Canadian Team : Crazy Canucks !!!!



  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Oh no !!! not 2 of my team addicted to
    Good Job Winter not pouring the pepsi it really is just a waste of calories, now we just
    need to keep Tammy off the pepsi. I guess I need to do a challenge between you
    who can go the most days with no

    Go girls go, you can do it...:drinker:


    :happy: :drinker: :wink: :drinker: :happy:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Mom_to_5, : I'm from the Toronto/GTA area so southern Ontario I guess. They should change it and call it Timtario instead!! :noway: lol. Oh Tim Horton's!! I didn't know that there's no Tim's in the Niagara Region where you are.

    Alberta also has a Family Day too. Good. It should be a national holiday. Would be nice. ( I'm so sorry you got shin splints, those hurt so much.):cry:

    Thanks again for the warm welcome fellow Canucks. I'm glad to join you all, eh!! Tks again for the warm welcome. Still making my way around to learn everything here. Just love seeing all the tickers showing pounds lost here at MFP. Very encouraging. Wow! Awesome.

    You aren't that far from me, i'm in Mississauag all the time. I didn't mean to say that there isn't any Tim's in Niagara. I'm just in a smal town that doesn't have sewers, city water or cable, i'm in the country. There is a Tim's in the town next to me that is only 10 mins away. And then there are tons in the other direction to the bigger cities near me. We have a Donut Diner here in the Avondale/LCBO/The Beer Store. so we stillhave access to coffee...LOL
  • harter97
    harter97 Posts: 44 Member
    Kirsten that is awesome! I had the worst craving for some Pepsi today, but I managed to push it off and I haven't poured myself any. I still want it but I don't feel like I am dying for it now. I can hear it calling my name though, So I am going to stop writing about it as it is making me want it more :ohwell:

    I can SO RELATE!!! Coke has been the hardest thing for me to cut out. I tried a diet coke because it has no calories - but I really don't like the taste or the headaches I get from it! Keep up the good work!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Hi Everyone,

    Those in the west, hope you all are ok from those 90km/hr winds!! That's just too windy! We in Ontario bracing for another cold spell.

    Mom_to_5. There are so many where I live. Timmy's. Good thing, I don't drink coffee at all. Donut Diner. Hmmm, donuts!!

    Yeah, I've been to Mississauga at times. I always get lost when I'm there in that city. Not sure why. I even get lost when I shop at Square One. The mall's layout is just so so confusing. Couldn't Mayor Hazel do anything about that! lol.

    Ok, everyone, can't wait for Wed weigh in. I'm drinking :drinker: water:drinker: like a fish. :drinker:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    HI Heal4444,

    I had to LOL at your Square One comment!! That mall is huge!! I LOVE it there!! I tend to get lost in there at times too, i'm starting to finally know my way around there now though!! Speaking of Tim's do you know where there is one with a drive thru in it near Square One? i can't seem to find one for the drive home..

    Tomorrow is weigh in day!!! Good Luck EVERYONE!!!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Hi Mom_to_5,

    I've only been to Square One a few times. I get scared when I'm there. It's like walking into Hotel California! You can get in but you can't get out because you get so lost. Every part of that mall is so confusing!! Mayor Hazel, help! Where are you?

    No, not sure where Tim's is with the drive thru. Hey, have you ever thought that Tim Horton's is really a front for space aliens who are just here to take over our earth. First, they plant a Tim's at every corner, they take over one neighbourhood at a time, spreading over all over Canada, then the U.S., next, then the world. When, they've got every corner of every country done, they take off their masks and show, aliens underneath them, and say, "We are aliens from outer space, you are all surrounded. You are powerless because we put something special in those timbits. Take us to your leader!! You earthlings are all under our control. And you thought, you were just buying a cup of coffee.!?? You inferior beings!! Ha! Ha! Now, take us to your leader."

    Lol!!! :laugh:
    Seriously, why do they need so many outlets! It's just way too many!

    Tomorrow, is weigh in day. I know. I can't wait for all of our fellow Canucks to weigh in.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hope everyone is workin on their last minute workout!!! Tomorrow is weigh in guys!!

    Good luck everyone!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Last minute workout!! Just like BL! Cool. Yeah, weigh in is tomorrow. Where is everyone?? Kinda quiet thread lately. :ohwell:
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Woohooo !!!! Weigh on Wed... I will start a separate thread for the weigh just so it's easier to keep track.
    It will be crazy canucks weigh in Feb 4, so look for it incase it gets bumped to the

    Good luck everyone !!!

    See you all there tomorrow !!!
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Hey, Just doing the weigh in- started at 179.6 last week and this week no change. I will keep working hard at... good luck to everyone else. :(
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Hey everyone!! I haven't been here for about 2 weeks... I had a house ful of kids and grandkids and between them and work I barely had enough time to log in food. I've hit a plateau...and it is getting discouraging!!! but I wil hang in there and hope I can break thru. Hope everyone else is doing good.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Welcome back!!! Good to have another fellow Canuck rejoin us. Look for this other thread jomickey created for us called:

    Crazy Canucks Feb 18 Weigh in/Results/Challenge

    Good luck
  • ckhurst
    ckhurst Posts: 4
    so my husband and i went out and bought ourselves a scale today, so now i can do the wednesday weigh ins. my weight is different from what i measured last week at the inlaws. now my new scale says that im 157.3. so lets use that as my starting weight. Go team!

    That's awesome that means you had a great week :wink:

    I love that our team is growing...bring on the canadians...:drinker:
  • Hey, can I join? I am pretty new to this site...been trying to figure it all out. I was 299 when I started on my weight loss weigh in is on Sunday's and today I was 275. I can add my weight on Wednesday though...mid week check for me is ok. Where do I post this stuff?

    From Ontario here...nice to meet all you fellow Canadians!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hey Sapphire092170
    Glad to have you here!!!:flowerforyou:
  • josoleil
    josoleil Posts: 17
    :happy: Hi , I love to be part of the Canadian group. I'm from Québec. My weight is at 171.6 lbs. WWscale. Wednesday is a good day for me.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Hi New Canucks!! Welcome and good luck to you both of you, josoleil and sapphire092170 on your fitness/healthy weight loss journey!!
  • Good morning my fellow Canucks! Only two days till weigh in...hope everyone is as excited as I am. I am soooooooooooo motivated to get this weight off and keep it off forever! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was 275 on Sunday, which is my usual weigh in...but I will do Wed can be my mid week check. I'll be happy to be the same...but if I lose a half pound I will be excited about that's all long as the numbers keep decreasing right!!!
    I lost 3 pounds last week...yay
    Getting ready to get on the foot is sore (plantar faciitis) but I am not going to let that stop me. Getting this weight off will help that problem too! I did 3.3 miles yesterday...not sure I can do a full hour again today...but I will do my best. I keep saying to myself, just 5 more minutes, just 5 more minutes...and push myself along. I aim for 30 and see where I end up! Wonder what today holds?
    I look forward to getting to know you all...
    My name is Bobbi, I am in Southern Central Ontario...North of Toronto, west of Barrie...where is everyone else from?
    Let's do this!
    We're worth it!!!
  • well...I did it. I managed a full hour on the treadmill. 3.42 miles, 542 calories burned! Yay me!!! Another good day...I wonder how many miles I can do this month...? An interesting question. Guess I will have to total up my months end and just see how far I've gotten. Last month I did...oh geesh only 7.82 miles for the whole've already done 6.72 and it's only the 2nd of March...guess it won't be hard to beat How about you guys? Anyone keeping track and can challenge themselves to do more?
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    :grumble: I got on the scale yesterday and discovered that I had gained two pounds from the week before (I forgot to weigh in sorry guys no excuse other that doing two jobs in one day is crazy hectic) so yesterday I decided... t his is it.. I'm gonna lose 4 lbs by Monday!! Did 45 minutes of intense weights yesterday and was very very diligent about my caloric intake... this morning I did 3 miles in 42 minutes (my best time yet!). Thought I'd get on the scale and see if even one day did anything and YES!!! it did I lost 1.2 lbs in one day!!!! What a way to motivate me to continue!! It just shows that even if we "fall off the wagon" we can get back on and start over or pick up where we left off!! :drinker:
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