Work-Out Clothes



  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I have workout clothes that are comfy for me and match, but not necessarily cute at this point. I usually have make-up on because I work out after work, but if it is in the morning I don't bother. I mostly just pull my hair back in a ponytail, but I have bought cute little barettes and clips to hold my bangs back that I only use when working out. It is never cute when I am done, but I feel better if it looks good when I start :laugh: :laugh:
  • Brandysmith1985
    Brandysmith1985 Posts: 17 Member
    I have my makeup on for the day or what is left from the morning and I just leave it on through the work out. By the end though I have a bit of black under my eyes. So I see no point of someone doing the make up and hair, I laugh at those girls because they hardly break a sweat and seem like they go there to pick up on guys rather than working out. However I say go for the cute outfits, you feel better I first went in old clothes then invested some new gym clothes and way better. Also fun to match your outfits.
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    I laugh at girls/women who go to the gym decked-out.
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    Ha - Great feed backs guys!! Thanks a bunch!! Stay Healthy!!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I don't work out in a gym at the moment and haven't for well about 15 years now! lol
    I ride my horse as my exercise but have decided I'll need to hit the gym in Uni time when I have a gap long enough as I won't get to ride more than 3 days a week. :( gutted but the commute and uni time will restrict me too much.

    So.. I was wondering the topic title and then pop here is the thread! lol

    My issue is self confidence walking into a gym. I have pineapple knee length bottoms and trainers, sports bra isn't an issue and have vest tops but am self concious of my bust size (will i look too busty in a vest top - I don't even ride in a vest top because of this) and also my trainers are not new. Sounds pathetic but it's things like that that worry me! lol I only have the one pair of bottoms too. Shopping to be done when I get my student loan! lol

    I have short hair so showering will be fine after a work out and a bit of gel / wax to sort it out. I'm not too bothered about make-up and wear a tinted moisturiser as foundation so can apply that in two seconds.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    yoga pants with a t-shirt. If i feel good about myself, I will wear a t-shirt that actually fits, if I'm having a bad body image day, I'll wear an oversized t-shirt. Make up is washed off before I go. I start off with my hair in a ponytail or a hat on, but after about 10 minutes of hard workout, I cant stand the feel of anything on my head so the ponytail holder or hat comes off and its "wild hair" (I have naturally curly, alot of body, thick hair) for the rest of my workout.
  • nitka653
    nitka653 Posts: 97 Member
    No. I look really ugly at the gym.

    Ditto!!! Love your profile pic too!
  • bflicker11
    bflicker11 Posts: 296
    Nope! Big tshirt, work out pants, hair up and glasses on. I get so red faced and sweaty that there is no way I can look cute working out.
  • Hfxgal
    Hfxgal Posts: 57
    I come in looking all fairly decent, but by the time I leave, I looked like I was run over by a Mack's not pretty to I figure that I am there to work hard not put on a beauty show.
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    I don't so much think about what to wear to the gym but now half of my clothing is workout/running clothes! I'm more of a runner than a gym rat but I love to buy cute running clothes. I also like wearing small hoop or stud earrings when I run/workout (I do most of the time anyhow.) I try to wear something I really like when I do a race too. (For the race picture!)

    I wouldn't wear makeup or put product in my hair because of sweating but I think it's okay to want to look nice when you do your workout. Why have a nice toned body if you can't show it off? Whatever keeps you going!

    Have fun whatever you do!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I do. But only because i look like a zombie without concealer on and i have half eyebrows. I need water proof mascara, concealer, eyebrow pencil, and chapstick and i am ready to go. i wear a t shirt and yoga pants or runners shorts.
  • Kimberlycc
    I purchased some simple champion work out clothes that flatter, Put my hair up and I do take off my make-up. If you sweat alot, it's not good for your skin, plus you look awful with streaks running down your face. Natural is better looking (even if red-faced)!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I do my eye makeup at least. I am a red head with blonde eyebrows and blonde eye lashes. I hate how I look without eye liner and mascara. But, thankfully they make waterproof makeup so no problems here! And this thread just reminded my that I wanted to go shopping for cute workout clothes. Thanks!!
  • lucyobrien
    My makeup is too expensive to waste at the gym but I have cute capri pants and a clean t-shirt. I don't match exactly, but I don't look ridiculous either....
  • Laurarunnergirl
    Laurarunnergirl Posts: 36 Member
    I go to the gym from work -- makeup is already on, but I do wash my face makeup off as I sweat a bunch. Hair is too short for a ponytail, but when it was longer I pulled it back.

    As for outfits, as long as it's clean and fits ok, I'm good. Sometimes if I know it's going to be a really tough day, I'll wear one of my favorite outfits for motivation, but that's as far as I go.

    If I'm running from home, all bets are off. No makeup, no special outfits.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Personally, I think what ever a person needs to do to feel comfortable at the gym is what they should do. If that means makeup and whatnot, and it lets them feel comfortable enough to go to the gym, then who cares?

    When I go to the Gym, I'm pretty focused on what I am doing. The people around me are just obstacles to avoid :laugh:, I don't study their faces for makeup or look to see if they are fashion conscious, or think about them much at all on a personal level. But I am a if a female is a looker and dresses like it, and crosses my line of vision, of course I will notice :wink: But then I refocus and move on with my workout.
    Depends on how I feel. Sometimes I remove all my makeup and sometimes I go with full makeup. Sometimes I will take a shower before and sometimes I wont. Just depends what kind of mood I am in and what time of day.

    I must ask....why would you take a shower BEFORE going to the gym?

    If you are dirty and sweaty from the day already (like you live in Florida and deal with 95F temps and high humidity all day), the last thing you want to do is work out in public without taking a shower first, lol. Some Gyms specifically state in the member rules that you must be clean before you start your workout. Otherwise, the odors can be a bit much...
  • JessicaRaeD
    Don't get me wrong I love cute work out clothes but @ the gym especially for cardio I have on a hoody my hair is in a knot usually on top of my head and if there is makeup it's from earlier in the day or from the day before depends on what time I'm at the gym. The most I really do is make sure my legs are shaved if I'm wearing shorts and pits of course. But I'm there to sweat out the fat and toxins!!!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Love my cute clothes but no one wants to look like a member if kiss!!! I also hate tickle hair!!!
  • Michelle9939
    Well, I don't go to the gym. When I did have a membership at Curves I just put on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I brushed my hair and teeth of course. I didn't go there to look cute.
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    I go to the gym 1st thing after I drop my eldest at the bus stop so I get up, chuck on some yoga pants, maternity sports bra & a singlet top ( the sleeves on t shirts annoy me) & tie my hair up & thats it.