stop me from having a binge!



  • Newbiez
    Newbiez Posts: 17 Member
    Just remember all the work you have done thus far.. a few seconds over the lips and tongue is not worth hours in the gym burning it off later... call a friend, go for a walk.. dont just sit at home.. getting bored is your enemy at this point...
  • Newbiez
    Newbiez Posts: 17 Member
    Just remember all the work you have done thus far.. a few seconds over the lips and tongue is not worth hours in the gym burning it off later... call a friend, go for a walk.. dont just sit at home.. getting bored is your enemy at this point...
  • biddysaurus
    biddysaurus Posts: 156 Member
    here's some ideas:
    go for walk, call a friend and chat, write a friend you haven't talked to in a little while an email just to say hello, make a fun to-do list...things you wanna do before the end of the year and then things you want to do someday, start a blog, learn something new...
  • WATER, WATER, WATER!!!!!!!!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I hope you aren't starving yourself. You can always eat veggies.
  • Take a walk!
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    DON'T DO IT.......YOU WILL REGRET IT AS SOON AS YOU FINISH... I too am like that, if I'm bored and home alone I want to eat anything not nailed down.... so don't do it!!!!!!!! keep up the good work

    SAME! I cleaned out my house of the crap except for one cabinet I never look in... Try this instead...
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    at home alone, tempted to reach for the food! have hit my limit today, so come on and motivate me to stap away from the fridge!! :)

    Nope, can't do, won't do it! ONLY YOU can prevent a forest fire! AND you KNOW this!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    I have this problem too- especially night time- I finally CHOSE to throw out what I craved. It is hard. I tell myself that is money I am tossing out- but really it is junk that hurts myself. Try stocking up on fruits and veggies. I found a new love for fresh peaches- not sure why, I used to hate them. Maybe you need more protein in your diet and should try figuring this out by tracking your foods. If this happens to me I crave carbs more. So if I am low on protein (as much as I don't like supplements) I will drink a shake. I get rice milk(dairy doesn't always agree with me) and chocolate flavor whey/soy protein powder. Drink it up and it seriously tastes like a chocolate milk. WIsh I had more suggestions. ---oh, tv commercials can be the worst. If this is increasing your desire to eat junk, try to dvr and skip commercials, or watch movies instead, or read.---so much info out there....
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

  • This happens to me every Saturday when my husband is working. I continuously go to the pantry and search for food, even if I'm not hungry.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    i always drink a couple glasses of water... then if i still feel hungry i know I am hungry not just thirsty. your body gives you the same signal if it is just craving water as it does when you are actually needing food
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    If you eat because you're bored, then occupy your mind with something like a book or a trip somewhere....and obviously working out helps.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    1) Drink some water.
    2) Think about this: do you want to undo the hard work you've been doing?
    3) In all honesty you're the only one that can stop yourself from bingeing.
    it may be difficult at first but keep "defeating" the cycle and you will come out the Winner!
    We're here to encourage ya, but that's all we can do. =)
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    With this army, you will never get to that fridge. LOL!
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    This happens to me all the time, but one of the last times, I did just what you did - reached out to the awesome people here! AND by the time I got done reading all the supportive messages from them - my urge to binge had passed! We're all here for you!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
  • Jeanetta10
    Jeanetta10 Posts: 74 Member
    I also have binge issues. All of the ideas here are great! I've gotten the "bad" food out of the house. This helps me a lot. Just don't let the garbage food in your door. ;)