Fall Group to finish the year strong! Who is with me?



  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Just bumping it up; don't want to lose the support and motivation.
    Yikes epangili, hope you recover quickly! How scary for you. :(
  • donabrown2017
    donabrown2017 Posts: 9 Member
    Let’s do It!! Please add me

    Weight: 176
    Goal by 12/31: 170
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: treadmill
    Biggest Challenge to meeting you goals: going out to eat
    Need to make healthier choices
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Jumping in late, but keeping it realistic...

    Weight: 168
    Goal by 12/31/19: 164
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: swimming laps or water fitness class
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: after dinner drinks/snacking
    A Guilty Pleasure: alcohol & chips

    It looks easy, only 4 pounds, but I'm getting down to the last pounds, and getting .5 pounds off each week is excruciatingly slow. It's also really hard to track/notice due to weight fluctuations. I'm hoping to get through the holidays staying relatively on track, rather than gain my "winter weight" that will "fall off" once spring comes (it never does... It's always work to get it off, and it's hard enough to get THIS weight off.)
  • CariOnlyBetter
    CariOnlyBetter Posts: 27 Member
    I’m with you!!

    Weight: 249
    Goal by 12/31/19: 239
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Spinning
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals:Eating my feelings
    A Guilty Pleasure: Bad DAYTIME TV
  • KUMEcyclingteam
    KUMEcyclingteam Posts: 112 Member
    Very late to the party, but want to play!
    I used to be extremely active, but when I lost my day job of 31 years and had to take a second shift position at a different company, all of a sudden my "After work" activities disappeared. I went from cycling 30+ miles 5 days a week to barely 20 miles once or twice a week. Oh I have tried to get back to where I was but there is a HUGE difference between work, work out, sleep and work out, work then sleep. I am getting it back slowly but surely!
    This is exactly the kind of group I've been looking for!

    Weight: 230
    Goal by 12/31/19: 200
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Cycling, Kayaking, hiking and trail running.
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: NIGHT SHIFT !
    A Guilty Pleasure: Driving the long way home......

    Ultimate goal is to be at 180 lbs. One pound at a time ladies and gentlemen!
  • caednkat
    caednkat Posts: 38 Member
    Hope it’s not too late to join in. 😁

    Weight: 296
    Goal by 12/31/19: 280
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Dance Cardio
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: My brain.
    A Guilty Pleasure: What my family says is inappropriate music for a 39 yr old mom of 4. Lol
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    caednkat wrote: »
    Hope it’s not too late to join in. 😁

    Weight: 296
    Goal by 12/31/19: 280
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Dance Cardio
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: My brain.
    A Guilty Pleasure: What my family says is inappropriate music for a 39 yr old mom of 4. Lol

    I had to laugh at your guilty pleasure, people would be surprised at what I listen to at 48!
  • Chris_J99
    Chris_J99 Posts: 175 Member
    🤣 I always try to listen to music my Dad would not approve of 😜 and I’m 50 🤣. Although mentally I’m still about 12 🤣🤣🤣
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.
    It's good to see everyone is progressing and looking forward to hitting year end goals. It's going to be a challenging month and I am finding the holidays have started in the office. It seems like every day either a vendor is bringing in carb-loaded breakfasts or employees are sharing baked goods and sweet treats.

    My favorite WW saying was, and still is, "nothing tastes as good as thin feels". I am finding myself saying this every time I walk through the cafeteria. It's a great mantra and seems to be keeping me in the right head space. I am also changing the word "thin" to "strength", "health", "balance", "moderation", etc..

    The scale continues to move in the right direction which affirms the practices I have put in place (meal planning, fitting in activity, mindfulness) are working and if I continue onward with baby steps I will achieve my goals. I cannot wait to hit maintenance and I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (only 15 more pounds to go!).

    I hope everyone has a positive day.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    caednkat wrote: »
    Hope it’s not too late to join in. 😁

    Weight: 296
    Goal by 12/31/19: 280
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Dance Cardio
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: My brain.
    A Guilty Pleasure: What my family says is inappropriate music for a 39 yr old mom of 4. Lol

    I had to laugh at your guilty pleasure, people would be surprised at what I listen to at 48!

    Haha my own kids went ballistic when I told them I liked Nine Inch Nails. I'm 66. Lol Sorry, but I'm just not the Barry Manilow or Frank Sinatra type.
  • mcemino2
    mcemino2 Posts: 427 Member
    🤣 I always try to listen to music my Dad would not approve of 😜 and I’m 50 🤣. Although mentally I’m still about 12 🤣🤣🤣

    Haha! I'm 58 and always tell people I'm 18.
  • KUMEcyclingteam
    KUMEcyclingteam Posts: 112 Member
    LOL, I tell people that I'm 24 with 20 years of experience!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Amen to the generation who watched their parents and grandparents age well before their times! Like many on the board I tell everyone I live on many different planes. The mental one is 35; add 20 to the physical. And, I prefer to look like the mental one. I texted my brother some pics of my journey and he said you look like you're f'in 35. I told him that changes when the pictures are close ups - LOL!

    Wishing all a great day. I simply love Fridays and the promise of what the weekend will bring.
  • caednkat
    caednkat Posts: 38 Member
    Hope you have a great weekend too @suzieq113

    I’ll just be over here with headphones and my “inappropriate” music. Lol.
    It seriously feels like a guilty pleasure. I don’t own up to my love for Cardi b and that type of music to just anyone. Just not “appropriate” for a southern lady in most circles. 😉 Or so says my conservative husband and teenagers.
  • avalonblues
    avalonblues Posts: 558 Member
    Weight: 198 (10/27/19)
    Goal by 12/31/19: 188
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: Crossfit
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: Overeating during the holidays
    A Guilty Pleasure: Pizza & Red Wine

    10/27/19 -- 198.0
    11/08/19 -- 193.8
  • epangili
    epangili Posts: 818 Member
    edited November 2019
    epangili wrote: »
    Hi, let's do it! Philippians 4:13
    Weight: 112 (lost 26 pounds before drunk driver accident)
    Goal by 12/31/19: 109 (high school weight)
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: kickboxing and weightlifting
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: Got hit by a drunk driver totalled my car at 90mph on freeway slamming my car into the center divider so no kickboxing nor weightlifting till physical therapy sessions end in 10 weeks and emotional overeating.
    A Guilty Pleasure:
    Movie marathons with salty, crunchy, savory, and/or sweet varieties of treats.
    Rewards along the way:
    "New" thrift store outfits
    Let's go!

    Week check in all:
    11/8 110.1 This is even during that time of the month women love...
    So close...
    Thank God for MFP so helps with mindful eating and portion control
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    @avalonblues good loss!

    @epangili you're really close, congratulations!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Weight: (11/1)143 This morning 141.5 slow but sure.
    Goal by 12/31/19: 138
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: brisk walking
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: retired in May so need to keep myself busier
    A Guilty Pleasure: my sweet tooth gives me countless
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    It appears our moderator has jumped shipped. PM'd him and no reply. Are any of you friends with him? Hope he is OK.

    The scale continues to move in the right direction even with a few fast food flops. Even though I ate crap I stayed within my calorie goal but did notice I felt absolutely horrible after eating that food. It's a reminder how bad it actually is for me.

    I have been a little relaxed over the past two weeks about exercise. It's not that I am not thinking about it and moving more, I just get caught up in things and before I know it the day is over. I think this is partially due to the time change. TG my sleep pattern is finally getting back to normal. Note - I am an extremely early riser (between 3:00 - 4:30 am). So when we turn back the clocks I am up around 2:00 - 2:30. The first week is exhausting and then I am oversleeping the second week. I am looking forward to Yoga in the Park this Saturday and am hopeful the weather will hold out.

    SW: 195.0 08/24/19
    TW: 167.8 11/14/19
    November Goal - 1.5 pounds per week/6 pounds for the month
    November Loss - 3.8 pounds with 2.2 to go.

    2.2 pounds is doable but with Thanksgiving being the last Thursday of the month...... My plan is to start the day with a nice, long walk and then possibly a walk after dinner. The friends are planning a "movable" feast (all live in the same development) which should be interesting. Appetizers are being served at 6:00 pm so I imagine it's going to a long night. At least the the hosting homes are in downtown FTL extremely close to a very busy night life area so a good walk will be easy and entertaining.

    I hope everyone is doing well on their paths. Here's to a positive day!
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    As of 11/14 - 144.2

    Update - weight 145.5 as of this morning. Yay 😊 (this was on 11/4)

    Weight: 146.6
    Goal by 12/31/19: 138
    Favorite Calorie Burning Activity: boot camp/HIIT class at my gym
    Biggest Challenge to meeting your Goals: binge eating. I tend to do well counting calories for a while, lose weight, then get that "restriction" mindset and start bingeing again. Will allow more calories per day than in the past, knowing weight loss will be slower but hopefully more sustainable.
    A Guilty Pleasure: too many shows I'm in to on Netflix right now