -
    30 Oct -
    31 Oct -

  • aholmes8989
    aholmes8989 Posts: 85 Member
    Starting weight: 157
    Start weight this month: 133.6
    Goal weight this month: 128
    Target goal weight: 125

    1 Oct -134.4
    2 Oct—133.2
    3 Oct—132.6
    4 Oct—131.6 after 23,000 steps yesterday!!
    5 Oct—130 I’m in charge of all the Homecoming festivities and didn’t eat much. I know this rate of loss isn’t accurate or sustainable. I just hope it doesn’t go up too much.
    6 Oct—131.3 and it’s coming back
    7 Oct—131.4
    8 Oct—131.0
    9 Oct—130.0
    10 Oct—130.8
    11 Oct—132.0. Meh. Cold weather and a big bowl of chili will do that.
    12 Oct—131.4
    13 Oct—131.4
    14 Oct—132.4. I had a hard workout and then I was ravenous. I ate everything yesterday. Oh, well. Moving on.
    15 Oct—131.0
    16 Oct—131.4
    17 Oct—133.4. Two field trips in one day means fast food for lunch and dinner. 😬 Too. Much. Salt.! And calories.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,078 Member
    Joining in late. I’ve kinda been tracking. Will do do daily weigh ins for this, if possible.

    Starting at: 160 lbs
    Current at: 157.4 lbs
    October goal: 156 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 98 lbs, but that maybe too low. Main goal is to be healthier.

    10-2 156 lbs
    10-5 158.8
    10-6 158.8
    10-13 157.2
    10-16 157.4
    10-17 157.4

  • Toria718
    Toria718 Posts: 396 Member
    Starting Weight: 213
    Starting Wt this month: 206
    Goal Wt this month: 201
    Ultimate goal Wt: 135
    September -7lbs
    1 Oct - 206.0
    2 Oct - 204.4
    3 Oct - 203.2
    4 Oct - 203.0
    5 Oct - 202.0
    6 Oct - 203.4
    7 Oct - 203.8
    8 Oct - 203.2
    9 Oct - 203.4
    10 Oct - 202.4
    11 Oct - 201.8
    12 Oct - at camp, no scale
    13 Oct - at camp, no scale,
    14 Oct - 203.8
    15 Oct - 204
    16 Oct - 201.2
    17 Oct - 201.2
    18 Oct -
    19 Oct -
    20 Oct -
    21 Oct -
    22 Oct -
    23 Oct -
    24 Oct -
    25 Oct -
    26 Oct -
    27 Oct -
    28 Oct -
    29 Oct -
    30 Oct -
    31 Oct-
  • keshaldra
    keshaldra Posts: 101 Member
    May lost 8 lbs
    June lost 1.6 lbs
    July lost 2 lbs
    August lost 4.2 lbs
    September lost 6.6 lbs

    Starting weight: 234
    October goal: 207
    Goal weight: 180, then reevaluate.

    1 Oct - 211.6
    2 Oct - 212
    3 Oct - 212 (My TDEE numbers are frustrating me so much. I have a very sedentary desk job, but I work out everyday, so I'm getting SOME activity in. And yet, my "maintenance" calories seem to be less than 10x my body weight, which seems wrong. Or maybe I'm just old!)
    4 Oct - 211.6 (Tomorrow should be interesting. I had a normal breakfast, pigged out on sushi for lunch, but MFP doesn't seem to think it was too bad, and am having dinner out tonight. I'm expecting tomorrow's numbers to be GARBAGE, but fingers crossed)
    5 Oct - 212.8 (Yep...there it is. It was actually 215 at my normal weighing time, but I got stubborn and stayed in bed and didn't eat until it got down to a more reasonable number!)
    6 Oct - 211.8
    7 Oct - 211.8 (Discipline is the word for today. I'm ready for a new "first 3 digits" number.)
    8 Oct - 211 (I feel this may be an outlier; I hit my calorie limit EARLY yesterday...like 5pm. So technically I'd been fasting for 14 hours prior to this weigh-in).
    9 Oct - 210.2
    10 Oct - 210.6 (Going to a conference tonight. Catered dinner, drinks, networking. A little scared for tomorrow).
    11 Oct - 210.6 (Ate beforehand, so I behaved at the conference. This is as good as I could ask for)
    12 Oct - 209.6 (Great news, but I'm going to an orchard tomorrow. Hopefully cider and donuts won't hit me too hard)
    13 Oct - 212.6 (OUCH. This was just like on the 5th, where it was 215 when I woke up, so I stubbornly refused to eat until it got back to a normal number. And even this one hurt. Last time it took me 3 days to undo that damage. And it wasn't even that bad, all things considered....2 cups of cider, 5 donut holes, and a small pumpkin loaf. 5.5 pounds, really?)
    14 Oct - 211.8
    15 Oct - 211.4 (Just a reminder of how much cheat meals hurt my progress. Still trying to undo the damage from the 12th)
    16 Oct - 211.2
    17 Oct - 210.6
    18 Oct -
    19 Oct -
    20 Oct -
    21 Oct -
    22 Oct -
    23 Oct -
    24 Oct -
    25 Oct -
    26 Oct -
    27 Oct -
    28 Oct -
    29 Oct -
    30 Oct -
    31 Oct -
  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 353 Member
    Starting weight 184.5 lbs
    Goal weight this month 125 lbs
    July weight loss - 4.6 lbs
    August weight loss - .5 ::(
    September Weight Loss - 6.3

    1 Oct - 173 :)
    2 Oct - 172.1
    3 Oct - 172;3
    4 Oct - 173,3
    5 Oct - 173.3
    6 Oct - 173.7
    7 Oct - 173.3
    8 Oct - 172.6
    9 Oct - 172.5
    10 Oct - 171.2 :D
    11 Oct - 171
    12 Oct - 170.5
    13 Oct - 170.9
    14 Oct - 171
    15 Oct - 170.2
    16 Oct - no WI - on vacation
    17 Oct - 167.4 - not sure this counts as I had a bad stomach flu yesterday! Also, different scale!
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Starting weight: 212.3
    Start weight this month: 196.6
    Goal weight this month: 189
    UGW: 145-150

    1 Oct - 196.6
    2 Oct - 196.8
    3 Oct - 195.9
    4 Oct - 196.2
    5 Oct - 195.8
    6 Oct - 196.3
    7 Oct - 196.2
    8 Oct - 195.3
    9 Oct - 195.5
    10 Oct - 195
    11 Oct - 194.1 ;D FINALLY!
    12 Oct - 193.1
    13 Oct - 193.1
    14 Oct - 193.8 tom
    15 Oct - 193.9
    16 Oct - 193.7
    17 Oct -
    18 Oct -
    19 Oct -
    20 Oct -
    21 Oct -
    22 Oct -
    23 Oct -
    24 Oct -
    25 Oct -
    26 Oct -
    27 Oct -
    28 Oct -
    29 Oct -
    30 Oct -
    31 Oct -
  • laceydokkenproctor
    laceydokkenproctor Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all,

    I've been lurking on MFP for quite a while but have never participated so this is my first challenge! Looking forward to jump-starting my weight loss with your help! I'm also hoping to overcome my love affair with potato chips this month! :)

    Starting weight 208.8 lbs
    Start weight this month 208.8 lbs
    Goal weight this month 200.8 lbs
    Target goal weight 165lbs

    We can do this!

    1 Oct - 208.8 So it begins! (GO TEAM!)
    2 Oct - 205.2 Ah, the joys of the beginning! (and the end of my TOM) Woot - I'll take it :)
    3 Oct - 204.6 Woot! Headed in the right direction! Packing lunches in the evening seems to be helping. A little apprehensive about the weekend (we'll be out of town) since that is usually when I sabotage my progress. Hmm
    4 Oct - 204.2 Good morning! Starting to level out, I think. This is as focused as I've been in a very long time so I am so proud that I've weighed, tracked, and logged for 4 days in a row! :) Today, I will drink water like it's my job!
    5 Oct -203.8 Woot! Looking good!
    6 Oct -205.2
    7 Oct -206.8
    8 Oct -208.2 Oh dear. My first of three weekends out of town this month was a huge challenge! This week I'll be going back to basics: packing lunch, drinking water, 30 mins of exercise. Slow and steady! :)
    9 Oct -207.0 Back to tracking and I drank a TON of water yesterday. Woot! Progress (even if it is just transtional...) :)
    10 Oct -206.8 Drank water yesterday but let myself get a little too hungry and scarfed down too much dinner. Today I brought adequate snacks to work and will do my level best to eat them. Onward!
    11 Oct - 207.2 Well, rats - wrong direction. Minor setback! Went over my calorie budget yesterday and I had ham roast for both dinner and lunch...sodium too high, maybe? Still, happy with what I’ve been doing and ready to continue learning to make good choices long term.
    12 Oct -207.6 *wince* I’ll keep trying.
    13 Oct -206.0 Yay! Happy with that!
    14 Oct -205.2 Hmmm. I’m happy with but suspicious of these weekend numbers. I had a few drinks yesterday and am wondering if I’m simply dehydrated. Back to regularly scheduled programming this week so we’ll see. I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing and give healthy choices a real shot for once! Nice to see numbers going the right way, either way :)
    15 Oct -205.2 So far so good :)
    16 Oct - 202.8 What the WHAT?! We'll see if I can keep the momentum! (yesterday was an unusually low calorie day due to being busy...I'll keep doing what I'm doing!
    17 Oct -200.8 :) Well, this feels good but I fully suspect that it might be due to having another unusually low calorie day yesterday from just being busy. I have to remind myself that it's okay to bounce around a bit and when I go above this number that it's not a failure.
    18 Oct -
    19 Oct -
    20 Oct -
    21 Oct -
    22 Oct -
    23 Oct -
    24 Oct -
    25 Oct -
    26 Oct -
    27 Oct -
    28 Oct -
    29 Oct -
    30 Oct -
    31 Oct -
  • Laurie2714
    Laurie2714 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! Love this thread, and am joining in ...

    Starting weight: 245.4 lb (Jan 2017)
    Start weight this month 158.4
    Goal weight this month 153.0
    Target goal weight: 128.0

    01 Oct - 158.4
    02 Oct - 158.8
    03 Oct -
    04 Oct - 158.6
    05 Oct -
    06 Oct - 156.4
    07 Oct - 155.6
    08 Oct -
    09 Oct - 156.0
    10 Oct - 158.0
    11 Oct -
    12 Oct - 158.2
    13 Oct - 155.8
    14 Oct -
    15 Oct - 156.8
    16 Oct -
    17 Oct -
    18 Oct -
    19 Oct -
    20 Oct -
    21 Oct -
    22 Oct -
    23 Oct -
    24 Oct -
    25 Oct -
    26 Oct -
    27 Oct -
    28 Oct -
    29 Oct -
    30 Oct -
    31 Oct -
  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    Starting weight: 198 lb
    Start weight this month 154.4
    Goal weight this month 151.5
    Target goal weight: 145

    August: -5.5 lb
    September: -3.5 lb

    1 Oct- 154.4lb :)
    2 Oct- 155.2lb - Meh, late dinner lastnight and it's TOM. No surprise!
    3 Oct- 154.2lb
    4 Oct- 154.4lb
    5 Oct- no weigh day
    6 Oct- no weigh day
    7 Oct- 154.2 lb. Feeling good about this number right now. I wasn't super strict over the weekend, I also started a new workout last week so I was expecting to hold onto a little bit of water weight due to that & dinner lastnight was late and salty.... overall. A weekend win! Time to get serious again for the week!!
    8 Oct- 154.4 lb - Not sure what this is about. I was good yesterday *shrugs*
    9 Oct- 153 lb - WOOT WOOT!!! I had a feeling I was due for a drop! I have been feeling smaller... but the scale was not reflecting it yet.
    10 Oct- 153 lb - Excited to see this number again today! It feels more real now :)
    11 Oct- 151.8 lb - OMGOSH!!! I haven't seen the scale dropping like this in MONTHS! At the beginning of this month, I started increasing my daily protien intake to about 100g/day (I looked at my macros and was only getting about 60g/day previously.... YIKES). This is becuase I'm doing an Ab/Squat-30 day challenge and want to make sure my muscles have everything they need to heal. Apparently my body agrees!!! :D
    12 Oct- no weigh day
    13 Oct- no weigh day
    14 Oct- no weigh day
    15 Oct- 153.2 lb - Welp!! Holiday weekend got the best of me! Still not horrible though.
    16 Oct- 151.8 lb- There we go! I did good about not snacking on the kid's dinner & goldfish crackers yesterday lol That always seems to help! Back to where I was on Friday! Now lets keep it dropping.
    17 Oct- 150.8 lb- Sweeeeeeet. Hit my goal for this month already!! No snacking in the evenings is working wonders.

    October loss so far: - 3.6 lb
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Starting weight 178
    Start weight this month 140.9
    Goal weight this month 138.5
    Target goal weight 135

    May gained: 1.1 pounds (149.3)
    June lost: 3.4 pounds (145.9)
    July lost: 2.2 pounds (143.7)
    August lost: 0.1 pounds (143.6) maintained
    September lost: 2.7 pds (140.9)

    We can do this

    29 Sept - 140.9
    30 Sept - 145.9 (Monday not a real number)

    1 Oct - 146.5 I have no clue. Maybe water, maybe my medication change. Who knows. Hopefully it will be back down soon.
    2 Oct - 143.9 way better. Hopefully the other 3 pounds are gone in the next couple of days
    3 Oct - 143.2 would have been lower, but ate pizza last night and a couple of wings.
    4 Oct - 142.0 did really well yesterday and should stay on track for today
    5 Oct - 141.5 ok with this. Hoping not to go up to much this weekend
    6 Oct - 141.5 nice!
    7 Oct - 143.2 one of my lowest Monday’s so far.
    8 Oct - 144.9 not bad for a 3 day weekend. Movie yesterday and didn't eat any popcorn,but did some snacking after we got home.
    9 Oct - 143.6
    10 Oct - 142.9 Ate pizza last night and a large salad. Stayed under calories. Got a flu shot yesterday and sore
    11 Oct - 141.4 I like to see that. Maybe I can hold on to that through the weekend.
    12 Oct - 142.3 beer last night, but food was good. Fingers crossed for today
    13 Oct - 143.6 This is the rest of Friday night showing up
    14 Oct - 142.8 This is amazing for a Monday morning weigh-in.
    15 Oct - 142.3 Some stomach issues, but was hoping for a lower weight this morning. Half way through the month and have made 0 progress
    16 Oct - 140.9 Back down to my lowest last month. Hopefully I can hold onto it this time and see a new low!
    17 Oct - 140.9
    18 Oct -
    19 Oct -
    20 Oct -
    21 Oct -
    22 Oct -
    23 Oct -
    24 Oct -
    25 Oct -
    26 Oct -
    27 Oct -
    28 Oct -
    29 Oct -
    30 Oct -
  • Mom4diet
    Mom4diet Posts: 56 Member
    Starting Weight: 183.9
    (post giving birth in June)
    Starting weight this month: 168.1
    Goal weight this month: 165.5
    (It's going to be a hard month to diet, so I want to be realistic and set myself up for success.)
    Target goal weight: 140

    July loss: +1
    August loss: -2.5
    September loss: -3.5

    October 1
    October 2: 168.3 :) considering I ate a lot and didn't record for the last two days
    October 3: 168.3
    October 4: 166.5 ;) wow!
    October 5
    October 6: was 168 something. I ate a lot on Saturday the 5th. But I was still happy, because a few weeks ago I would have been 171 after a day like that.
    I ate better today. Better luck tomorrow! :)
    October 7: 168.3 gotta get back down...
    October 8: 166.8 :)
    October 9:
    October 10: 166.0 ;) (kind of artificial. Didn't really eat much yesterday.)
    October 11: 166.4
    October 12-15: didn't weigh in. Ate a lot, so expecting a gain. Hoping it will be under 168.5. ;-/
    October 16: 168.3
    October 17: 166.8 (I am lucky. I haven't been logging since last Friday. I HAVE to get back at logging my food!!!)
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    Start weight 86
    Start weight this month 80.8
    Goal weight this month 76.0
    Goal weight 60

    1 Oct - 80.8 😎
    2 Oct - 81. 0 😏
    3 Oct - 80.7😊
    4 Oct - 79.9😎
    5 Oct - 79.6😊
    6 Oct - 80.8 beersies 🍻🍺 worth every sip
    7 Oct - 80.8 need a good 💩 lol
    8 Oct - 80.8 still need a good 💩
    9 Oct - 81.0 😄 had a good 💩 but overate. Overate tonight too. No regrets 😎
    10 to 14 Oct holiday
    15 Oct - 81.7 not bad considering I've been on holiday for the last four days 😊
    16 Oct - 80.1 😎
    17 Oct - 80.0 👍🏼
    18 Oct - 79.1 😎🤠💃

  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Starting weight 181.1
    Start weight this month 174
    Goal weight this month 168
    Target goal weight 154

    August -2.2lb
    September +1.3lb

    01 Oct: 174.0 looking forward to a month of routine after a messy September, life happens
    02 Oct: 173.0 took a late exercise class last night, perhaps I should do it more often
    03 Oct: 173.5
    04 Oct: 173.4
    05 Oct: weekend
    06 Oct: weekend
    07 Oct: 173.8 I'm ready to say goodbye to the 173s...
    08 Oct: 173.4 🙂
    09 Oct: 173.1 slow and steady
    10 Oct: 171.8 if I can stay below 172 that's 5% down from my starting weight!
    11 Oct: 170.7 I guess I really am below 172 😊
    12 Oct: weekend
    13 Oct: weekend
    14 Oct: 171.6 still in with a chance of reaching this month's goal...
    15 Oct: 170.7 it's never a straight line is it?
    16 Oct: 170.7
    17 Oct: 171.4 friend in town means a bit more eating out, worth every calorie!
  • Mom4diet
    Mom4diet Posts: 56 Member
    I like how ppl are okay with food they overate. Sometimes it's a special occasion, and it's okay to indulge every so often as long as we stay on the ball. :)
  • KathynDes
    KathynDes Posts: 116 Member

    Starting weight: 79.9Kg (80 was THE line)
    Current weight: 74 Kg
    Goal weight: 60ish
    October goal: 72Kg/159

    Oct 1 - 74Kg/163
    Oct 2 - 74Kg/163 weight taken later in day
    Oct 3 - 74.3Kg/164 Late weigh again just had lunch 😒 school holidays are making things very hard 😣
    Oct 4 - 73.1/161 early weigh empty stomach
    Oct 5 -

    Oct 6 - 74Kg not surprised. Had a day at the races eating and drinking, great day but wish there was zero Cal champagne 🙄

    Oct 7 - 73.4/161.8 I’ve missed a day, can’t keep up 🤪
    Oct 8 - 73/160.8
    Oct 9 - 73.4/161.8 Very late. I am weighing at such random times. Calories are ok, excercise is going good
    Oct 10 - 72.7/160.3 early weigh empty stomach
    Oct 11 - 73.2/161 early weigh empty Stomach TOM 😐 3ks 22 min plus wk4day3 over calories 😔 have to ditch coffee
    Oct 12 - 72.2/159.1 Early empty weigh 4ks 30minapprox HUNGRY calories ok
    Oct 13 - 72.2/159.1
    Oct 14 - 72.2/159.1 scared to hang about on same weight feel like it’s just going to go up suddenly. Will try harder to not eat the junk calories 😖
    Oct 15 - 71.9/158.5 phew hopefully down tomorrow and not a trick. Calories good yesterday and 4K run
    Oct 16 - 71.7/158 no excercise yesterday calories good
    Oct 17 - 71.6 Calories good🤞 found out my ‘coffee’ recipe was all wrong so there’s an extra 100+Cals a day I was eating without realising 😖 hopefully sorting helps the no excercise lately and gives me more budget for real food!!

    Oct 18 -71.4 still no excercise 😖
    Oct 19 -
    Oct 20 -
    Oct 21 -
    Oct 22 -
    Oct 23 -
    Oct 24 -
    Oct 25 -
    Oct 26 -
    Oct 27 -
    Oct 28 -
    Oct 29 -
    Oct 31-
  • KathynDes
    KathynDes Posts: 116 Member
    Starting weight: 79.9Kg (80 was THE line)
    Current weight: 74 Kg
    Goal weight: 60ish
    October goal: 72Kg/159

    Oct 1 - 74Kg/163
    Oct 2 - 74Kg/163 weight taken later in day
    Oct 3 - 74.3Kg/164 Late weigh again just had lunch 😒 school holidays are making things very hard 😣
    Oct 4 - 73.1/161 early weigh empty stomach
    Oct 5 -

    Oct 6 - 74Kg not surprised. Had a day at the races eating and drinking, great day but wish there was zero Cal champagne 🙄

    Oct 7 - 73.4/161.8 I’ve missed a day, can’t keep up 🤪
    Oct 8 - 73/160.8
    Oct 9 - 73.4/161.8 Very late. I am weighing at such random times. Calories are ok, excercise is going good
    Oct 10 - 72.7/160.3 early weigh empty stomach
    Oct 11 - 73.2/161 early weigh empty Stomach TOM 😐 3ks 22 min plus wk4day3 over calories 😔 have to ditch coffee
    Oct 12 - 72.2/159.1 Early empty weigh 4ks 30minapprox HUNGRY calories ok
    Oct 13 - 72.2/159.1
    Oct 14 - 72.2/159.1 scared to hang about on same weight feel like it’s just going to go up suddenly. Will try harder to not eat the junk calories 😖
    Oct 15 - 71.9/158.5 phew hopefully down tomorrow and not a trick. Calories good yesterday and 4K run
    Oct 16 - 71.7/158 no excercise yesterday calories good
    Oct 17 - 71.6 Calories good🤞 found out my ‘coffee’ recipe was all wrong so there’s an extra 100+Cals a day I was eating without realising 😖 hopefully sorting helps the no excercise lately and gives me more budget for real food!!
    Oct 18 -71.4 still no excercise 😖
    😀EDIT was down about this so just did 5km 40min (2inc@7.8)⭐️

    Oct 19 -
    Oct 20 -
    Oct 21 -
    Oct 22 -
    Oct 23 -
    Oct 24 -
    Oct 25 -
    Oct 26 -
    Oct 27 -
    Oct 28 -
    Oct 29 -
    Oct 31-