I got answers if YOU got questions!



  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,440 Member
    Now who would disagree with that!! Love it, Thanks.

    Fill your brain with some dopamine in the morning to help u feel good for the day ahead!

    Thanks I agree!
  • LivinBest_Life
    LivinBest_Life Posts: 28 Member
    donsenna wrote: »
    Hey all. I'm new, 7 days on the App. I am a 41-year-old man living in South Africa. I do Crossfit 3/4 times a week and eat below, or right on my calorie goal every day. I have given up all alcohol, but I must say, I am seeing centimeters drop off the waistline but no kgs. I often feel rather tired during the day despite getting to bed early every night. Any thoughts?

    Hi Donsenna, my thoughts are: Do you get enough sleep?

    We are all different but a big cause of the body storing fat is stress. Cortisol is released in the body when we are stressed and some of us - a lot, lets face it are under stress bc of work, the lives we lead etc, it is everywhere. So if you are under stress your body wont be absorbing and processing your food as well as if you weren't under stress and so therefore it stores more bodyfat - usually around your mid section. Fight or flight...

    In the days of the caveman we ate when we were hungry and could actually find food and didn't "graze" all day long like many of us do with Macca's, Supermarkets, 7 elevens, the abundance of food available all around us. Our bodies need a rest.....


    *Get good sleep, at least 7-8 1/2hrs - between the hours of 10pm and 1am each hour of sleep for the body at these times is worth 2 hours sleep - Take magnesium before you go to sleep - up to 2 hours before if u want and this will help you wake fresher among many more health benefits - more than 70% of people are deficient in this

    *Gut health - we are what we absorb! Include in your diets foods that encourage "Good Gut Health" such as fermented foods - sauerkraut, greek yoghurt, fibrous foods - whole vegetables, fruits, garlic, sourdough bread etc
    A probiotic supplement may benefit you too

    *Intermittent Fasting - Give your stomach a rest to catch up! This is a great way to appreciate hunger and for your body to relax and reset. Maybe do some research here, but you can do it however you like and this will help with your belly fat. You might want to eat for say a 10 or 12 hour window during the day. Say your first meal is at 7am and under a 12 hour window you have your last meal at 7pm and then you eat nothing until morning again. But drink water.
    Then if you want to be hardcore you take a day during the week randomly and you fast for the entire day.....

    * Water - the first thing that should go in your mouth in the morning, at least 500mls - 2 cups, even with a little vinegar - I mean 50,000 Japanese cant be wrong, in a study of more than 50,000 Japanese who were over 100 years of age it is reported that they drank water when they first woke in the morning.....

    * Drinking water in the morning will set you up for the day boosting your metabolism up to 30% !

    There are sooooo many more hacks, but these are some easy ones to adopt that will help with belly fat. There will be skeptics on here but this is all scientific research so it is pretty accurate.

    Best of luck and sorry it is so long. I post hacks on my page so FR me if you want to see them and join in.
  • donsenna
    donsenna Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Snickerscharlie. A month.
  • donsenna
    donsenna Posts: 6 Member
    LivingBest_life thank you. I usually go to bed at 21:00 and am asleep by 22:00. I get up at 5:30 am, however, I have a young daughter and she usually disturbs my sleep for about and hour or so on and off during the night. I normally have a glass or tow of water first thing along with an espresso coffee, no sugar. Then a do an hour of Crossfit, get home, have a 92 calorie health bar. At 10 am I have a 54 calorie protein snack. I also have two cappuccinos with no sugar. At lunch, I have whatever, a mix of protein, some veg, and starch. Dinner is usually protein with salad and starch. I drink about 3 litres of water a day. I take a multivitamin, vitam d3 and iron supplement.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    donsenna wrote: »
    Hey Snickerscharlie. A month.

    How are you measuring your caloric intake? Are you using a food scale? If not, I can highly recommend getting one. Best 20 bucks you'll ever spend on yourself!

    There are lots of things that can be affecting your lack of results. Here's a chart to help you sort through it. Your answer is in there, I promise! :)


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    donsenna wrote: »
    Hey all. I'm new, 7 days on the App. I am a 41-year-old man living in South Africa. I do Crossfit 3/4 times a week and eat below, or right on my calorie goal every day. I have given up all alcohol, but I must say, I am seeing centimeters drop off the waistline but no kgs. I often feel rather tired during the day despite getting to bed early every night. Any thoughts?

    How much total weight do you want to lose? If you don't have much to lose and the workout effort or frequency is new this month, your muscles might be retaining some water.

    Take a look at your month of days logged and do a gut check - Are you calculating your serving size carefully? Are you double checking that the database entries you are choosing have the correct calories. Are you logging everything? It's not always what we want to hear, but 99% of the time, it's a logging issue. It simply takes most of us some practice to be able to be really honest and exact about what we're consuming.


    Good luck!
  • emeraldeyes2020
    emeraldeyes2020 Posts: 231 Member
    Me too! Any tips for keeping my bp up ?
  • LivinBest_Life
    LivinBest_Life Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for all of the feedback, appreciate everyone's opinions.

    I certainly am not a salesman and selling anything.....just new here and want to connect and share.
    I haven't cut and pasted anything, I do daily everything I mention and it works for me.

    My intentions are good to help people to share knowledge, yes one day something is right then the next it can be proven to be wrong. I am just sharing here. Apologies if I have offended anyone or misrepresented my ideas in any ways to upset people.....

    Best of luck and thanks for the positive criticisms and as @snickerscharlie mentioned absolutely seek the opinion of a medical practitioner before taking any supplements.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    In the days of the caveman we ate when we were hungry and could actually find food and didn't "graze" all day long like many of us do with Macca's, Supermarkets, 7 elevens, the abundance of food available all around us. Our bodies need a rest.....

    I'd like to see the scientific research on this one please :), both on when our ancestors ate, and the food scarcity you seem to be implying.

    Also, I'm offended on behalf of my Palaeolithic ancestors at the use of the term 'caveman'.

    So am I!

    half of them were women. ;)

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    donsenna wrote: »


    *Get good sleep, at least 7-8 1/2hrs - between the hours of 10pm and 1am each hour of sleep for the body at these times is worth 2 hours sleep - Take magnesium before you go to sleep - up to 2 hours before if u want and this will help you wake fresher among many more health benefits - more than 70% of people are deficient in this

    *Gut health - we are what we absorb! Include in your diets foods that encourage "Good Gut Health" such as fermented foods - sauerkraut, greek yoghurt, fibrous foods - whole vegetables, fruits, garlic, sourdough bread etc
    A probiotic supplement may benefit you too

    *Intermittent Fasting - Give your stomach a rest to catch up! This is a great way to appreciate hunger and for your body to relax and reset. Maybe do some research here, but you can do it however you like and this will help with your belly fat. You might want to eat for say a 10 or 12 hour window during the day. Say your first meal is at 7am and under a 12 hour window you have your last meal at 7pm and then you eat nothing until morning again. But drink water.
    Then if you want to be hardcore you take a day during the week randomly and you fast for the entire day.....

    * Water - the first thing that should go in your mouth in the morning, at least 500mls - 2 cups, even with a little vinegar - I mean 50,000 Japanese cant be wrong, in a study of more than 50,000 Japanese who were over 100 years of age it is reported that they drank water when they first woke in the morning.....

    * Drinking water in the morning will set you up for the day boosting your metabolism up to 30% !

    There are sooooo many more hacks, but these are some easy ones to adopt that will help with belly fat. There will be skeptics on here but this is all scientific research so it is pretty accurate.

    Best of luck and sorry it is so long. I post hacks on my page so FR me if you want to see them and join in.

    I am always wary of claims like NEW HEALTH HACKS!
    Mainly because most good advice for living will not be new - stick to boring advice like
    1. Dont smoke,
    2. dont drink alcohol to excess,
    3. follow a balanced diet using guidelines such as the one your govt provides,
    4. keep weight to a healthy level (for almost everyone this will be in or very close to standard BMI ranges)
    5. do some physical excercise most days (the Aust govt defines this as minimum half hour of walking 5 days out of 7 - the walking does not have to be continuous eg I walk 15 minutes to work and 15 minutes back)
    6. have regular health checks as recomended eg pap smears, mammograms, FOBT's,
    7. have immunisations as recomended

    But I do not claim any of that as new or as paperpudding originals.

    paprerpudding n=1 as follows.

    I never take magnesium.
    I sleep for around 7 hours most nights but almost never asleep before 10 pm (also have occasional weekend afternoon nap)
    I eat a general balanced diet, including fruit, veg every day but sourbread, garlic, sourkraut only occasionally. I do not like greek yoghert
    I do not do any form of IF nor do I intend to
    I drink water - but not 500ml first thing in the morning
    and I highly doubt this would boost my metabolism by 30% - why do I need it boosted by 30% anyway??
    I also highly doubt the ONLY difference between the 50,000 Japanese and me was this water habit. Genetics and location are different for starters since I am not of Japanese descent nor do I live in Japan.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    In the days of the caveman we ate when we were hungry and could actually find food and didn't "graze" all day long like many of us do with Macca's, Supermarkets, 7 elevens, the abundance of food available all around us. Our bodies need a rest.....

    I'd like to see the scientific research on this one please :), both on when our ancestors ate, and the food scarcity you seem to be implying.

    Also, I'm offended on behalf of my Palaeolithic ancestors at the use of the term 'caveman'.

    So am I!

    half of them were women. ;)

    And didn't all live in caves, and those that did utilise caves (they are, after all, a handy ready made shelter) didn't live in them year round.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    In the days of the caveman we ate when we were hungry and could actually find food and didn't "graze" all day long like many of us do with Macca's, Supermarkets, 7 elevens, the abundance of food available all around us. Our bodies need a rest.....

    I'd like to see the scientific research on this one please :), both on when our ancestors ate, and the food scarcity you seem to be implying.

    Also, I'm offended on behalf of my Palaeolithic ancestors at the use of the term 'caveman'.

    So am I!

    half of them were women. ;)

    And didn't all live in caves, and those that did utilise caves (they are, after all, a handy ready made shelter) didn't live in them year round.

    yes i know. ;)

    was just facetious comment picking up on sexism of "caveman" B)