Looking for more vegans and vegetarians. . . . .



  • how do you add people ?
  • I just add hemp milk to my favorite protein, life Basis Plant protein, it has Pea, Hemp Rice with Chia seeds. It's
    129 cal
    1g fat
    2g fiber
    22 g protein
    Omega 3 200 mg
    Omega 6 550 mg
    Omega 9 150mg

    I think the stuff is fabulous
  • I did the Clean cleanse, it was amazing and made me feel great. It's at http://my.cleanprogram.com/ Wonderful!
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    Add me, fellow veggies!

    Been vegetarian since I was 3 years old (the age at which I figured out what meat was, and freaked out!)

    I cook largely clean, and almost always from scratch and I'm always very, very happy to share recipes!

  • I'd love to hear some of your recipes. That is my biggest problem, I get bored with the recipes I have.
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    I am a vegetarian too. Add Me if you like
  • cmsiemsen
    cmsiemsen Posts: 78 Member
    Newly vegan here! (previously a vegetarian for four years). Feel free to add me
  • alaw1119
    alaw1119 Posts: 68 Member
    vegetarian here :]
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    You can add me. I'm vegan - almost two years! :^)
  • loubabes1
    loubabes1 Posts: 19 Member
    This is day 10 of being a veggie :-)
  • Hi All!
    I'm currently vegetarian and just started reading "The China Study." I also really enjoyed "The Kind Diet." Both opened my eyes to a Vegan diet more than anything else I've read of heard. All the dairy I buy is organic and local, so I thought that was good enough! I knew the farms, farmers and where my dairy came from. Safe, humane, healthy... right!? I'm not done with The China Study yet, but its really opened my eyes to the health risks of too much casien.

    Like most vegies, I for sure LOVE my cheese! Ditto for the luscious golden egg (ummm, that's why I'm here!) But after reading that 78% of cancer inducing protein was found only in casien, I'm thinking I should give Veganism a serious go.

    My husband and teenage son are omnivorous. Although super supportive of my vegetarianism, I think veganism would be pushing them too far. I tried a few recipes from The Kind Diet and we all agreed that they were good. Let's face it though, food is a major way to socialize and I don't want to be like, "I CAN'T EAT THERE!" Every time something social comes up.

    How do you vegans handle the social aspect? Are your partners and kids vegan too? If not, is it really hard?

    THANKS! :bigsmile:
  • Vegetarian :)
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hi! I am a vegetarian. I have been for awhile and my husband has been one for a year now. My children eat mostly vegetarian. I am letting them decide, so if they want to eat meat when we are out to dinner or with family gatherings so be it.
  • vegan for a month. vegetarian for four and a half years. <3
  • Vegan :D
  • Care563
    Care563 Posts: 61 Member
    Vegan here, for about 2 1/2 years. I love food and can't believe all the great food I am eating. I read the book "skinny *****" and stopped eating animals instantly. I feel great but was indulging in too many calories per day. I came on MFP to retrain me to portion control and get back to exercising.
  • MotivateMeg
    MotivateMeg Posts: 110 Member
    Vegetarian for a year and going strong! I have a good friend that is Vegan and I would like to look more into it.
  • Hi! I just signed up today. I have been a vegetarian for about 22 years.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    'm a vegetarian that wants to be vegan but doesn't have the will power to give up cheese and yogurt. I've managed to cut out all other animal products and have at least reduced my cheese and yogurt but can't seem to give them up all the way.
  • Hello, I would like some vegan and vegetarian friends as well :-)

    I keep it totally vegan at home, but when I go out or am invited to eat at someone's house, I'll eat vegetarian.

    Cheeeeeeeeese is sometimes my undoing, especially when eating out. I'm pretty good about it most times, but if the place is just not vegan-friendly, I'll go for the cheese.