Shredding in September



  • thinstat
    I know that I won't be able to stick with it this month because I'm so busy, but I'm thinking I'll be able to shred in October. I look forward to seeing your results!
  • koutroulakis
    I would like to join. My DVD should come in the mail today. I will post pics every 10 days. Here are my starting #s:

    SW= 186
    Chest= 41
    Hips= 44
    arms= (L)14(R)13

    I will also be doing zumba (3 wk) and walk/run 1 week
  • bshawnette
    bshawnette Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in all ready for my workout tonight will post my measurements later!
  • kamakameleon
    kamakameleon Posts: 20 Member
    Just did L1D2! My arms are more sore than anything else, but that's fine with me, because I really need to get them toned!!!
    Good Luck to everyone starting today!!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Hello Shredders! Hope you are all ready to shred today!
    I'll be taking my measurements in a few minutes and doing Day 1!

    You do not have to post your measurements on here if you are not comfortable with that. Just be sure to track it somewhere so at the end of every 10 days or at the end of the 30 days you can post what your results were.

    It's going to be tough to stick to it for 30 days, but I guarantee we will be so happy that we did. It was meant to be done in 30 days and if we stick with it, we should see some really good results.

    And if you enjoy this challenge and the results you get from it, I'll be doing her Ripped in 30 dvd for an October challenge.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Level 1, Day 1 complete! I still hate circuit 1 the most! I don't think I'll ever be able to do many push-ups, even modified pushups suck! And with all the exercise I've been doing, jumping jacks still had me out of breath! I really hope all that changes by the end of the 10 days!
  • E130
    E130 Posts: 3
    I'll join you this month. I have the 30 day shred and have started it once before. Made 14 days before I had to go out of town for a weekend. I have been off for a week so I don't mind starting over. Ready to jump back in and this may help keep me motivated!

    Starting weight: 141
    arms: 11
    waist at belly button: 32
    hips at widest point: 39
    top of thigh:23
    mid thigh:21.5
    calf: 15

    I will post results every Wed. till completition.

    During the duration of my first 30ds, I lost 1" off my stomach, 1"off my hips, 1/8" off my arms and 1/2" off my calves--in case anyone wondered. ;-)
  • freeloaves
    D1 done this morning!

    SW: 93kg
    Neck: 15"
    Over bust: 42"
    Bust: 45"
    Under bust: 40.5"
    Waist at smallest: 38"
    Belly button: 46"
    Hips: 47.5"
    Thigh at largest: 27.5"
    Calf: 15"
    Arm at fatty part: 13.5"
    Wrist: 7"
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Hello all! :flowerforyou:

    Measurements and pics first, a summary of my first day below.

    Bust - 32.5
    Waist - 25.5
    Hips - 32.5
    Arms - 9
    Thighs - 18
    Calves - 11.5



    The 1st day wasn't quite as bad as I feared, I might think differently tomorrow if DOMS sets in. :wink: Bought some new shoes this morning (Adidas Samba - I know they're for soccer/fashion but I don't care I like 'em) so I was able to do all the bouncy cardio bits. This was big for me as I've done nothing but Hatha yoga for many, many years - nothing to increase my heart rate at all.

    I used 4 pound dumbells and was okay with that.

    The hard part? Push ups!!! I could only do 4 or 5 before I had to go girl-style with knees on the floor. Which would have been great if I hadn't been doing chaturangas (a yoga plank pose) for the last however many years. :laugh:

    I added an extra 5+ minutes cooling off/stretching at the end - the program didn't spend nearly enough time on it.

    HRM #s - including an extra 5 minutes before the DVD started when I hit "OK" to start tracking. My pulse was a bit high before I started, too much caffeine.
    40 minutes/ 215 calories / ♥ in zone 23 minutes/ ♥ average 128/ ♥ max 161
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    my shoulders are sore now...:frown:

    I think I'll wait until later this afternoon to do day 2. :wink:
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I'm down for this! I started shredding with weights yesterday, and six week six pack the day before. I use a 10lb dumb bell because I'm not ready yet for a kettle bell.

    I am so sore, my hair hurts!

    Good luck to you all!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    L1D2 done! I had to modify mostly all of the cardio moves because I'm having an issue with my Achilles tendon in my left foot. I looked up Achilles tendonitis and need to make sure not to make it worse or I could need surgery. Any jumping moves puts a lot of pain on it, so during those moves I did the punches since Jillian says they are good for lower body injuries. Since I don't have a heart rate monitor I just gave myself half the calories burned, but made sure I stuck to the full 28 minutes anyway. I used 5 lb weights instead of the 3 lbs so my arms would be getting a better workout.

    Hope you all are shredding today! 28 days to go!!
  • E130
    E130 Posts: 3
    Push ups are definately hard! I have to do modified and I am for sure not touching my nose to the floor. The easiest part for me is the ab work. Maybe because I get to lay down! lol! My shoulders are the most sore part of my body.

    This is technically my second round of level one in the last 30 days. I got nearly halfway through once last month and then went out of town. Took a week off before starting over. I will say that it is a lot easier this time around. Also, by day 10--the first time--I was breaking a good sweat but never truely uncomfortable during the workout.
  • koutroulakis
    Completed day 2...however I'm still unsure about lifting weights are supposed to rest 48hrs or more between strength days...??? so doing the same workout for 10 straight days doesn't seem right?

    As far as level 1 goes I'm trying to decide if I should go ahead and bump myself to level 2, feeling that its a little too easy? any suggestions
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I'm down for this! I started shredding with weights yesterday, and six week six pack the day before. I use a 10lb dumb bell because I'm not ready yet for a kettle bell.

    I am so sore, my hair hurts!

    Good luck to you all!

    Hello! :smile:
    10lb? I don't even know if I could lift that much, good for you! Kettlebells scare me, I'm pretty sure I'd take out the TV, coffee table and a few cats if I tried. :wink:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    L1D2 done! I had to modify mostly all of the cardio moves because I'm having an issue with my Achilles tendon in my left foot. I looked up Achilles tendonitis and need to make sure not to make it worse or I could need surgery. Any jumping moves puts a lot of pain on it, so during those moves I did the punches since Jillian says they are good for lower body injuries. Since I don't have a heart rate monitor I just gave myself half the calories burned, but made sure I stuck to the full 28 minutes anyway. I used 5 lb weights instead of the 3 lbs so my arms would be getting a better workout.

    Hope you all are shredding today! 28 days to go!!

    I hope it heals soon!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Push ups are definately hard! I have to do modified and I am for sure not touching my nose to the floor. The easiest part for me is the ab work. Maybe because I get to lay down! lol! My shoulders are the most sore part of my body.

    This is technically my second round of level one in the last 30 days. I got nearly halfway through once last month and then went out of town. Took a week off before starting over. I will say that it is a lot easier this time around. Also, by day 10--the first time--I was breaking a good sweat but never truely uncomfortable during the workout.

    Yeah...I'll be modifying my push ups today. Good to know it gets easier. Eventually. :smile:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Completed day 2...however I'm still unsure about lifting weights are supposed to rest 48hrs or more between strength days...??? so doing the same workout for 10 straight days doesn't seem right?

    As far as level 1 goes I'm trying to decide if I should go ahead and bump myself to level 2, feeling that its a little too easy? any suggestions

    I was wondering about the rest period too. I plan on modifying a bit so that any sore areas get the needed rest, although most of the members here push right through. It's hard to argue with the results I've seen, but I'd rather err on the safe side so I can complete the 30 days without too much pain.
    No idea on the level 2 switch as this is my first time, hopefully one of the members with experience will be able to answer. :smile:
  • jessikas5
    jessikas5 Posts: 28 Member
    L1D2 done! I'm happy to say I can do the harder version this time around, except the push ups, still "girly style" . =)
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm one day behind you all! :) I hope thats ok?

    I did L1D1 today. Modified the pushups to the wall, and modified the jump-ropes to bouncing back and forth from one foot to the other.

    Hopefully by next week, I can be doing the actual floor modified pushups and jumpropes on both feet at once. Its a goal... gotta start somewhere right?