C25k start 08/29



  • joleejo216
    Just finished W1D1! So excited! I know I can do this. :smile:
  • mistylnc
    mistylnc Posts: 44 Member
    For those that asked: c25k is an app that turns couch potatoes into 5k runners... I have it on my iPod, not really sure what other ways you can get it. Week 1 is a 5 minute warm up of walking, then alternate between 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking (you'll repeat for a total of 20 minutes) followed by a 5 minute cool down of walking. I will post each new day as I get to it. And hopefully not get sued for sharing! LOL! Oh, and 3 days a week!

    Tried to last night, but my iPod died so I ended up just doing a brisk walk.
    Completed W1D1 today. I finished strong but had to push through some serious shin splints to get there... Any one have a cure for that?

    On my off days I am planning to do whatever workout video I can find. A friend is trading her dance workouts for my P90 videos. I am not P90 strong yet! :P
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    On my off days I have decided to do either biking in my neighborhood and strength training or the stationary bike at the gym and strength training. I am running MWF, doing the biking strength on T/Th, taking a day of Saturday and taking a long walk on Sundays 3-4 miles.

    So I made a mistake. When I printed my c25k schedule the first week was cut off. This week I started week 2 as my week 1. Since I am able to do it and I had been running short intervals for 2 weeks prior, I am just going to stay at week 2.

    Today I finished w2,d2 and I feel great. I feel so accomplished.

    I don't know if I read this on here or on another thread, but today I used a podcast (of hiphop music) to run to. I downloaded it for free from kissmyblackass.org (I know, it sounds odd). The girl who made the site is named Suz and she has all the weeks on there with voice cues. I didn't have to check my watch once, which really helped me.
  • becky_turcotte
    I restarted this morning W1D1. Count me in!!!
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Hello everybody!!

    I will be starting mine today. Got a little off track with my son being sick :( I'll be doing my first run this afternoon then body pump :) congrats to all those who have started!
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    Did w1d2 this morning. Had one knee spasm this time. I walked for an extra 30 seconds, stretched again, and then continued a little slower. No problems since, so I guess it is going alright!
  • joleejo216
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Woot for my second day of C25K workout! I had a lot of fun with today's. I stretched my warming up an extra five minutes, and felt good enough after that I did a few extra cycles, with longer walk cycles in between, and ended up on the treadmill for a full hour.
    On my days off, I had planned to do a fast paced pilates video and some walking, but I ended up adding in some running yesterday which was great. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, it will depend on how my bum ankle feels after today's run.
  • deamacgray
    deamacgray Posts: 13 Member
    I've completed week 0, day 3...lol...I'm still working my way up to 1 minute of running, right now I'm averaging 45 seconds.

    I walk/ran 5k last night trying to keep the proper interval of walking / running. I go with my husband and 2 year old daughter so it can be a challenge to keep up a good pace. Hoping this weekend to drop my daughter off at the grandparents to see if that improves my performance :)
  • ginny1214
    Ok today I'm starting! You guys are prob like yea right lol but my son keeps getting better then sick. I can already run a mile so I'm going to do first week by monday
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I started W1D1 last night and ended up only doing 20 min, instead of 30 on the treadmill, but it felt good. Next time I think I will be able to go all the way. I was just worn out last night after a really long day, and the kids kept coming in and interrupting me.

    It's OK just do what you can. The nice thing about C25K is that it really is your schedule. If you need to repeat days/weeks, you can do that. The important thing is to keep it up and you WILL see improvement.

    I did W1D2 last night. I am really pleased because I did all the run segments at 5.0 on the treadmill...one of my main goals this time around is to increase my speed! Anyway, one more day this week!
  • PlumeriaTattoo
    PlumeriaTattoo Posts: 21 Member
    I started C25K on 8/24. I did W2D1 today and I'm a little sore, but proud of myself. I can't wait to be a runner! :happy:
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Hello all! I finished week one yesterday and will begin tomorrow with week two. I'm planning to take a bit longer on the program, though, doing each workout four times rather than three. Just want to get that extra bit of training in there before stepping it up a notch. :)

    Good news is, I took my dog out running with me yesterday, and he kept up great! No, really. I have had trouble motivating him to keep up with me, but maybe he's figuring out the pace. I'm hoping that if we go through the program together, we can get conditioned together. And a tired dog is a good dog.

    As for my "off" days, in theory I would be taking the dog for long walks instead of runs, if I had the time right now. Or mowing the lawn, like I am tonight. Or doing some step, if my knees don't complain too much about it. I'm actually doing my strength training routine after my runs right now, because then I'm nice and warmed up already.

    It's gotten really hot here the past couple days [last night's run was quite warm] and I'm visiting Texas over the weekend, so it's going to be super hot running. My plan is to stay motivated and get out early. I can do it! I just gotta keep myself psyched up.

    Enjoy the holiday weekend, everyone!
  • WyoRed
    WyoRed Posts: 64 Member
    I have finished W1D1 and W1D2 and felt really good. Not sure when I will get in D3.
  • Ems61587
    Ems61587 Posts: 3 Member
    Finished Week 1 today! My legs were sore after the first day, but recovered quickly. Guess I just had to get used to running on the sidewalk again. Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend!
  • mistylnc
    mistylnc Posts: 44 Member
    I am done with W1D1 and W1D2... Will do day 3 this afternoon, then I am moving on to W2! Yaya!
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    I did w1d3 outdoors. With a hills. And pushing a stroller. It kicked my butt.

    But I finished it and kept walking. I had to get back home!
  • mistylnc
    mistylnc Posts: 44 Member
    I did w1d3 outdoors. With a hills. And pushing a stroller. It kicked my butt.

    But I finished it and kept walking. I had to get back home!

    LOL! Congrats! I finished W1D3 Friday and feel so accomplished! Can't wait to start next week!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I did W3D2 yesterday after taking 2 days off. The first 3-minute run was a struggle the last minute, but I think that's because I was also going up a slight hill. I found the second 3-minute to be much easier to get through.

    It sounds like everyone is doing fantastic! Keep it going!
  • joleejo216
    Finished week 1, going to start with week 2 tomorrow! Am hurting a little bit from arthritis in my knee, but not unbearable. Taking Advil and icing it...that is helping so far. Will that get better as I get stronger and keep losing weight?