Members over 40....



  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I'm going to count carbs.
  • potmen69
    potmen69 Posts: 14 Member
    love it if a bunch of u would add be as i friend. promise to not be a dick and like ur stuff and B) comment once in awhile
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm 41. I did nothing special. Reduced calories (usually between 1200-1400) consistently over months and was able to lose 20lbs. No "intentional exercise". My maintenance is about 1800 calories a day.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    potmen69 wrote: »
    love it if a bunch of u would add be as i friend. promise to not be a dick and like ur stuff and B) comment once in awhile

    I’d be surprised if many of the people who’ve posted on this thread are still active enough to add as friends.

    The thread is 7 years old.
  • KNoceros
    KNoceros Posts: 324 Member
    42F. Been here nearly 5 years. Started “overweight” and 12kg later am smack in the middle of normal BMI and have been maintaining for about 2yrs.
    Am fairly active but I was before I came here.
    Haven’t stopped eating any specific food (or drink), just make sure that I stay within my calorie budget for the day. (Or week if there’s a known special occasion coming up). Still log because it makes me think about what/ how much I am eating.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    46 years old/ female. I started at 153 lbs and am now at 130, my original goal weight. But I’m considering slowly going a little lower. The number one thing that works for me - logging calories and staying under my daily calorie goal. If I’m not logging, I’m overeating. It’s too easy to “forget” what I’ve eaten otherwise. I also believe eating adequate protein is helpful but that’s because I don’t want to lose muscle mass.
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    Going to be 41 this year and i have found that healing from hard workouts takes a LOT longer than it did even just 5 years ago. I don't have a specific diet or workout I follow because I just want overall fitness and health. I try to eat good the majority of the time and I always workout a minimum of 5 days a week. I pick one physical challenge a year to accomplish. Last year I did a 30 mile mountain bike race, year before I did a Tough Mudder run. I will pick one challenge or race a year to finish as long as I can physically do them. I hope someday to be able to do these types of things with my grand kids. If I could shred the mountain bike park with my grand kids someday I could die a happy man!!
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for posting this...I've been reading all the replies and am glad to see it isn't harder to lose weight after 40. SO MANY people tell me that it will be once I hit 40. Well, June 2014 I'll be 40. I'm working on being in the best shape I've ever been on my 40th birthday.

    Jesus, it took me this comment to realize this was a zombie thread, lol. This is very "traveling to the past" "time capsule" stuff, I genuinely wonder how all these full of hope people did on their journey...
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Sw33tKnees wrote: »
    How do you lose your weight? What are your goals like? What way of eating are you following? (MFP, TDEE-20%, Low Carb etc.,) What exercises are you doing and how often? I know its not like we are in our 20's but how much harder for you know that we are in our 40's? Soooooo many questions.. Sorry!! I really just want to do it and do it right this time!! I want it for the rest of my life.. not the next roller coaster ride!!! Any tips or advise you can pass on would be great! Thank you in advance!!!!!!! :smile:

    I'm 45 now and started 2 years ago so I'll try to respond to each section individually.

    I lose weight by being in a calorie deficit most of the time. Sorry, no magic or secrets. Just eating fewer calories than I use.

    Goals were simple. Eat an appropriate number of calories which I started doing 2 years ago. So in effect I 'Succeeded' 2 years ago, now I just need to be patient and wait for my body to catch up which it's doing.

    I eat food I like and track it to make sure I'm eating in a modest calorie deficit most of the time. No special foods, in fact I didn't even change the food I ate. The only difference is now I keep an eye on it and make sure I don't go over my calorie target too often or by too much. Again, no magic or secrets.

    It's really not that much harder at 40 than at 20. That's an excuse I fed myself for years. The change in metabolism between 45 and 25 is less than 100cals per day so practically nothing. The only reason it's perceived as harder to lose weight later in life is that we tend to be more active (and less sedentary) when we were younger. In fact I've found it a bit easier to drop the weight in my 40's as my life is far more settled and in control now than it was during my flighty, wilder years.

    As for tips.
    There's no magic, there's no secrets, there's no mysteries. Weight loss (and gain) is math and science. It's nothing more than a simple energy equation. Eat more calories than you use you'll store that excess energy as fat. Eat fewer calories than you use and you'll draw energy from that fat to make up the difference. That's it, eat whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want. As long as you're in a calorie deficit most of the time the weight comes off.

    Easy is better than fast. The measure and value of an approach to weight loss is in how easy it is and how long it can be sustained. Struggling and suffering to lose 5lbs a week is a complete failure if you can only maintain that approach for a month or two compared to an approach that sees you lose 1lbs per week effortlessly. In 12 months from now the fast, unsustainable approach will see you exactly where you are now or heavier. Take the slow effortless approach and you'll be 52lbs down.