What are you doing RIGHT NOW???



  • mommabear4315
    mommabear4315 Posts: 3,424 Member
    Heating up tamales yummm ๐Ÿ˜‹
  • Womanvsweight
    Womanvsweight Posts: 258 Member
    Annoying @slimgirljo15
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    Enjoying a quiet Christmas day. Thinking about pouring myself a glass of cheap wine.

    Oh thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot the bottle of wine I bought to take down my father's ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Glad to be of assistance in your remembrance ๐Ÿ˜
  • FrankK827
    FrankK827 Posts: 33 Member
    Wine and music
  • TarryTaffy
    TarryTaffy Posts: 883 Member
    Listening to my cat go nuts, wanting to go outside. If he does, he'll be Christmas dinner for this beauty ๐Ÿฆ‰

    Disclaimer: I need a new eyeglass prescription.

    At first glance, I thought kitty was atop the roof, front & center. I had a friend with a cat, seemingly unafraid of any sort of height. We'd see him walk across the skylight on a 4 story home, across the gutters, sitting in a tree 20-ft up, just chilling. I'd also seen him chase a large, growling dog out of the driveway with that funky, sideways cat walk & all the way back to the dog's house, with Fido whimpering all the way. And, he was the most loving cat to people, too. Awesome li'l orange dude.

    Cats are awesome. So are owls. Hope kitty's in safely & owl found a critter to nibble on instead of searching out felines.
  • RCPV
    RCPV Posts: 342 Member
    Digesting. In a bit of a food coma right now. :s
  • TarryTaffy
    TarryTaffy Posts: 883 Member
    Been in bed all day, watched a foreign film, accidentally fell asleep for an extra 7-hrs & now am going to find another foreign film to watch. Hopefully, more cheery than the last... it was good but those Danes cornered the market on dreary with that one... yikes!

    Merry Christmas, All... have a great rest of your week!
  • TarryTaffy
    TarryTaffy Posts: 883 Member
    Drinking vodka and eating cheese cake

    Nice to hear you're on the ground rather than dangling from an elevator shaft!

    Enjoy dessert!
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Enjoying a quiet Christmas day. Thinking about pouring myself a glass of cheap wine.

    Oh thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot the bottle of wine I bought to take down my father's ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Glad to be of assistance in your remembrance ๐Ÿ˜

    Believe it or not... I still forgot it ๐Ÿ˜‚...

    More for me ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  • Still_too_fat1970
    Still_too_fat1970 Posts: 288 Member
    Listening to my cat go nuts, wanting to go outside. If he does, he'll be Christmas dinner for this beauty ๐Ÿฆ‰

    Disclaimer: I need a new eyeglass prescription.

    At first glance, I thought kitty was atop the roof, front & center. I had a friend with a cat, seemingly unafraid of any sort of height. We'd see him walk across the skylight on a 4 story home, across the gutters, sitting in a tree 20-ft up, just chilling. I'd also seen him chase a large, growling dog out of the driveway with that funky, sideways cat walk & all the way back to the dog's house, with Fido whimpering all the way. And, he was the most loving cat to people, too. Awesome li'l orange dude.

    Cats are awesome. So are owls. Hope kitty's in safely & owl found a critter to nibble on instead of searching out felines.

    My cat is grey with yellow eyes and he has perched atop the garage looking like a smaller version of the owl.I was going to the store last night and let the cat out;a few seconds later I closed the door and saw a massive wingspan taking off out of the yard.I figured the cat was seconds from being dinner and my appearance saved him.Nope.The owl had killed a rabbit in my yard;dunno if he even saw the cat,and not likely he'd give up a meal for a smaller one.He flew into a nearby tree.I put the cat inside and went to get a better look at the owl.Ive never seen a great horned owl before.It was huge!.I scared it again when I opened the overhead door on the garage.

    When I came back from the store,I saw it again ,in a taller tree about 100yds down the back lane.I took a shovel and put the rabbit out in the lane ,hoping the owl wouldn't come back to my yard.It stayed in the tree for a few hours.I checked one last time before bed and saw an ominous black figure on the ground in the snow.He was in the spot where the rabbit was killed...probably wondering wtf?. where's my food? lol

    I used the night view on my phone to take a few pics,then turned on the outside light to get a few more,plus a video of the owl flying away.Hope it stays away.That damn cat is always wanting to go outside.
  • TarryTaffy
    TarryTaffy Posts: 883 Member
    My cat is grey with yellow eyes and he has perched atop the garage looking like a smaller version of the owl.I was going to the store last night and let the cat out;a few seconds later I closed the door and saw a massive wingspan taking off out of the yard.I figured the cat was seconds from being dinner and my appearance saved him.Nope.The owl had killed a rabbit in my yard;dunno if he even saw the cat,and not likely he'd give up a meal for a smaller one.He flew into a nearby tree.I put the cat inside and went to get a better look at the owl.Ive never seen a great horned owl before.It was huge!.I scared it again when I opened the overhead door on the garage.

    When I came back from the store,I saw it again ,in a taller tree about 100yds down the back lane.I took a shovel and put the rabbit out in the lane ,hoping the owl wouldn't come back to my yard.It stayed in the tree for a few hours.I checked one last time before bed and saw an ominous black figure on the ground in the snow.He was in the spot where the rabbit was killed...probably wondering wtf?. where's my food? lol

    I used the night view on my phone to take a few pics,then turned on the outside light to get a few more,plus a video of the owl flying away.Hope it stays away.That damn cat is always wanting to go outside.

    This reads like Mothman! So interesting!
  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,321 Member
    Coffee and eating cookies... ๐Ÿ˜
  • TarryTaffy
    TarryTaffy Posts: 883 Member
    edited December 2019
    8:30am, finally going to bed. 'night world...
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,197 Member
    edited December 2019
    I returned to writing in my food log, ate a light breakfast, and am planning a workout at my "Y" in about half an hour.
  • Womanvsweight
    Womanvsweight Posts: 258 Member
    Going for a pee .. well you did ask ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member
    edited December 2019
    Waiting on an oil change so we can drive to NW AR to visit family.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Playing Fallen Order with my boy...
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Being unproductive irl, as I carouse threads on MFP catching up on posts.
  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,145 Member
    Debating songs with someone. Iโ€™m right for the record.