My body is not a garbage disposal



  • bhop2982 wrote: »
    This has become one of my mantras. A little rule that keeps me from eating the leftover Chinese food in the fridge. It keeps me from eating every last french fry on the plate long after I'm full. It keeps me from eating crappy break room donuts just because they're there and they're free.

    "My body is not a garbage disposal" has saved me from a lot of wasted calories that I used to consume just because something was sitting in front of me. I had to get comfortable with throwing away food. If I order dessert and it's just meh, I don't finish it. I don't bring it home. Because, duh, I'm not a garbage disposal. Somehow, it's helped me really identify what's "worth" eating and recognize when I'm actually full vs. just on auto pilot and shoveling food in.

    Since I've started using this mantra, the amount of times I've looked at a plate of food and been like, "Ya know, I don't have to finish this." has been, honestly, eye opening.

    What little "rules" and mantras have helped you in your journey?

    This post has really opened my eyes and got me thinking. Thank you.
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    My mantra has been: “food is fuel.” I keep reminding myself when I want to reach for a bag of chips which provide lousy fuel.

    I like this OPs mantra for several reasons.
    Most importantly, it helps reinforce a positive body image and sense of health. An amazing human body should not be used as a garbage disposal to eat something just because it is there.

    Additionally, it helps with portion control and how much food to prepare or order. If you eat it, you’ll likely eat it again the next time it’s there. If you pass on it or throw it away you’re likely to think about volume next go around. A good way to help break the cycle.
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    In response to all the food waste talk- I also have a personal issue with wasting food. Luckily my husband, friends and I have similar tastes and tend to share food, so we rarely order/cook more than we can eat. We also enjoy eating leftovers. I am the queen of cooking for a week, portioning it out and freezing it. When I'm craving the kind of sweets that require preparing or buying a large amount (rare) I will bring it to work to share.

    OP- I love your mantra and am happy it's working for you. My personal mantra is, these habits are for life. I am not on a "diet," and I'm not restricting just so I can way overindulge at a later date. I've established habits that I intend to continue for as long as I live. That mindset has gotten me through scale fluctuations, special events, holidays, stressful situations and other things that would have derailed me a few years ago. Now that my habits are established, I don't have to worry about falling off the wagon. There is no more wagon.