Losing motivation...

Hi everyone! So far on my weight loss journey I have lost around 24 pounds. My goal is to lose about 8 more pounds which will bring me to the healthy weight BMI range. My starting weight was 186 in June and now I am down to 162. My problem now is that I am losing motivation and going back to my old eating habits (candies, fried foods, etc). It is very hard this time of year not to resist that Halloween candy! I still need to reach my goal but feel like I have lost motivation in this. I have talked to some friends about this and now have committed myself to start back on my diet starting tomorrow. I was also told to try weight lifting as I need to build muscle and lose fat from my belly and arms which are my main problem areas I want to work on. I want to know all of your suggestions on this and how you got that motivation or what you did to lose that last 8-10 pounds?


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    It's impossible to stay motivated, so don't feel bad that you can't!

    Have you taken a diet break yet? Sometimes giving yourself a week or two where you're allowed your maintenance calories and have more wiggle room can help work out some of the psychological hurdles to keep going.

    Otherwise, you have to rely on good habits and be patient. Log your food. do your workouts, not because of the scale but because it's what you do now. And if you are just above the healthy weight range, make sure you aren't aiming for too aggressive a pace - let it naturally slowdown, trying to speed across the finish line often makes finishing less likely.

    These might help too:




    Good luck!
  • 1fitwong
    1fitwong Posts: 34 Member
    You have done so great. The 160s are my next goal. I am in the same boat. Started at 191 and now am 177. My motivation has gone poof too. I had a couple months with no progress and I’ve become discouraged and half hearted in my efforts. I think understanding myself better is helping. Also reading these posts. Understanding that my motivation wont be consistent. Thanks I needed to hear that...again!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,206 Member
    I am the same as you. I lost 27 pounds and am only 5 pounds to get out of the overweight range. So a part of me wants to give up. But I know if I do that I will regain all I have lost. Getting to our goals does not change how we should eat. If the habits that led to being overweight come back we will not keep off what we worked so hard to lose. It has to be a lifestyle change. Halloween has always been what, for me, would start 3 months of bad eating only to start again in January. I won’t let that happen.. and don’t want you to either. Put the bad days aside and tomorrow morning start a new day. Start as day 1. Tell yourself how happy you will be in January if you don’t give up. You have much to be proud of. It’s a lifestyle change and a few bad days are part of the challenge,..... but the key is to get back on track!! You can do it!
  • pakeezakhan2661
    pakeezakhan2661 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the great advice and support!! I wish you all well on your journeys and hope all of you get to where you want to be in life! I have regained my confidence and now the key is to be patient and consistent. Thank you all!☺️♥️
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,975 Member
    Try building in your favorite foods into your day. Weigh out a bit of candy to enjoy after dinner and take your time eating it. Many people cannot maintain a restrictive diet, and if you want to keep the weight off, you will need to learn to manage your relationship with the things you love. If you plan for it, you can fit it into your day/week. You can choose to take a diet break.

    I'm in the last 10-15 pounds for my ideal weight, and it's slow going, but I'm finding the most sustainable way(s) of eating for me. I have tried a few things and know what works in certain circumstances. There isn't necessarily a one-size-fits-all even for each person as our lives, schedules, etc all vary, and we need to be able to plan accordingly!