Thoughts on Intermittent Fasting with Low Carb eating



  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    Personally I find a 16:8 approach suits me well as I am never hungry for breakfast. I also find that keeping my carb consumption on the low side and my fat consumption on the high side keeps hunger at bay. So that's what I do. Whether it works for anyone else is up to them to test.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited November 2019
    SnifterPug wrote: »
    Personally I find a 16:8 approach suits me well as I am never hungry for breakfast. I also find that keeping my carb consumption on the low side and my fat consumption on the high side keeps hunger at bay. So that's what I do. Whether it works for anyone else is up to them to test.

    See, this I get. It's the people that force themselves to do a certain thing in order to lose weight like they HAVE to or they'll never lose the weight. These are the same people that usually are on here saying "I've done this for 4 days now, why have I not lost weight yet" LOL

    I'm not a big breakfast eater either... just give me a cup of coffee and maybe a banana. If I am hungry I'm not going to tell myself I have to wait to eat until a certain time, that just seems silly (to me).
  • gemiller87
    gemiller87 Posts: 135 Member
    If I am hungry I'm not going to tell myself I have to wait to eat until a certain time, that just seems silly (to me).

    The problem with that analysis is that many people, myself included, really have to train themselves to acknowledge that the perception of hungry isn't always truly your body saying it's hungry. Dehydration, behavioral conditioning, mental blocks, emotional eating etc all play a factor in feeling hungry whether or not the physical hunger is valid.

    That statement even goes so far as to disagree with a lot of health professionals opinions to "if you feel hungry outside of a normal meal drink a full glass of water and wait an hour to see if you're really hungry."

  • WayneG3
    WayneG3 Posts: 33 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    WayneG3 wrote: »
    I do IF and Keto. I've lost over 50lbs in the last 9 weeks. There are a large amount of studies out there by Stanford, Harvard, multiple neuroscientists and other doctors that talk about the many benefits there are to IF and Keto as well as when they're combined together. From my personal experience in recent times, it is worth it. From my personal experience a few years ago when I was in the Marine Corps and only doing IF, it was worth it. I'd be happy to send some of the articles and books your way if you have the time to read them. Benefits include things like insulin regulation, brain health, heart health, muscle retention during cutting, increased thermogenic effects on the body, extreme decrease in inflammation, improved immune system. A recent study conducted on lab rats indicated that a keto diet helps fight off influenza. There however have been no tests yet on if those same results will transfer over to humans.

    I've noticed more and more people on the forums that try to strip credibility to lifestyles like keto and IF and say it's nothing more than calories in and calories out. Regardless of what their feelings are on the matter, the empirical data out there proves them wrong. I believe they do this in order to feel better about their own choices because they lack the self control, dedication and discipline to make extreme changes in their lives happen. You or anyone else going against their opinions on dieting makes them question their own and they fear that it invalidates their way of dieting. It's much easier for them to tell someone else that that person is wrong rather than have that same conversation with themselves.

    All in all, dont listen to every swinging dick on the forums, even myself. Take everything you hear and go research it. Then come up with your own conclusion and do what's best for you, your body, your mind and your lifestyle.

    We are not rodents. All human studies outside of the benefit of improved insulin resistance for those that need it have failed to reproduce any additional benefits in humans so far.

    Weight loss improves health all by itself. If the easiest way for a person to lose weight is eating high carb 6 times a day then that is what the person needs to do. Choosing a harder path because of some rodent study that fails will not be beneficial. This is why it always boils down to calories in vs calories out here. The unverified stuff may pan out at some point but even if it does weight loss would still be the highest priority.

    The rodent test I referred to was simply a single thing and I even stated that it hasn't been replicated in humans. The other effects have been seen in humans versus placebos. Thank you for repeating what I said but again, like many others on here, opinions dont overrule actual evidence.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    WayneG3 wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    WayneG3 wrote: »
    I do IF and Keto. I've lost over 50lbs in the last 9 weeks. There are a large amount of studies out there by Stanford, Harvard, multiple neuroscientists and other doctors that talk about the many benefits there are to IF and Keto as well as when they're combined together. From my personal experience in recent times, it is worth it. From my personal experience a few years ago when I was in the Marine Corps and only doing IF, it was worth it. I'd be happy to send some of the articles and books your way if you have the time to read them. Benefits include things like insulin regulation, brain health, heart health, muscle retention during cutting, increased thermogenic effects on the body, extreme decrease in inflammation, improved immune system. A recent study conducted on lab rats indicated that a keto diet helps fight off influenza. There however have been no tests yet on if those same results will transfer over to humans.

    I've noticed more and more people on the forums that try to strip credibility to lifestyles like keto and IF and say it's nothing more than calories in and calories out. Regardless of what their feelings are on the matter, the empirical data out there proves them wrong. I believe they do this in order to feel better about their own choices because they lack the self control, dedication and discipline to make extreme changes in their lives happen. You or anyone else going against their opinions on dieting makes them question their own and they fear that it invalidates their way of dieting. It's much easier for them to tell someone else that that person is wrong rather than have that same conversation with themselves.

    All in all, dont listen to every swinging dick on the forums, even myself. Take everything you hear and go research it. Then come up with your own conclusion and do what's best for you, your body, your mind and your lifestyle.

    We are not rodents. All human studies outside of the benefit of improved insulin resistance for those that need it have failed to reproduce any additional benefits in humans so far.

    Weight loss improves health all by itself. If the easiest way for a person to lose weight is eating high carb 6 times a day then that is what the person needs to do. Choosing a harder path because of some rodent study that fails will not be beneficial. This is why it always boils down to calories in vs calories out here. The unverified stuff may pan out at some point but even if it does weight loss would still be the highest priority.

    The rodent test I referred to was simply a single thing and I even stated that it hasn't been replicated in humans. The other effects have been seen in humans versus placebos. Thank you for repeating what I said but again, like many others on here, opinions dont overrule actual evidence.

    If you believe there is evidence in humans in the form of broad based, well controlled, high participant peer reviewed studies that show any kind of metabolic advantage to IF, please post them. As you said, opinions don't overrule actual evidence, including yours.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    gemiller87 wrote: »
    If I am hungry I'm not going to tell myself I have to wait to eat until a certain time, that just seems silly (to me).

    The problem with that analysis is that many people, myself included, really have to train themselves to acknowledge that the perception of hungry isn't always truly your body saying it's hungry. Dehydration, behavioral conditioning, mental blocks, emotional eating etc all play a factor in feeling hungry whether or not the physical hunger is valid.

    That statement even goes so far as to disagree with a lot of health professionals opinions to "if you feel hungry outside of a normal meal drink a full glass of water and wait an hour to see if you're really hungry."

    But this is exactly why tracking your calories is important... So you may not be hungry and only think your are but if you log your food you know and can tell yourself "hey i'm still going to be under my calories for the day if i eat this" .... why would you not want to do that instead of just telling yourself that you can't eat something and putting pressure on yourself to restrict times and foods you can eat???
  • cosmo30
    cosmo30 Posts: 52 Member
    This is from my personal experience, I am not a healthcare professional nor have I done extensive research. I have lost weight, aprox. 35lbs with low carb diet in the past. Age factor, pregnancies and life in general, gained weight and I am losing currently by IF and low carb. I have PCOS and hypothyroid. IF is the only method that controls my PCOS symptoms(acne, hirsutism, irregular periods). I am close to half-way towards my goal but already my skin is clear, periods regulated etc., whereas with low-carb(without IF) even when I was at my goal weight my PCOS symptoms was not under control. I suppose, IF works well for people with insulin sensitivity.

    I always thought CICO is all that matters and not the time of the day you eat the food. Even with my condition I thought so because I was treating my hypo and PCOS with medication and blood work was normal. Apparently I was wrong, in my case, prolonged fasting(16:8) helps my body to heal and lose weight.

    Listen to your body, experiment a bit and do what is right for you. All the best in your journey!
  • WayneG3
    WayneG3 Posts: 33 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    WayneG3 wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    WayneG3 wrote: »
    I do IF and Keto. I've lost over 50lbs in the last 9 weeks. There are a large amount of studies out there by Stanford, Harvard, multiple neuroscientists and other doctors that talk about the many benefits there are to IF and Keto as well as when they're combined together. From my personal experience in recent times, it is worth it. From my personal experience a few years ago when I was in the Marine Corps and only doing IF, it was worth it. I'd be happy to send some of the articles and books your way if you have the time to read them. Benefits include things like insulin regulation, brain health, heart health, muscle retention during cutting, increased thermogenic effects on the body, extreme decrease in inflammation, improved immune system. A recent study conducted on lab rats indicated that a keto diet helps fight off influenza. There however have been no tests yet on if those same results will transfer over to humans.

    I've noticed more and more people on the forums that try to strip credibility to lifestyles like keto and IF and say it's nothing more than calories in and calories out. Regardless of what their feelings are on the matter, the empirical data out there proves them wrong. I believe they do this in order to feel better about their own choices because they lack the self control, dedication and discipline to make extreme changes in their lives happen. You or anyone else going against their opinions on dieting makes them question their own and they fear that it invalidates their way of dieting. It's much easier for them to tell someone else that that person is wrong rather than have that same conversation with themselves.

    All in all, dont listen to every swinging dick on the forums, even myself. Take everything you hear and go research it. Then come up with your own conclusion and do what's best for you, your body, your mind and your lifestyle.

    We are not rodents. All human studies outside of the benefit of improved insulin resistance for those that need it have failed to reproduce any additional benefits in humans so far.

    Weight loss improves health all by itself. If the easiest way for a person to lose weight is eating high carb 6 times a day then that is what the person needs to do. Choosing a harder path because of some rodent study that fails will not be beneficial. This is why it always boils down to calories in vs calories out here. The unverified stuff may pan out at some point but even if it does weight loss would still be the highest priority.

    The rodent test I referred to was simply a single thing and I even stated that it hasn't been replicated in humans. The other effects have been seen in humans versus placebos. Thank you for repeating what I said but again, like many others on here, opinions dont overrule actual evidence.

    How do you do a placebo intermittent fast or low carb eating?

    Any study that results in the participants losing weight muddies the water. You can't know if the results were because of the weight loss or because of another factor.

    I don't believe you have any actual evidence. I think you are overreaching like many I have seen that have come before you. There is also the possibility you have yet to learn that studies have to be replicated many times by many different people before they are actually confirmed. Believing the latest study will drive you crazy.

    I've argued before with others that take the same approach as you are right now. I'll go out of my way to link studies and articles for evidence, you'll say no it's not good enough, I'll go get more, you'll continue the cognitive dissonance and the cycle repeats itself. So rather than go through all that, why dont you just tell me what is acceptable for your own perception of evidence? That way, I'll just give exactly what you want within reason. Should always set the table before you begin know what I mean?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    WayneG3 wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    WayneG3 wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    WayneG3 wrote: »
    I do IF and Keto. I've lost over 50lbs in the last 9 weeks. There are a large amount of studies out there by Stanford, Harvard, multiple neuroscientists and other doctors that talk about the many benefits there are to IF and Keto as well as when they're combined together. From my personal experience in recent times, it is worth it. From my personal experience a few years ago when I was in the Marine Corps and only doing IF, it was worth it. I'd be happy to send some of the articles and books your way if you have the time to read them. Benefits include things like insulin regulation, brain health, heart health, muscle retention during cutting, increased thermogenic effects on the body, extreme decrease in inflammation, improved immune system. A recent study conducted on lab rats indicated that a keto diet helps fight off influenza. There however have been no tests yet on if those same results will transfer over to humans.

    I've noticed more and more people on the forums that try to strip credibility to lifestyles like keto and IF and say it's nothing more than calories in and calories out. Regardless of what their feelings are on the matter, the empirical data out there proves them wrong. I believe they do this in order to feel better about their own choices because they lack the self control, dedication and discipline to make extreme changes in their lives happen. You or anyone else going against their opinions on dieting makes them question their own and they fear that it invalidates their way of dieting. It's much easier for them to tell someone else that that person is wrong rather than have that same conversation with themselves.

    All in all, dont listen to every swinging dick on the forums, even myself. Take everything you hear and go research it. Then come up with your own conclusion and do what's best for you, your body, your mind and your lifestyle.

    We are not rodents. All human studies outside of the benefit of improved insulin resistance for those that need it have failed to reproduce any additional benefits in humans so far.

    Weight loss improves health all by itself. If the easiest way for a person to lose weight is eating high carb 6 times a day then that is what the person needs to do. Choosing a harder path because of some rodent study that fails will not be beneficial. This is why it always boils down to calories in vs calories out here. The unverified stuff may pan out at some point but even if it does weight loss would still be the highest priority.

    The rodent test I referred to was simply a single thing and I even stated that it hasn't been replicated in humans. The other effects have been seen in humans versus placebos. Thank you for repeating what I said but again, like many others on here, opinions dont overrule actual evidence.

    How do you do a placebo intermittent fast or low carb eating?

    Any study that results in the participants losing weight muddies the water. You can't know if the results were because of the weight loss or because of another factor.

    I don't believe you have any actual evidence. I think you are overreaching like many I have seen that have come before you. There is also the possibility you have yet to learn that studies have to be replicated many times by many different people before they are actually confirmed. Believing the latest study will drive you crazy.

    I've argued before with others that take the same approach as you are right now. I'll go out of my way to link studies and articles for evidence, you'll say no it's not good enough, I'll go get more, you'll continue the cognitive dissonance and the cycle repeats itself. So rather than go through all that, why dont you just tell me what is acceptable for your own perception of evidence? That way, I'll just give exactly what you want within reason. Should always set the table before you begin know what I mean?
    I already did above. Multiple high participant, well controlled, peer reviewed studies in humans that demonstrate the benefits you claim. And this would not be my perception of evidence. It is the accepted standard in the scientific community.
  • mrsjar5311
    mrsjar5311 Posts: 514 Member
    As someone who has fasted all her life for religious reasons - started age 8 and currently 41. Fasting works to enable you lose weight because it stops you from eating. However, unless you are going to be fasting for the rest of your life at the same pace, the weight will come back.

    My personal experience -
    Every January we fast for 30 days. Basically OMAD and a full dry fast so nil including water by mouth from sundown till sundown. Without fail every January I lose heaps of weight. Every Friday, we fast for 24 hours. Again nil by mouth from sundown till sundown. I'm on MFP. That should tell you something.

    Having said that, when I wanted to lose weight drastically that was exactly what I did. Nil by mouth sundown to sundown and one meal. And lost 21kg. Now to keep off that weight loss, I've upped my exercise level and drastically reduced my food portions.

    As to the health benefits, well I come from a third world country. Hunger is real to us as is very physical hard work and all these ailments still exists in many forms in our community.

    But IF is a good way to kick start weight loss if you're struggling. You will need a plan B to keep the weight off if you don't plan to fast for the rest of your life.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My reality check: CICO, use and trust MFP and its calculations, keep an open mind and take advise from all those supportive members. Find the macro split which is perfect for my daily meal plan and which I can use very, very long term. And just do it! 600 days gone, 44 kg down and much more to go...
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,023 Member

    I lost 80 pounds in 2007-08. Never did Keto, low carb or formal IF. I do eat in a window. It's from 8AM to 6PM, but I wouldn't really call that IF since it's kind of 10:14 and I don't really stick to it. I've kept my weight off for over 11 years. All I worry about is getting enough protein and vegetables and staying in calories and getting some regular exercise.

    That's it.

    Your condescending attitude, use of, "darling," and lack of a good argument basis in regards to IF + Keto has little to offer and is doing nothing for you. Come back with your links and your long-term results. I'm assuming you just found this miracle cure recently since you've been registered on this site for 4 years. I would comment on your, "Lost 50 pounds in 9 weeks" thing, but why would that be something to brag about - unless you're morbidly obese?

    Therefore I conclude you came on the forums specifically looking for a fight, which you will get with your posting style.

    Exactly! I've lost 80 plus pounds on nothing but tracking calories and staying within my deficit. No restrictions. I started off with restricting carbs (not KETO) but I was still consuming less calories than I burned..and also was miserable. For me and I imagine many many people, KETO is non-sustainable for long term success. and I do IF's called sleeping :)
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    Oh there is a bias no doubt about that.

    I 100% agree how weight comes off is based on CICO, that is a true statement.

    But what is also truth, is what each person does to achieve that. And this is where the road totally forks.

    What I mean is many people successfully lose weight by counting calories and nothing else.

    Others count macros, meaning how many carbs, fats and proteins they can have that will total their allotment of calories. Some do total carbs, some do net carbs. Some low carb, keto also count calories, some do not.

    Others do volume eating,

    Some follow some type of Intermittment fasting plan

    And there are countless other plans that can be followed as well.

    But each person should research, try and adjut to what makes them feel satisfied and what works for them.

    I have seen incredibly cruel, mean, condensending comments on threads when people bring up Keto. I have seen where people are specifically asking for friends or advice, and instead they get paragraphs telling them they are wrong. That by the way is not helpful.
    Example someone was asking how to get in the low carber forum group the other day. A response was well unless you take a pledge to give up sugar for life they will not let you join. Really?
    Dr's are telling patients to go on low carb diets. Why? Because they want their patients to eat a healthier diet along with the lower calories. I think at times that is being overlooked with the CICO.