food cravings?



  • ouacupiper
    ouacupiper Posts: 2 Member
    If you don't eat certain foods for long periods of time, you'll end up craving them. I went from having grilled cheeses everyday to not having cheese for...months. the last time I had a pizza was when my bf bought us one, 3 weeks ago. and before that I didn't eat a pizza for months.
    Sugar is addictive, unfortunately. Flour too. Try having warm oatmeal with cinnamon and some brown sugar, or switch the sugar for some fruits 🤔
  • duyphapempilona
    duyphapempilona Posts: 3 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    Usually I can eat something like candy corn and want no more of it and satisfies my craving. There are other things this does not work like nuts and I know they are healthy but I can eat the whole can and now it is cinnamon buns, so warm and good this cold time of year heated. I bought them and 2 days later I am craving more. Do you indulge in your cravings or does it pass? It may be a simple answer, trainer at the gym says if it is a trigger food dont eat it. Sounds kind of harsh not eating a food you like for rest of your life. Or maybe that is just the way it is. How do you handle cravings?

    why not eat fruits and vegetables instead
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    Usually I can eat something like candy corn and want no more of it and satisfies my craving. There are other things this does not work like nuts and I know they are healthy but I can eat the whole can and now it is cinnamon buns, so warm and good this cold time of year heated. I bought them and 2 days later I am craving more. Do you indulge in your cravings or does it pass? It may be a simple answer, trainer at the gym says if it is a trigger food dont eat it. Sounds kind of harsh not eating a food you like for rest of your life. Or maybe that is just the way it is. How do you handle cravings?

    why not eat fruits and vegetables instead

    Because for many of us, eating a food that we don't want when we're craving something specific doesn't do anything to make the craving go away. If a food fits into your goals and you feel able to stop at the amount you intended to eat, then you can eat it. There's no reason you have to replace it with fruits and vegetables.
  • beulah81
    beulah81 Posts: 168 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    Usually I can eat something like candy corn and want no more of it and satisfies my craving. There are other things this does not work like nuts and I know they are healthy but I can eat the whole can and now it is cinnamon buns, so warm and good this cold time of year heated. I bought them and 2 days later I am craving more. Do you indulge in your cravings or does it pass? It may be a simple answer, trainer at the gym says if it is a trigger food dont eat it. Sounds kind of harsh not eating a food you like for rest of your life. Or maybe that is just the way it is. How do you handle cravings?

    why not eat fruits and vegetables instead

    Because for many of us, eating a food that we don't want when we're craving something specific doesn't do anything to make the craving go away. If a food fits into your goals and you feel able to stop at the amount you intended to eat, then you can eat it. There's no reason you have to replace it with fruits and vegetables.

    This^. Last night I was craving chocolate and peanut butter. Period. If I chose to be "good" and eaten an apple with peanut butter (1 small apple ~ 70-80 calories+1 T. PB 90 calories) that craving would've still been unmet.... Instead, I answered my craving with one square of Ghirardelli 60% chocolate (50 calories)+ 8 g peanut of extra crunchy butter. 95 calories altogether and the craving was satisfied with no need to have more.

  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    ouacupiper wrote: »
    Sugar is addictive, unfortunately. Flour too.

    Eh, I eat fruit and other foods with sugar all the time, with no "addiction" issues. In fact, almost everyone does, since your body easily transforms starches into sugar too -- your body can't actually tell the difference, and runs on sugar typically.

    Re flour, I can take or leave bread, usually don't waste cals on it, but if I have some I certainly don't have some binge issue. I have pasta quite often, with protein and veg, and find it very satisfying, again, no binging. So at best you are overgeneralizing.

    Btw, flour is just refined grains and if consumed with fiber (as with veg), should not actually be different for your body than oats (which are grains with more of the fiber with them).

    Agreed, not saying certain foods might have "addictive" like properties. N=1 here. I have worked with people detoxing from opiates and benzodiazepines... never offered a favor of a questionable repute for a Pixie Stick.... just saying

    @NovusDies , it is strange how different por brains can be.... try and take my icecream and I'll cut someone!
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,486 Member
    edited October 2019
    ouacupiper wrote: »
    If you don't eat certain foods for long periods of time, you'll end up craving them. I went from having grilled cheeses everyday to not having cheese for...months. the last time I had a pizza was when my bf bought us one, 3 weeks ago. and before that I didn't eat a pizza for months.
    Sugar is addictive, unfortunately. Flour too. Try having warm oatmeal with cinnamon and some brown sugar, or switch the sugar for some fruits 🤔

    Or you might decide they are no longer something you want or you can now moderate them.

    I used to drink 4-5+ Diet Pepsi 20 oz bottles a day. I gave it up one Lenten season (40 days) and decided they aren't that big of a deal. Maybe drink 2 per week.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    ouacupiper wrote: »
    If you don't eat certain foods for long periods of time, you'll end up craving them. I went from having grilled cheeses everyday to not having cheese for...months. the last time I had a pizza was when my bf bought us one, 3 weeks ago. and before that I didn't eat a pizza for months.
    Sugar is addictive, unfortunately. Flour too. Try having warm oatmeal with cinnamon and some brown sugar, or switch the sugar for some fruits 🤔

    Or you might decide they are no longer something you want or you can now moderate them.

    I agree sir, there is some evidence that the longer you abstain from certain foods the brain will overwrite the old memory of them.