Huge personal victory (alcohol related)

Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
One of the main reasons I'm overweight is alcohol. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, but I do drink a lot. My family drinks a lot, my husband drinks a lot, my friends drink a lot, pretty much my entire social life involves pubs, clubs, parties etc where getting drunk is par for the course. Prior to starting MFP it was not uncommon for me to drink 7 nights a week. On a work night it might just be 2 or 3 glasses of wine or a few gin and tonics; on a weekend it would be a LOT more. For me to go a couple of days without booze was an achievement, and to go a week was unheard of. I really don't think I've been a week without alcohol in over ten years (I'm 29).

Anyway - When I started this weight loss "journey" (sorry - hate that word!) I decided that the booze would have to be cut right back. I limited myself to drinking on Friday and Saturday nights only, and even then only in moderation. Wednesday pub quiz nights were the hardest! I eventually managed the odd weekend without drinking at all, and found that as long as I was just relaxing at home it wasn't too bad.

I decided to challenge myself to a whole month without alcohol, and I have made it! I did not touch a drop throughout the whole of August. It was hard - especially as some unpleasant things have happened over the last few days and I've spent a lot of time at my parents' house (where wine flows like water). But it's done. I can't quite believe it.

And tonight, I am am going to have a huge glass of wine, and it will probably go straight to my head and make me fall over, but I don't care! I am not going to ban myself from drinking again, but now I know that I CAN go without, and that means a lot. Drinking in moderation will seem like a treat now, and I don't see myself ever going back to drinking 7 nights a week.

Thanks for reading x


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well done you should be very proud of yourself !! i usualy have 1 bottle a week, but am easily lead into having more, last night our daughter was over and i had wine because she was there ( she is 22 and she did not have one)....

    i have thought of doing this , but i chickened out! i still think about doing it but a do love red wine :)
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Brilliant - well done you, especially with added stress :) You're right to be proud!
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Congratulations and I'm sure you save a lot of money too!
  • Congratulations! That is AWESOME! Enjoy that wine tonight! :happy:
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    Very nicely done! I know how difficult that was for you -- be proud of your accomplishment :flowerforyou:
  • CONGRATULATIONS! Awesome job :)
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Great success! i know how you feel as my family drinks a lot also. I have cut back tremendously also! i may have one or two beers a week! moderation is the key!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I have pretty much quit drinking due to the whole dieting thing, but it's great when I do go out for special occasions because I'm such a lightweight now it only costs me like a fiver to get steamin :L
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 430 Member
    Great job! I found my social time revolved around alcohol too. It wasn't good for me and was a terrible example for my kids. Since I started at MFP I have not drank at all. It has really propelled my weight loss & I feel so much better. Not to mention the increased quality time with my kids!

    Keep up the great work! You are worth it!
  • Well done you, i totally related to your post, aot of my social life revolves around drink and its soooo easy to say sod it and have a glass of red at the end of the day... i too have abstained this week, and last week end stuck to lime soda vodka, appposedto my usual match for match pints of beer or lager with my old man.....

    Dont you think you feel better too??? well done it is hard when your surrounded by social drinkers, i hope the scales prove that it was worth it too :wink:
  • Your social life sounds much like mine!

    Ive tried to linit myself before, i can do monday through thursday no problem but friday hits and the vodka / champagne / brandy / cider or what ever tipple i fancy calls my name and im there! Moderation whats that??

    So i decided last weekend i would have the bank holiday and then that was it ive set my goal for two weeks (i would love to do a month but not sure if i can do it just yet -- will see how im doing after my two weeks)

    Im going out with my partner tonight and im NOT going to drink, i know my friends will try to force me as they always do and i always give in but i cannot hide away while im abstaining or it defeats the object right!

    I can enjoy myself without alcohol -- i managed the 3 times i was pregnant & then breast feeding etc so why does it seem so hard to give up or even cut down when im not?

    Anyway CONGRATULATIONS on your success i hope to be able to have a similar NSV soon.

    Enjoy your wine tonight while im sipping my soda water :drinker:
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you everyone :)

    And yes - I feel great and from 1st of August to 1st September I have lost 11 pounds!
  • lenny1976
    lenny1976 Posts: 74 Member
    Well done! Your family/social life sound just like mine. I am also trying to cut down but am finding it quite a challenge especially when I go to the in laws and the first thing they do is thrust a glass of wine at you.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Terrific achievement, well done!
  • I so hear you! I used to have at least 2 glasses of wine or champagne a night with my boyfriend over dinner and that easily ended up in us drinking another bottle sometimes. I don't drink during the week at all anymore (not even on family night - which I think would be totally understandable considering it is family and therefore stress) and am making moves towards cutting back on the weekend as well. It is not so much the alcohol I have a problem with anymore (because I usually budget for it now) but the hangover munchies that really get me.
  • Very proud of you even though I never met you. That is one thing I am struggling with now. I would like to achieve the same thing.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Hooray for you. You are so right that being able to cut back or go without is important information for you! Congrats on cutting back! I can't handle much alcohol but I do enjoy a small glass of wine several times a week. I just have to know where I am spending my calories. The hard thing about drinking with friends is that it is so easy to lose track of how much--and how many calories--you have had. Sometimes when I am with friends I just switch to plain club soda with a twist. I am still enjoying the fun but without the guilt of blowing my diet completely. Good luck!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Good for you. I know some of my weight gain was because of the beer I was drinking, plus the pop! good for you though!!
  • Good job! It is very hard to accomplish that for many people. My husband's cut down on drinking alot, especially after his dad passed away about 3 years ago from cirrhosis of the liver. I'm glad you're finding a place of moderation, because drinking is a very cultural thing, but like anything else can go from normal to over the top very easily :)
  • mauswood
    mauswood Posts: 137 Member
    Awesome job! I did the same thing when I first started out losing weight and I got a lot of grief from my friends about it. Apparently it made them uncomfortable to have me sober while they were all drunk. But cutting out the booze really helped. Once I realized how many empty calories I was drinking I just couldn't do it anymore.
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