fit for october challenge



  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Hi there. . .well I am around just been really busy. . . My weight this week is crappy due to TOM. . . but that just means I'm in for a nice deficit next week..

    Yes it is tough when you get around those that are now in diet mode, but just eat small portions and you should be fine. . The shred is an awesome workout and yes you will definitely lose doing that workout. .
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    high jade i wasnt really into shred on level 1 i was all for giving it up but i decided id try level 2 first so i did 8 days on level 1 then started level 2 and 8 days in im enjoying the workout its seems less repetative then level 1 and more like a workout im still having to adjust the cardio to things that wont damage my knees but its definatly more fun which for me is the key to keeping doing anything if im bored i wont do it
    weight wise i havent lost anything yet but ive also had some bad eating days so i wont judge on that and i do think ive lost an inch so far from my tummy which has pleased me

    my mums visit will be hard as she tends to cook foods she knows i love and then heaps a big portion on my plate and i end up with no restraint today should be okish it will be potatoes and veggies but i love the mash all with butter and milk so not so good still ive done shred and i will aim to be more controlled and eat les sof the bad things more of the good

    TOM is a pain in rear but i usually get a good loss week after i lost 2lbs last month so hopefully he will be as kind to you also
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning

    still very quiet on here so im hoping your being good

    i have 8 weeks until i go away so i need kick my butt back into gear and start losing plenty i maintained this week so im hoping jillian is taking inches if not weight

    plans today involve shred day 9 level 2 and i scrubbing my house ready for eid either tomorrow or wednesday loads laundry and trying make sure eid clothes are all ironed and organised maybe even doing some baking if i can bribe my oldest to go to shop for eggs

    have a good day and be good
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning

    I was not good this weekend. Especially Saturday. We did get hurricane Irene effects but not bad in my town. We are so lucky to not have lost power. We did have some water issues in the basement but we were able to handle it. Now we just have a bunch of branches to clean up in the yard. Many are dealing with floods and no power so I'm thankful to not thave those issues.

    Back on track today. Eat good and exercise! I revised my own ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire schedule. I didn't like the one they recommended so I'm trying my own mix up of the 2.

    Have a great day!
  • Gembo82
    Gembo82 Posts: 29
    Hello everyone, well i was so naughty this weekend i did lose 2lbs of water weight before my friend came down but then we pigged out on all those naughty nibbly bits and wine :( So i haven't lost this week and i am 4-5 days away from TOM (yuck)

    Well i did day 2 of level 2 of 30DS i really didn't want to do it but i feel happier now i have got it out the way. I cut level 1 short as i was getting bored with it and felt ready for a different routine, i dont like all the plank moves and have hurt my shoulder i just hope i start seeing results soon, i am so impatient.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski im glad you came thru irene relatively unscathed alittle water damage and branches seems so minor compared to some and the shark in the street in was it puerto rico or somewhere that apparently hurricane irene left behind very scary
    i do agree with doing a mix up of routine if you dont like the one set if you dont like it you wont do it

    gembo i hated level 1 i did 7 days before moving on to level 2 and i like level 2 a lot better im not so keen on the plank moves but i do prefer most of the strength moves compared to level 1 and i just did day 9 of it so 1 more day and i see if i can handle level 3

    today has been a mad rush of cleaning my entire house kitchen has surved all of 15minutes while i cleaned bathroom and now looks like a herd of elephants ran thru with mice follwing dropping crumbs the ominous noise i just hear upstairs makes me think the bathroom is fairing no better on a plus i now have all school shoes bought except 1 pair and that was just because the store didnt have any small enough but 3 lots school shoes bought 2 lots pe shoes and 2 pairs of everyday shoes for the youngest 2 7 pairs altogether and a cost of over £50 and people ask me why i never have money lol

    keep up the exercise if nothing else food we can always work on exercis ei find if i stop its soo much harder to start at it again
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    The level of determination is amazing at the moment - I love it!
    I on the other hand have had a bit of a bad weekend. My parents came to visit and we don't see them very often so it's always a few drinks and a splurge meal. This would have been okay, but the indulgence habit carried on this weekend - this long weekend - whoops, so tomorrow I am sorting myself out and getting back on track.

    This weekend wasn't as bad as I think it was, a good few hours of walking yesterday and today visiting places must have been something, well better than nothing at least!

    I have decided that as of tomorrow I will be tracking my food properly and will open up my diary for all to see. Hopefully that will motivate me! So feel free to add me and comment on my diary - anything good or bad will be a great help!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy tuesday everyone
    tuesday means payday my bank can have ooo maybe 30pence left after bills but thats 30pence not in the red did i mention how its the simple things in life that make me happy lol

    cdpm we all have those days, weekends or even weeks i know i joined mfp last year in maybe march i logged and tracked for just over 100 days and then fell off the wagon and gained most back what i had lost this time i am determined to stick at it mostly because i always go over board if i dont i try to log everyday i know if hubby orders takeout i dont need mfp to tell me im over calories and it wont help but on the normal days i need it to keep me in check some foods are unreal in calories the trick is knowing ooopppss we blipped but tomorrow is a whole new day and we can do better and will do better

    what exercise will you be doing im doing shred day 10 level 2 today im liking it well level 2 at least not sure im ready to risk jillians wrath on level 3 yet
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I tend to do a routine at the gym of 10 min on the elliptical, 15 min run then 15 mins of squads & lunges at the end followed by a cool down.
    When doing a morning workout at home its a power 90 of p90x workout. I tried the spread, but didnt like the fact there were no rest days for recovery - and jillian got on my nerves!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    - and jillian got on my nerves!
    I did a little of Shred too and she got on my nerves. After I did the routine a couple times I started doing it with the TV muted and put the radio on. How many times can she tell you not to 'phone it in'????
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i am pooped i did shred and i did 7hrs helping my friend moving from a flat to ahouse and then unpacking moving furniture etc definatley burned my calories today

    lol jillian getting on your nerves i usually have too much noise with kids etc to hear her but i like the fact shes honest comments like i want you to feel like your going to die on level 2 make me chuckle level 1 and her i know you want to shut of the dvd but dont i like she can relate that ye shes killing me but it will be worth it well it better be altho on a plus after level 1 sucking and me wanting to dump the dvd on a shelf and forget about it i do like the exercises in level 2 not so much the plank i cant do the plank jacks etc unless i want a knee the size of a balloon but the strength ones im quite enjoying i will do an extra day of level 2 tomorrow as im used to it and need to go out but ill start level 3 on thursday and see what i think i dont think the volume is essential tho as the exercises ar epretty much self explanatary to me i watch them then join in i dont need her to tell me but its good she explain it for me if i want to listen but its the same with any workout if you dont like it or it irritates you wont do it and if we want to get fit we have to do something unfoprtunaltly id love to be able to just wake up skinny tho so much easier
  • Hello Everyone, monkeysmum has shown me the way to this fab site, my first day here and i already feel motivated to make myself change my weight and lifestyle towards food, excercise.
    I want to say hopefully i can lose 7lb but im determined to, as me and my friend are going to see the Medium Sally Morgan and if she calls me up ( LOL),in front of all those people , it would be great to have built some confidence in the way i look, feel and maybe a new top, jeans to mark the occasion. lizz :)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    My weight is totally stuck, has been for 5 weeks now, still 140lb.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy wednesday

    today my in laws are celebrating eid i would worry that id eat too much or go overboard with all the nice foods but they never make me veggie food i usually get salad and a chappatti so no worries there i just need to fit shred in before we go im still not confident to do shred in front of hubby

    bjshooter my weight is stuck as well always between 134 and 136lbs it took me almost 10 weeks to drop from 140 down i then lost it good for 3 weeks and now im stuck again i just figured its alot harder to come off when i dont have as much to lose but i am determined

    chookmum i knew you would like it on mfp its a good way to track what we eat and get the OMG that has how many calories no wonder im gaining weight and mfp members are great and always boot my rear when i slack
  • Gembo82
    Gembo82 Posts: 29
    Hello everyone, well i am on day 4 level 2 of the shred and i hate it lol, but i will stick it out as i have got this far. I have heard some other people say they hate level 2 of the shred and then loved level 3, hmmm here's hoping!

    Well i have to take my little boy for his booster jabs tomorrow then helping my mum clean her house but on Friday i am having a double whammy i am going to my dads for a pub lunch which always includes a bottle or 4 of wine lol and then Friday night it's down my local for my stepdads birthday. I don't want to feel like i am depriving myself as when i go to my dad's in future i will indulge.

    Any tips/ idea's on how i can try and not go to over board with the fat/calories?

    I do have the excuse that i can't drink too much at my dad's as i will be out that night aswell (last time i went to my dad's it wasnt pretty)

    Hope everyone else is having a lovely day and looking forward to the weekend. =)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well i was good i had boiled basmati rice with mixed veg and salad and 1 roti i did indulge in 5 chocolates from a heroes box when i came home but i had done shred i did level 2 again so 11 days of level 2 i will try level 3 tomorrow today i ache all over after yesterdays house moving help feeling a little sore but it was definately worth it for the calorie burn

    gem for lunch aim for something like chicken and dont have skin or a fish meal as long as it isnt fried fish try to limit your wine to 1 glass and opt for water and in the evening i like the ww white wine 75 calories a glass or go for clear spirit and diet coke nibbles you will have to just go for self restraint have some but set a limit and dont break it its hard i know nuts and crisps are my weakness i go way overboard so i try to have a small amount and then be good and not go back for more
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Happy Thursday!
    Doing well with my eating, though my workouts aren't matching it. I had good intentions, up at 5.45 this morning, but was so tired I almost fell asleep when sitting and putting my trainers on. I thought that if I didn't have enough energy for that, I might struggle with a full on workout. So I thought I would head back to bed and make sure I was refreshed and full of energy for today - work is going to be mad today!
    I will forgive myself as I am going well on the food. I will try better to gradually up my exercise to 4 times a week. I know it's going to be an intense gym session tomorrow!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning and happy thursday

    cdpm i struggle with workouts as well its part of why i like 30ds its over fast lol i need do more tho or i will never lose the weight i want to lose

    felling alittle off colour today keep going hot then cold and feel really achy i was hoping the aching feeling was a combination of shred and helping house moving but i still feel little sore today so im sticking to level 2 shred again at this rate the 3 days i skipped on level 1 ill have made up on level 2 but im just not in the mood for new routine just yet im going to have a cup of tea and a sit down and see how the day progresses but im hoping with a couple painkillers my aches will dissapear and my temperature will feel more normal instead of boiling to freezing
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning
    I actually did a fairly intese workout this morning! It was a short TurboFire HIIT workout but I'm glad I got through it in the morning since sometimes I just can't workout that early. I've done good with my exercise and eating this week so I'm hopeful for my weigh in tomorrow.

    I hope you feel better monkeysmum.

    Keep up the good work girls!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Oh, and I had a little NSV this morning. I had to tighten the chest strap of for my HRM. I haven't really seen the pounds falling off since starting Chalean Extreme/TurboFire but looks like maybe the inches are starting to coming off. I'm going to check my measurments next week when I'm done with the 1st phase of Chalane Extreme.
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