Working from Home



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I think it would be easier working from home than working from an office. I would just take breaks and take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood a couple times a day personally. You can do a workout video or something on your lunch break too.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,910 Member
    edited November 2019
    I work from home full-time. My office is upstairs so every hour when my AW reminds me to stand I get up and go downstairs to the furthest bathroom in the house. I drink a refill a small water glass every hour just to get me up and down the stairs. I take my dog for short 10 mins walks in the afternoon most days. My lunch hour is my exercise time. I either go for a run in my neighborhood or do a workout video- I use beachbody on demand. This has worked for me since the first of the year when I began working at home. It takes a lot of discipline and structure. On the off days I can’t get the workout in I will do it after work or get up early for before.

    I’ve been looking into getting a large exercise ball to sit on in lieu of my comfy chair.. should help with my posture too.

    @auburngirl06 we got a bunch of exercise balls for work and no one found they could use them all day - they'd swap the chair and ball out throughout the day.

    At one point, everyone was bouncing out of sync in staff meetings, which was rather disconcerting.

    Make sure you have something available to reinflate as needed.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I lost 150 lb while working from home. I walked 2-3x day since I didn't have a commute. When the weather was bad I either dressed accordingly or used Leslie Sansome walk at home videos. I also bought an elliptical. I set up a home workout area to use on days when I wasn't going to my trainer's studio. I bought only food I wanted to eat within my plan, which my husband generally was ok with having.
  • tootrudy
    tootrudy Posts: 7 Member
    Happy New Year!

    So far I have started doing some of these recommendations:

    Having planned breaks
    Using the end of every hour to walk in place for 5 minutes and 10 reps of two exercises
    Standing while working

    Thanks for all of your advice!