About to joing a gym to tackle my obesity and become healthy



  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 397 Member
    I was once intimidated by a Queenax workout class at my gym, and would never had done it at all if the trainer who ran it wasn't the world's nicest, most encouraging coach--i hope you will encounter someone like her. I love that class now, though it is still hard, and look forward to it every TTh. You know what's funny? My gym is at a university and lots of fit college students work out there, but the most athletic person there is probably 85. It motivates me so much to see him jog by on the track. Start now, and in 6 months or a year you may become someone's favorite gym person to watch.
  • Sunshine_And_Sand
    Sunshine_And_Sand Posts: 1,320 Member
    Good for you!
    I’ve never actually seen any body-shaming going on at the gym. As others have said, a lot of them have been where you are and remember feeling the same way you are feeling now. Also, most people at the gym aren’t paying attention to anyone else anyway but are just trying to get their workouts done.
    Group classes are a bit different in that people may pay more attention to others as far as wanting to socialize, but I’ve still never seen any body-shaming going on with it.
    If someone actually did try to shame overweight or obese people who were in there working hard/taking action to get fitter and healthier, then they are NOT worth you spending any time worrying over what they think.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Aside: who hits disagree on this kind of post?

    I'm trying to accept that people are just going to misuse the Disagree reaction.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I am a member of two gyms (one that does classes and one that I do my strength training). I do Zumba twice a week. I am the biggest person in that class and my body does not move in the same way as the skinny girls in the front. I go every time and stay in the back of the class. I keep moving and make my own moves when I can't do what everyone else is doing. I haven't had anyone say anything mean to me or look at me crazy (though in my head I still think they are).

    When I go to my strength training gym I do go kinda late in the day and it isn't busy. I put my headphones in and jam out. I am normally the biggest person there as well.

    Point is I paid the same money to be there that everyone else did. And one day I won't be the biggest person there! (though I can't imagine ever being able to do some of those moves in Zumba!!)
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited November 2019
    Aside: who hits disagree on this kind of post?

    People who are negative, miserable and not brave enough to take the first step into the gym like OP. :|
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,882 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    Aside: who hits disagree on this kind of post?

    People who are negative, miserable and not brave enough to take the first step into the gym like OP. :|

    Not even brave enough to post, probably . . . .

    If so, that's really sad and unfortunate.

    Maybe we can hope that they clicked "disagree" because they think the gym isn't anxiety-provoking, but thought others had covered the why, or something like that (still seems un-empathetic).

    As you imply, I think OP is approaching this admirably. Kudos, @zuzanao!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Aside: who hits disagree on this kind of post?

    I'm trying to accept that people are just going to misuse the Disagree reaction.

    I agree with this. I was disagreed with twice for saying stuff with small calories add up. How that's something to disagree with is beyond me.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    John772016 wrote: »
    Lots of great advice above👍.

    I was the newbie in the gym.
    In 2016.

    The first week I tried to walk 20 minutes on the treadmill each day. It was hard for me, I didn't want do it each day.
    I did.

    I thought everyone was staring at me wondering when I'd get off the treadmill so they could use it for real exercise.
    They weren't.

    I thought I was in everyone's way.
    I wasn't.

    I thought 'what's the point its only 20 mins, it won't help me'.
    It did.

    I eventually added weight training & thought the big muscular guys would be annoyed I was on their equipment.
    They weren't.

    The hardest thing for me was to stop giving myself a reason why I couldn't, and start doing. To decide I would.

    It sounds like you've done that.

    Your self confidence will come too, you just need to go there and meet it halfway.

    Love this! <3
  • foreverblissful
    foreverblissful Posts: 50 Member
    edited November 2019
    Personally, I felt the same way when I started. My best advice to you is stick to those classes AT FIRST to find a safe grounding in the gym and have guidance(for safety reasons and confidence-building). The gym can definitely be a scary place, you see everyone with their "set routines" doing exercises you've never even though imaginable, and I think the most important thing is to find a safe space where you can learn everything they took time to learn(cuz they didn’t do it over night either)!

    I went to the gym for the first time ever by myself to do strength training machines and it was horribly stressful and made me feel incompetant. The second time I went to the gym, my boyfriend dragged me despite that experience and it was 10x more comfortable, he showed me around the gym and acted as my personal trainer recommending exercises to me and how to do them safely. It was a slow process but that got me feeling more comfortable on the machines, and it wasn't until I took an introduction to the weight room class at my college that I truly became comfortable in the gym especially using free weights. In that class I basically just had a coach demo an exercise each class, and could choose to try it or not, we also were able to go to them for advice. This is why I recommend sticking with those classes or if you feel like those are too expensive see if you can find a friend who knows their way around the gym for a few days day too or even longer term if they're up to it. Having a class or a friend also helps you stay consistent too!

    If you can afford a trainer for a long period of time:

    1. Try to stick with classes for your first few months to get you in the habit & gain confidence in the gym. Any class that focuses on a set routine especially with gym equipment that will also help you build your own is perfect! Even if they don't explicitly help you build a routine speak to the trainer, I'm sure they would be happy to help you with your own personal goals!
    2. Try to pick classes that meet at least 2-3 times a week.
    3. Try to pick a class that incorporatss some form of strength training even if it only requires body weight. Cardio + Strength Training will help you lose weight and keep it off, versus Cardio only especially when you get further in your journey.

    If you feel like you can't afford a trainer for months on end my advice summarized is:

    1. Go to the gym with a trusted friend or buddy at least the first few times. Even if they can only go with you once a week for two-three weeks for instance, it will help! The other days of the week when you're by yourself it'll be an easier adjustment vs no guidance at all.
    2. Any new gym you go to, you are always entitled to a tour of the gym, take advantage of it!
    3. Stick to machines at first(cardio machines mixed with strength training machines for strength training days). Machines are easy to learn, because they come with instructions. They also help you test different weights in the comfort of the machines booth. For cardio machines, you can easily find online guided workouts on youtube. After you feel more comfortable with machines, slowly incorporate free weights with simple full-body moves such as lunges, or squats.

    I hope that wasn't too long and it helped! I 100% feel your pain, gym cultures are so annoying, but you can do it!